Lastest JavaScripts: MooTools Lastest JavaScripts: MooTools en Copyright (C) 60 RSS Simulate Awesome Flash Horizontal Navigation with MooTools <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />A very great <a href="">JavaScript code example</a> to simulate Flash effects in this script: the users move mouse pointer to the edges of content div then all remaining content will slide out for your view. Please go to the inner page for live demo of this cool JavaScript-MooTools code example and full detailed instructions, documentation. 1305265695 Colours-on-Page Displaying with MooTools <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />When users click a specified button, this JavaScript code example will get colours of all HTML elements with the predefined color attributes then fill those colours into many tiny rectangles. The author built this <a href="" title="JavaScript color picker">JavaScript color picker</a> with the idea to offer visitors color of any HTML element without researching the source code of web pages. Try more JavaScript code examples on jsB@nk for picking the colors if you're needing something like that: - <a href="">Tigra Color Picker</a> - <a href="">Milonic DHTML Color Picker</a> - <a href="">JSwitch Color Picker</a> - <a href="">HTML Color Picker 1.0</a> 1304923118 Nice AJAX Effects for Messages Box using MooTools <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />This is very simple <a href="" title="JavaScript code example">JavaScript code example</a> but it can create an amazing message box effect with AJAX operations, bases on JavaScript MooTools framework. In live demo of this JavaScript code example, the <a href=" message box" title="JavaScript message box">JavaScript message box</a> shall be called through AJAX every time users click "Save" button then it'll disappear by blur effect after all jobs are done. Full JavaScript source codes, CSS source codes and detailed instructions, documentation are within live demo of this <a href=" message box">AJAX message box</a>, please go for it or try to enjoy more JavaScript MooTools effects below: - <a href="">Super Awesome and Amazing MooTools Site Examples</a> - <a href="">JavaScript DHTML Dock Carousel Using Mootools</a> 1303798834 JavaScript DHTML Dock Carousel Using Mootools <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />This is an awesome <a href="/javascript/menu/navigation/">navigation menu</a> with an unique and eye-catching design, operated by the <a href="/javascript/framework/">famous JavaScript framework</a>, designed for the animations: <a href="/javascript/framework/mootools/">MooTools</a>. This navigation menu has the layout and features similar to <i>DockBar</i> in Mac OS: - The icons will be enlarged when you move the <a href="/javascript/mouse/">cursor pointer</a> over it. - And shrink when the cursor pointer leaves. - Scrolling and <a href="/en+title=fading">fading</a> features applied when you click for going to next icons. - The animation/motion effects are quite smooth when running. 1279095251 MooTools: a Compact JavaScript Framework <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />MooTools is a compact, modular, <a href="/=Object Oriented JavaScript">Object-Oriented JavaScript</a> framework designed for the intermediate to advanced <a href="/">JavaScript developer</a>. It allows you to write powerful, flexible, and cross-browser code with its elegant, well documented, and coherent API. 1253186047