How-to: Standard DateTime Format patterns for PowerShell:

Format pattern Description
d ShortDate pattern e.g. Get-Date -format "d" ➞ 2023-03-29 (this will vary by culture/locale)
D LongDate pattern ➞ 29 March 2023 (this will vary by culture/locale)
f Full date and time (long date and short time) ➞ 29 March 2023 18:40 (this will vary by culture/locale)
F FullDateTime pattern (long date and long time) ➞ 29 March 2023 18:40:22 (this will vary by culture/locale)
g General (short date and short time) ➞ 2023-03-29 18:40 (this will vary by culture/locale)
G General (short date and long time) ➞ 2023-03-29 18:40:22 (this will vary by culture/locale)
m, M MonthDay Pattern ➞ 29 March (this will vary by culture/locale)
o, O Round-trip date/time pattern; with this format pattern, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture. ➞ 2023-03-29T18:40:22.6658990+01:00
r, R RFC1123 pattern; with this format pattern, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture. ➞ Wed, 29 Mar 2023 18:40:22 GMT
s SortableDateTime pattern (based on ISO 8601) using local time; with this format pattern, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture. ➞ 2023-03-29T18:40:22
t ShortTime Pattern ➞ 18:40 (this will vary by culture/locale)
T LongTime Pattern ➞ 18:40:22 (this will vary by culture/locale)
u UniversalSortableDateTime pattern using the format for universal time display; with this format pattern, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture.➞ 2023-03-29 18:40:22
U Full date and time (long date and long time) using universal time.➞ 29 March 2023 17:40:22 (this will vary by culture/locale)
y, Y YearMonth pattern ➞ March 2023 (this will vary by culture/locale)

The Regional and Language options settings in Control Panel will influence the result string produced by formatting which includes any non-culture invariant format specifiers. In other words, within a known culture/locale users may change the date/time formatting to be non-standard for that locale.

Custom DateTime format patterns:

Format pattern Description
d, %d The day of the month. Single-digit days do not have a leading zero ➞ 9.
If the format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "d" alone, then the application will apply the standard ShortDate Pattern. ➞ 2023-03-29 (which will vary by culture/locale)
dd The day of the month. Single-digit days have a leading zero. ➞ 09
ddd The abbreviated name of the day of the week, (culture-specific string).
dddd The full name of the day of the week, (culture-specific string).
f, %fThe fraction of a second in single-digit precision: tenths of a second. The remaining digits are truncated.
If the format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "f" alone, then the application will apply the standard Full date and time Pattern. ➞ 29 March 2023 18:40:22 (which will vary by culture/locale)
ff The fraction of a second in Double-digit precision: hundredths of a second. The remaining digits are truncated.
fff The fraction of a second in Three-digit precision: milliseconds. The remaining digits are truncated.
ffff The fraction of a second in Four-digit precision: ten thousandths of a second. The remaining digits are truncated.
fffff The fraction of a second in Five-digit precision: hundred thousandths of a second. The remaining digits are truncated.
ffffff The fraction of a second in Six-digit precision: millionths of a second. The remaining digits are truncated.
fffffff The fraction of a second in Seven-digit precision: ten millionths of a second. The remaining digits are truncated.
F, %FDisplays the most significant digit of the seconds fraction: tenths of a second. Nothing is displayed if the digit is zero.
If this format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "F" alone, then the application will apply the standard FullDateTime pattern. ➞ 29 March 2023 18:40:22 (which will vary by culture/locale)
FF Displays the Two most significant digits of the seconds fraction: hundredths of a second. However, trailing zeros, or two zero digits, are not displayed.
FFF Displays the Three most significant digits of the seconds fraction: milliseconds. However, trailing zeros, or three zero digits, are not displayed.
FFFF Displays the Four most significant digits of the seconds fraction: ten thousandths of a second. However, trailing zeros, or four zero digits, are not displayed.
FFFFF Displays the Five most significant digits of the seconds fraction: hundred thousandths of a second. However, trailing zeros, or five zero digits, are not displayed.
FFFFFF Displays the Six most significant digits of the seconds fraction: millionths of a second. However, trailing zeros, or six zero digits, are not displayed.
FFFFFFF Displays the Seven most significant digits of the seconds fraction: ten millionths of a second. However, trailing zeros, or seven zero digits, are not displayed.
ggThe period or era. This pattern is ignored if the date to be formatted does not have an associated period or era string.
h, %hThe hour in a 12-hour clock. Single-digit hours do not have a leading zero. If this format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "h" alone, then the application will throw an error.
hh The hour in a 12-hour clock. Single-digit hours have a leading zero. ➞ 02
H, %H The hour in a 24-hour clock. Single-digit hours do not have a leading zero. If this format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "H" alone, then the application will throw an error.
HH The hour in a 24-hour clock. Single-digit hours have a leading zero. ➞ 14
K Time zone offset from Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) ➞ +01:00
For a UTC time the result string includes a "Z" character to represent a UTC date.
m, %m The minute, from 0 through 59. Single-digit minutes do not have a leading zero. ➞ 40
If this format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "m" alone, then the application will apply the standard MonthDay Pattern ➞ 29 March (which will vary by culture/locale)
mmThe minute. Single-digit minutes have a leading zero. ➞ 40
M, %MThe numeric month. Single-digit months do not have a leading zero. ➞ 3
If this format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "M" alone, then the application will apply the standard MonthDay Pattern ➞ 29 March (which will vary by culture/locale)
MMThe numeric month. Single-digit months have a leading zero. ➞ 03
MMM The abbreviated name of the month ➞ Mar
MMMM The full name of the month ➞ March
s, %sThe second. Single-digit seconds do not have a leading zero. ➞ 22
If this format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "s" alone, then the application will apply the standard SortableDateTime Pattern ➞ 2023-03-29T18:40:22
ssThe second. Single-digit seconds have a leading zero. ➞ 22
t, %tThe first character in the AM/PM designator, if any. ➞ P
If this format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "t" alone, then the application will apply the standard ShortTime Pattern ➞ 18:40
ttThe AM/PM designator ("ante meridiem" (before noon) or "post meridiem" (after noon)), if any.
Your application should use this format pattern for languages for which it is necessary to maintain the distinction between AM and PM. An example is Japanese, for which the AM and PM designators differ in the second character instead of the first character.
y, %yThe year without the century. If the year without the century is less than 10, the year is displayed with no leading zero. ➞ 23
If this format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "y" alone, then the application will apply the standard YearMonth pattern ➞ March 2023 (which will vary by culture/locale)
yyThe year without the century. If the year without the century is less than 10, the year is displayed with a leading zero.
yyyThe year in three digits. If the year is less than 100, the year is displayed with a leading zero.
yyyyThe year in four or five digits (depending on the calendar used), including the century. Pads with leading zeros to get four digits. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars have five-digit years. Users selecting the "yyyy" pattern see all five digits without leading zeros for calendars that have five digits. Exception: the Japanese and Taiwan calendars always behave as if "yy" is selected.
yyyyyThe year in five digits. Pads with leading zeros to get five digits. Exception: the Japanese and Taiwan calendars always behave as if "yy" is selected.
yyyyyyThe year in six digits. Pads with leading zeros to get six digits. Exception: the Japanese and Taiwan calendars always behave as if "yy" is selected. The pattern can be continued with a longer string of "y"s padding with more leading zeros.
z, %zThe time zone offset ("+" or "-" followed by the hour only). Single-digit hours do not have a leading zero. For example, Pacific Standard Time is "-8".
If this format pattern is not combined with other format patterns, just "z" alone, then the application will throw an error.
zzThe time zone offset ("+" or "-" followed by the hour only). Single-digit hours have a leading zero. For example, Pacific Standard Time is "-08".
zzzThe full time zone offset ("+" or "-" followed by the hour and minutes). Single-digit hours and minutes have leading zeros. For example, Pacific Standard Time is "-08:00".

