
Tips For Maintaining Cyber Security Practices In Your Law Firms Everyone on the globe is well aware of the technological advancements. No profession has remained untouched with this. Even the legal profession has seen various changes in its mode of operating because of the changes in technology.

Legal profession's mode of operation has seen a drastic change in past few years. Manual work is now automated by using various technological devices, software, etc. Everyone in this profession from lawyers to judges is changing their way of working. Lawyers are using word processing software for making and editing documents.

�tiquette: technological devices, mobile devices, restrict capabilities, password protection

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E-filing is done for documents in the courts. Various instruments such as presentation software, etc. are used in the court rooms also. The government is also using electronic means to keep track of all information.

According to Jonathan Rosenfeld of Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers, a litigation law firm in Chicago, "there really is exposure on the part of law firms who don't take cyber security seriously. By having access to clients' personal information, the legal community needs to appreciate the impact that this could have on the individual if not properly safeguarded."

But, it is to be considered here that with the benefits of technology, there are various threats also. Of course, technology has machines and not human brains. So, there are more chances of cybercrimes. Special attention needs to be paid to reduce the cyber threats and crimes. Following are some tips on how cyber security can be maintained.


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There are many cases reported by lawyers complaining about the theft of their desktops and laptops. All confidential information had been stored in those stolen devices. To avoid any mis-happening in such cases, maintain a backup plan of all the information. Using backup, all the information can be restored to a new device.

Mobile devices

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Always carry required important information in portable mobile devices. This can be a game saver when you instantly need information at some point in time and you don't have to rush back to your office. Also, mobile computing can be used and your mobile device can be plugged into your laptop to transfer and encrypt all the information.

Restrict capabilities

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There are many people working in any law firm and anyone can misuse his authority and access any confidential information. Thus, decisions like delegation of authority must be made with due diligence. The capabilities of various persons working in the organization must be restricted.

Password protection

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Secure passwords must be used on every system that contains any confidential information. Also, the passwords must be changed from time to time as these decreases the chances of password leakage. Password protection programs and software must be installed in the computers to further increase the security level.


Encryption is the easiest way to protect the documents and maintain their privacy. Encrypted documents can be opened and read by only the person to whom it is sent. Codes are used to decrypt an encrypted document.

Cyber Security

Adequate cyber security steps should be taken to maintain cyber security. Installing virus-scanners are one of the basics steps of cyber security, Trojan viruses are the most dangerous viruses which when entered into the system, reduces the efficiency, and damage the files and programs.


Using two-factor authentication is a popular and effective way to protect the security of accounts. Accounts must be authenticated by pass codes and these codes should be maintained confidentially.

The use of technology comes with great advantages, but cyber security must be kept in mind before implementing technology. The carelessness in maintains cyber security can cause a lot of trouble to the firm and if the information is leaked externally, criminal liability can also arise in such cases.


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