Lastest JavaScripts: Frame Lastest JavaScripts: Frame en Copyright (C) 60 RSS Vertical Framed Scroller <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />There is a bug in Netscape 4.x which causes the page to <a href="/javascript/scroller/">scroll</a> unpredicatably using the window.scrollTo() method when there are both horizontal and vertical <a href="/javascript/browser/scrollbar/">scrollbar</a> present. Therefore, this <a href="/javascript/">JavaScript</a> is designed not to function nor will the arrows even appear in Netscape 4.x browsers (but does function correctly in Netscape 6.x browsers). 1170115685 Horizontal Framed Scroller <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />There is a bug in Netscape 4.x which causes the page to <a href="/javascript/scroller/">scroll</a> unpredicatably using the window.scrollTo() method when there are both horizontal and vertical <a href="/javascript/browser/scrollbar/">scrollbar</a> present. Therefore, this <a href="/javascript/">JavaScript</a> is designed not to function nor will the arrows even appear in Netscape 4.x browsers (but does function correctly in Netscape 6.x browsers). 1170115684 Pass Textbox <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />Copies the text in a box in the left <a href="/javascript/browser/frame/">frame</a> into a box in the right <a href="/javascript/browser/frame/">frame</a> when the <a href="/javascript/form/button/">button</a> is clicked. A clever way to pass values in frames. 1170115413 Frame Communication Demo 2 <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />This <a href="/javascript/">JavaScript</a> creates the <a href="/javascript/browser/frame/">frames</a> <a href="/javascript/link/">JavaScript link</a> together. 1170115391 Scrolling Iframe Content Horizontally <img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />This effect will <a href="/javascript/scroller/">scroll</a> content of layer when visitors move mouse on specified arrow images. 1170115381