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Version complète: jsB@nk » Calcul » Calculatrice » Calculatrice avancée
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/advanced-calculator.html

Calculatrice avancée © JavaScriptBank.comIl s'agit d'une très forte la recherche avancée Calculateur de code effectuées à l'aide JavaScript et HTML.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Calcul » Calculatrice » Calculatrice avancée
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/advanced-calculator.html

<SCRIPT>LastOper     = '';TempVal      = 0;NewNum       = 'Y';Memval       = 0;Dotused      = "N";Curroption   = 4;Maxoption    = 19;FirstinXonY  = '';Statelements = [0];n            = 0;Ave          = 0;Max          = 1.1111111234;Min          = 1.1111111234;Dummymaxmin  = 1.1111111234;Sum          = 0;additionalfunctions = ["x^2", "2^x", "x^y", "x^3", " n!  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                  myWindow.document.write("<TR><TD><B>Ave</B></TD><TD>: ", Ave, "</TD></TR>");                   myWindow.document.write("<TR><TD><B>Max</B></TD><TD>: ", Max, "</TD></TR>");                   myWindow.document.write("<TR><TD><B>Min</B></TD><TD>: ", Min, "</TD></TR>");                   myWindow.document.write("</TABLE>");                   myWindow.document.write(" <BR><INPUT TYPE='SUBMIT' VALUE='OK' onClick='window.close()'</FORM>\n</CENTER>");                   myWindow.document.write("</BODY></HTML>");                   myWindow.document.close();                 }                 else                 {                   myWindow = window.open("", "newwin", "toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,copyhistory=0,width=200,height=180,left=400,top=300");                   myWindow.document.open();                   myWindow.document.write("<HTML><HEAD>");                   myWindow.document.write("<TITLE> No Statistics</TITLE>");                   myWindow.document.write("</HEAD><FORM><BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF TEXT=BLACK>\n<CENTER>");                   myWindow.document.write("<U><B>No Statistics</B></U><BR><BR>You did not add any item<BR>to the statistics<BR>To add items, use The<BR>'Add' Button");                   myWindow.document.write("<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE='SUBMIT' VALUE='OK' onClick='window.close()'</FORM></CENTER>");                   myWindow.document.write("</BODY></HTML>");                   myWindow.document.close();                 }                }  NewNum = 'Y';}     function SQRT(){  document.calc.Results.value = sqrt( document.calc.Results.value);  NewNum = "Y";  document.calc.EQ.focus();}function Percent(){  document.calc.Results.value *= TempVal / 100;  Dotused = "N";  NewNum = "Y";  document.calc.EQ.focus();} function Oper(OP){  if (LastOper == "+")  {     num1 = document.calc.Results.value;     Command = eval ("'+' + num1 +  '+' + TempVal");     document.calc.Results.value= eval (Command);  }      if (LastOper == "-")  {     num1 = document.calc.Results.value;     Command = "(document.calc.Results.value = TempVal - num1)"; 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