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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Màu nền » Màu chuyển đổi tuần tự
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/color-phaser.html

Màu chuyển đổi tuần tự © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng làm cho màu của chữ và nền trang web thay đổi liên tục theo kiểu tăng/giảm tuần tự các giá trị mã màu, khi muốn xem mã màu của chúng bạn hãy nhấp vào liên kết tương ứng.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Màu nền » Màu chuyển đổi tuần tự
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/color-phaser.html

<script language="javascript">/*     This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com     Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com*/// <-- hide script from browservar redmax = 255;    // the maximum red value that should be displayedvar redmin = 0;      // the maximum red value that should be displayedvar greenmax = 255;  // the maximum green value that should be displayedvar greenmin = 0;    // the minimum green value that should be displayedvar bluemax = 255;   // the maximum blue value that should be displayedvar bluemin = 0;     // the minimum blue value that should be displayedvar changespeed = 0; // how fast you want the color to change// error proofing values;if (redmax > 255) redmax = 255;if (greenmax > 255) greenmax = 255;if (bluemax > 255) bluemax = 255;if (redmin < 0) redmin = 0;if (greenmin < 0) greenmin = 0;if (bluemin < 0) bluemin = 0;if (redmin > redmax) redmin = redmax;if (greenmin > greenmax) greenmin = greenmax;if (bluemin > bluemax) bluemin = bluemax;if (changespeed < 0) changespeed = 0;// loading initial variables and valuesvar stoploop = 0;var rednum = redmax + 1;var greennum = greenmax + 1;var bluenum = bluemax + 1;var redchng = -1;var greenchng = -1;var bluechng = -1;var reddir = 0;var greendir = 0;var bluedir = 0;// randomizing initial color relative to given max and minswhile (rednum == redmax + 1) {rednum = Math.floor(Math.random()*(redmax-redmin+1)+redmin);}while (greennum == greenmax + 1) {greennum = Math.floor(Math.random()*(greenmax-greenmin+1)+greenmin);}while (bluenum == bluemax + 1) {bluenum = Math.floor(Math.random()*(bluemax-bluemin)+bluemin+1);}// creating a valid hex code for the background color;hexcolor = (rednum * 256 + greennum) * 256 + bluenum;outhex = hexcolor.toString(16);while (outhex.length < 6) outhex = "0"+outhex;outhex = "#"+outhex;// function run after loading to store the new background color,// create and store the text color, and begin the random color loopfunction loadInit() {document.bgColor = outhex;hexcolor = 16777215 - hexcolor;outhex = hexcolor.toString(16);while (outhex.length < 6) outhex = "0"+outhex;outhex = "#"+outhex;document.body.text = outhex;document.linkColor = outhex;document.alinkColor = outhex;document.vlinkColor = outhex;randColor();}function randColor() {// calculate which direction change will happen in and for how long// calulate RED if no further changing would happenif (redchng < 0) {reddir = 3;while (reddir == 3) {reddir = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);if ((reddir == 0) && (rednum == redmin)) reddir = 3;if ((reddir == 2) && (redmax == rednum)) reddir = 3;}if (reddir == 0) while ((redchng == rednum - redmin + 1) || (redchng < 1)) redchng = Math.floor(Math.random() * (rednum - redmin) + 1);if (reddir == 2) while ((redchng == redmax - rednum + 1) || (redchng < 1)) redchng = Math.floor(Math.random() * (redmax - rednum) + 1);}// calulate GREEN if no further changing would happenif (greenchng < 0) {greendir = 3;while (greendir == 3) {greendir = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);if ((greendir == 0) && (greennum == greenmin)) greendir = 3;if ((greendir == 2) && (greenmax == greennum)) greendir = 3;}if (greendir == 0) while ((greenchng == greennum - greenmin + 1) || (greenchng < 1)) greenchng = Math.floor(Math.random() * (greennum - greenmin) + 1);if (greendir == 2) while ((greenchng == greenmax - greennum + 1) || (greenchng < 1)) greenchng = Math.floor(Math.random() * (greenmax - greennum) + 1);}// calulate BLUE if no further changing would happenif (bluechng < 0) {bluedir = 3;while (bluedir == 3) {bluedir = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);if ((bluedir == 0) && (bluenum == bluemin)) bluedir = 3;if ((bluedir == 2) && (bluemax == bluenum)) bluedir = 3;}if (bluedir == 0) while ((bluechng == bluenum - bluemin + 1) || (bluechng < 1)) bluechng = Math.floor(Math.random() * (bluenum - bluemin) + 1);if (bluedir == 2) while ((bluechng == bluemax - bluenum + 1) || (bluechng <1 )) bluechng = Math.floor(Math.random() * (bluemax - bluenum) + 1);}// change color values in their given directions if further change requiredif (redchng > 0) rednum = rednum + reddir - 1;redchng = redchng - 1;if (greenchng > 0) greennum = greennum + greendir - 1;greenchng = greenchng - 1;if (bluechng > 0) bluenum = bluenum + bluedir - 1;bluechng = bluechng - 1;// create valid hex code from colors and store to backgroundhexcolor = (rednum * 256 + greennum) * 256 + bluenum;outhex = hexcolor.toString(16);while (outhex.length < 6) outhex = "0"+outhex;outhex = "#"+outhex;document.bgColor = outhex;// create inverse of the hex code and store to text & linkshexcolor = 16777215 - hexcolor;outhex = hexcolor.toString(16);while (outhex.length < 6) outhex = "0"+outhex;outhex = "#"+outhex;document.body.text = outhex;document.linkColor = outhex;document.alinkColor = outhex;document.vlinkColor = outhex;// repeat the color loop if variable stop = 0if (stoploop == 0) setTimeout("randColor();",changespeed);}// function used to start the color loop if it isn't already goingfunction startColor() {if (stoploop != 0) {stoploop = 0;setTimeout("randColor();",changespeed)}}// function used to stop the color loopfunction stopColor() {stoploop = 1;}// finish hiding script --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onload=loadInit();><P><BUTTON onclick=javascript:startColor()>START</BUTTON> &nbsp;<BUTTON onclick=javascript:stopColor()>STOP</BUTTON><P><A href="javascript:alert(document.bgColor);">View background color</A><P><A href="javascript:alert(document.body.text);">View foreground color</A> <B></FONT></B></P></B></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->