File and Volume specific commands, Hardlink management, Quota management, USN, Sparse file, Object ID and Reparse point management.

FSUTIL 8dot3name — Manage short (8.3) Filenames on the Local System
    Show the current setting for shortname behaviour:
    FSUTIL 8dot3name query
    Scan for affected registry entries:
    FSUTIL 8dot3name scan [/s] [/l log_file] [/v] DirectoryPath       
         /s  Recurse to subdirectories.
         /l  Log to file.
         /v  Verbose, output log to the console.

    Change the setting for shortname behaviour:
    FSUTIL 8dot3name set [0 through 3] [volume_Path] 1 | 0]

When a volume is not specified, this updates the registry.
registry path: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem (NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation)

          0 - Enable 8dot3 creation on all volumes
          1 - Disable 8dot3 creation on all volumes
          2 - Set 8dot3 creation on a per volume basis
          3 - Disable 8dot3 creation on all volumes other than the system volume.

When a volume is specified, this updates individual volume’s on disk flag..
This operation is only meaningful if the above registry value is set to 2.

          0 - Enable 8dot3 creation on this volume
          1 - Disable 8dot3 creation on this volume

          Eg :  fsutil 8dot3name set E: 1

    Remove the shortnames for all files within a directory:
    FSUTIL 8dot3name strip [/t] [/s] [/f] [/l log_file] [/v] DirectoryPath

This command will permanently remove 8dot3 filenames from a volume. Stripping will not be performed on any
files with full path names longer than the maximum path_length of 260 chars.

This command will also list any registry keys pointing to the stripped filenames but will not modify the affected registry keys.

**WARNING** If there are affected registry keys and you use the override switch /f it is recommended that you backup your volume as it may lead to unexpected application failures including the inability to uninstall.

          /t - Test mode, perform all operations except the actual stripping of filenames.
          /s - Recurse all subdirectories
          /f - Force, Strip the directory 8.3 filenames even if there are registry conflicts.
          /v - Verbose mode, output log to the console.
          /l - Specify an output log file, if not specified this will default
               to "%temp%\8dot3_removal_log@(GMT YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS)"

          Eg :  fsutil 8dot3name strip /t /l SS64.log /s D:\datafiles
FSUTIL behavior — View or set File system Behavior

View File system Behavior:

    FSUTIL behavior query option

Set File system Behavior:

    FSUTIL behavior set option

      Where option is one of:

       AllowExtChar {0|1}       Allow extended characters in filenames
       BugcheckOnCorrupt {0|1}  Enable bugcheck
       Disable8dot3 [volumePath] sfnNum
          sfnNum is between 0 and 3 
           0 = Create short file names (legacy setting).
           1 = don’t create short file names (default for new volumes). 
           2 = Set 8.3 names on a per volume basis.
           3 = Disable 8.3 names on all volumes except the system volume.

       DisableCompression {0|1} Disable compression
       DisableCompressionlimit {0|1} 
       DisableEncryption {0|1}  Disable encryption
       DisableDeleteNotify {0 | [NTFS|ReFS] 1} SSD TRIM Delete notifications for all volumes.
                                 TRIM will work only if your Solid State Drive supports it.
                                 0=TRIM enabled, 1=TRIM disabled.
       DisableFileMetadataOptimization {0|1|2|3} 0=Enable, 1=Disable   file metadata optimization.
                                                 2=Disable incremental file metadata optimization only.
                                                 3=Disable all file metadata optimization
       DisableLastAccess {0|1|2|3}  0=Enable last-access updates  1=Disable / Don’t generate last-access times,
                                    2=System managed Enabled      3=System managed Disabled.
                                    When system managed, it allows system policy to control this.
                                    Which may in turn be overridden by Group Policy.
                                    This parameter can affect programs such as Backup and Remote Storage.
       DisableSpotCorruptionHandling {0|1}   Disable (1) or Enable spot corruption handling.
                                             This feature allows system administrators to run CHKDSK to analyze the state
                                             of a volume without taking it offline. We do not recommend disabling this feature.
       disabletxf {1|0}
       DisableWriteAutoTiering [voumePath 0|1]   1=Disable ReFS v2 auto tiering logic for tiered volumes.
       EncryptPagingfile {0|1}  Encrypt or do not encrypt the memory paging file.
       MemoryUsage {1|2}        Paged-pool memory cache, 1=default
       MftZone {1|2|3|4}        Set MFT Zone, multiple of 200MB from 1 (default is 200 MB) to 4 (maximum is 800 MB).
       QuotaNotify NumSeconds   Log quota violations, default=3600 seconds
       SymlinkEvaluation L2L:{0|1}    Local to local symbolic links
       SymlinkEvaluation L2R:{0|1}    Local to remote symbolic links
       SymlinkEvaluation R2R:{0|1}    Remote to local symbolic links
       SymlinkEvaluation R2L:{0|1}    Remote to remote symbolic links