When a single digit pattern is prefixed with % that will prevent any fall back to the standard DateTime patterns (in the first table) when the format pattern is not combined with other format patterns.

Default Separators

: The default time separator

/ The default date separator

To prevent a character from being interpreted as a format specifier, you can precede it with a backslash escape character (\).
Any other characters added to the format pattern will be copied to the result string unchanged. ➞ -format "\Hour H - Minu\te m"

Percent prefix

% c Where c is a format pattern if used alone. To use format pattern "d", "f", "F", "h", "m", "s", "t", "y", "z", "H", or "M" by itself, specify "%d", "%f", "%F", "%h", "%m", "%s", "%t", "%y", "%z", "%H", or "%M". The "%" character can be omitted if the format pattern is combined with literal characters or other format patterns.

Escape character

\c Where c is any character. Displays the character literally. To display the backslash character, use "\\".

ISO Standard dates

The function below can be used to return ISO date values.

Function DateToiso($Zeit) {
"Returns an array containing the ISO Year, Week and DayofWeek"
$DayofWeek = +$Zeit.DayofWeek
if ($DayofWeek -eq 0) { $DayofWeek = 7 }           # Mon=1..Sun=7
$Thursday = $Zeit.AddDays(4 - $DayofWeek)          # Go to nearest Thursday
$Week = 1+[Math]::Floor(($Thursday.DayOfYear-1)/7) # Adjusted seventh
$Year = $Thursday.Year         # Needed
$Year, $Week, $DayofWeek
} # Source Dr J R Stockton

“I never accepted the idea that I had to be guided by some pattern or blueprint” ~ Little Richard

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

DataTypes - PowerShell data types - casting data as a string/date/numeric.
Q307938 - Change Date and Time display y-M-d or yy-MM-dd or hh or HH (leading zeros/24 hour time)
Standard date and time notation - YYYY-MM-DD
Comparison operators -like, -lt, -gt, -eq, -ne, -match

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