
Display information about Windows PowerShell cmdlets and concepts.

      Get-Help [[-name] string] [-component string[]]
         [-functionality string[]]
            [-role string[]] [-category string[]]
               [ {-full | -detailed | -examples | -parameter string}]
                  [-Online] [-ShowWindow] [-Path string] [CommonParameters]
       Request help about string
       A cmdlet name, topic, alias, script or function name. Wildcards are permitted.
       e.g. -name Get-Member, -name "About_Object", -name "ls" 
       The "-Name" is optional.

       Display help for items in the specified category.
       Valid values:  Alias, Cmdlet, Provider, General, FAQ, Glossary, HelpFile, ScriptCommand, Function
                      Filter, ExternalScript, All, DefaultHelp, Workflow, DscResource, Class, Configuration
       Conceptual topics are in the HelpFile category.

       Display a list of cmdlets with the specified component value,
       such as "Exchange."

       Display additional information about a cmdlet, including
       descriptions of the parameters and examples of using
       the cmdlet. This parameter has no effect on displays
       of conceptual ("About_") help.

       Display examples of using the cmdlet.
       To display only the examples, type 
         "(get-help cmdlet-name).examples".

       Display the entire help file for a cmdlet, including
       technical information about the parameters.
       This parameter has no effect on displays of
       conceptual ("About_") help.

       Display help for cmdlets with the specified functionality.
       Wildcards are permitted.

       Display the online version of a help topic in the default Internet browser.
       This parameter is valid only for cmdlet, function, and script help topics.
       see Help about_Comment_Based_Help

       Display a detailed description of the specified parameter.
       These descriptions are included in the Full view of help.
       Wildcards are permitted.

   -Path string
       Get help that explains how the cmdlet works in the specified provider path.
       Enter a Windows PowerShell provider path.
       This parameter is effective only for help about a provider cmdlet and only when
       the provider includes a custom version of the provider cmdlet help topic.

       Go to the provider path location and enter Get-Help or, from any path location,
       use Get-Help -Path. For more information, see about_Providers.

   -role String
       Display help customized for the specified user role. 
       The role that the user plays in an organization.
       This parameter has no effect for the core cmdlets.

       Display the help text in a popup GUI window. (PowerShell 3.0+)

Standard Aliases for Get-Help: help


List of all help files in the PowerShell help system:

PS C:\> Get-Help *

Display detailed help for the Get-Childitem cmdlet by specifying one of its aliases, ls :

PS C:\> Get-Help ls -detailed

Display descriptions of the parameters of the Get-Childitem cmdlet that begin with "f" (filter and force):

PS C:\> Get-Help Get-ChildItem -parameter f*

To see descriptions of all parameters, type "get-help Get-ChildItem parameter*"

Display only the syntax of the write-object cmdlet:

PS C:\> (Get-Help write-object).syntax

Syntax is one of many properties of help objects; others are: description, details, examples, and parameters.

To find all properties and methods of help objects, type "Get-Help <cmdlet-name> | Get-Member", for example, "Get-Help Start-Service | Get-Member"

"Evangelise wherever you go, and, if necessary, use words” ~ St Francis of Assisi

Related PowerShell Cmdlets

Update-Help - Download and install the newest help files on your computer.
Get-Command - Retrieve basic information about a command.
Show-Command - Create PowerShell commands in a graphical command window.
Get-Member - Enumerate the properties of an object.
Equivalent bash command: man - Display helpful information about commands.

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