       1 = Set the option to True/On/Enable.
       0 = Set the option to False/Off/Disable.

       Eg :  fsutil behavior set Disable8dot3 1
             fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1

The NTFS last access time attribute can affect performance on very busy drives, if you disable it, the time set will be the Creation Time.

With 8.3 filennames disabled you’ll notice a performance improvement only with a large number of files (over 300,000) in relatively few folders where a lot of the filenames start with similar names. Not having 8.3 filenames available will prevent the use of old applications such as Word 2.0 and Excel 4.0

If you have a lot of small files, you might need a larger Master File Table to avoid MFT fragmentation:
FSUTIL behavior set mftzone 2 will reserve approximately twice the space for the MFT.
The exact ratios for each setting are undocumented because they are not standardized and may change in future releases.
Pre Windows 7 the following ratios were used:
1 = 12.5 % (default)
2 = 25%
3 = 37.5%
4 = 50%

This won’t affect existing disk partitions, after changing the mftzone size, reboot the machine and create a new partition.

Increasing the MFT zone does not decrease the disk space available for data files.

FSUTIL dirty — Mark a File system as dirty to invoke Chkdsk
    Query the dirty bit for a volume:
    FSUTIL dirty query volume [pathname]

    Mark a file system as dirty:
    FSUTIL dirty set volume [pathname]

    Marking a disk as dirty will prompt a Chkdsk at next boot
    Eg :  fsutil dirty query C:
FSUTIL file — File operations

Create a new file of a specific size:

    FSUTIL file createnew filename length

    Eg : fsutil file createnew C:\testfile.txt 1000

Find a file by user name / sAMAccountName (only if Disk Quotas are enabled):

    FSUTIL file findbysid user directory

    Eg : fsutil file findbysid scottb C:\users

Perform an immediate compaction of the metadata for a given file.

    FSUTIL file optimizemetadata [/A] filename
       /a : Analyze file metadata before and after optimization.

    Eg : fsutil file optimizemetadata C:\largefragmentedfile.txt

Query the allocated ranges for a file:

    FSUTIL file queryallocranges offset=val length=val filename

    offset : File Offset, the start of the range to query
    length : Size, in bytes, of the range

    Eg :  fsutil file queryallocranges offset=1024 length=64 C:\Temp\sample.txt

Queries extents for a file:

    FSUTIL file queryextents [/R] filename [startingvcn [numvcns]]

Query the file ID of a file:

    FSUTIL file queryFileid filename

Display a random link name for the file ID (in most cases the file ID will only have one link name):

    FSUTIL file queryFileNamebyid volume fileID

Perform an immediate compaction of the metadata for a given file:

    FSUTIL file queryoptimizemetadata [/A] filename

Query the valid data length for a file:

    FSUTIL file queryvaliddata [/R] [/D] filename

Enable or disable Linux style Case Sensitivity support to a folder (Windows 10 1803+)
Prior to 1803, this option required 'Windows Subsystem for Linux' to be enabled.
Case sensitivity is not automatically inherited but must be applied to each folder.

    FSUTIL file SetCaseSensitiveInfo C:\folder\path enable
    FSUTIL file SetCaseSensitiveInfo C:\folder\path disable

Set the EOF of the given file:

    FSUTIL file seteof filename length

Set the short NTFS filename for a file:

    FSUTIL file setshortname filename ShortName

    Eg :  fsutil file setshortname C:\testfile.txt tes1.txt

Set the valid data length for a file:

    FSUTIL file setvaliddata filename datalength

    Eg :  fsutil file setvaliddata C:\testfile.txt 4096

Set the zero data for a file:

    FSUTIL file setzerodata offset=val length=val filename

    offset : File offset, the start of the range to set to zeroes
    length : Byte length of the zeroed range
        Eg :  fsutil file setzerodata offset=100 length=150 C:\Temp\sample.txt
FSUTIL fsinfo — Display filesystem information

List all drives (including mapped and Subst drives):

    FSUTIL fsinfo drives

Query drive type for a drive:

    FSUTIL fsinfo drivetype volume_pathname

    Eg :  fsutil fsinfo drivetype C:

    Script to list all drives on the local computer:
    @Echo off
    :: Store all the drive letters currently in use in a variable
    For /f "tokens=*" %%L in ('FSUTIL fsinfo drives') do (set _drives=%%L)
    :: Remove the first 8 characters - the 'Drives:' prefix 
    :: this may need to adjusted for other languages/locales
    Set _drives=%_drives:~8%
    :: Find and Display the drive type of each drive
    For %%D in (%_drives%) do (FSUTIL fsinfo drivetype %%D)

Query NTFS specific volume information:

    FSUTIL fsinfo ntfsinfo volume_pathname

    Eg :  fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo C:
         The cluster size of the disc is shown as 'Bytes Per Cluster' (default= 4K). 

Query information about the hardware's sector size and alignment:

    FSUTIL fsinfo sectorinfo volume_pathname

    Eg :  fsutil fsinfo sectorinfo C:

Query file system statistics:

    FSUTIL fsinfo statistics volume_pathname

    Eg :  fsutil fsinfo statistics C:

Query volume information:

    FSUTIL fsinfo volumeinfo volume_pathname

    Eg :  fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo C:\
FSUTIL hardlink — Manage hardlink(s)

List hardlink(s) for a file:

    FSUTIL hardlink list filename

Create hardlink(s) for a file:

    FSUTIL hardlink create New_filename Existing_filename

    newfilename	     The file that you want to create a hard link to.
    existingfilename The file that you want to create a hard link from.

    Eg :  fsutil hardlink create c:\foo.txt c:\bar.txt

    See also MKLINK
FSUTIL objectid — Edit an object identifier

Query or Edit an objectID. Deleting or setting an object identifier can result in the loss of data from portions of a file, up to and including entire volumes of data.

    FSUTIL objectid {create | delete | query } Filename

    FSUTIL objectid set ObjectID BirthvolumeID BirthobjectID DomainID Filename

    objectID	Set a file-specific 16 byte hexadecimal identifier that is guaranteed to be unique within a volume.
                The object identifier is used by the Distributed Link Tracking (DLT) Client service and
                the File Replication Service (FRS) to identify files.

    birthvolumeID	Indicates the volume on which the file was located when it first obtained an object
                        identifier. This value is a 16-byte hexadecimal identifier that is used by the DLT Client service.

    birthobjectID	Indicates the file's original object identifier (The objectID may change when a file is
                        moved). This value is a 16-byte hexadecimal identifier that is used by the DLT Client service.

    domainID	16-byte hexadecimal domain identifier.
                This value isn't currently used and must be set to all zeros.

   Deleting or setting an object identifier can also cause adverse behavior in the Distributed Link
   Tracking (DLT) Client service and File Replication Service (FRS).
FSUTIL quota — Quota Management

Query or edit the quota limits for a volume:

    FSUTIL quota {query | disable | track| enforce } volumepath
    FSUTIL quota violations
    FSUTIL quota modify volumepath Threshold Limit UserName
       disable	Disable quota tracking and enforcement on the specified volume.
       enforce	Enforce quota usage on the specified volume.
       modify	Modify an existing disk quota or creates a new quota.
       query	Lists existing disk quotas.
       track	Track disk usage on the specified volume.
       violations   Search the system and application logs and display a message to indicate that quota
                    violations have been detected or that a user has reached a quota threshold or quota limit.
       volumepath   Required. Specifies the drive name followed by a colon or the GUID in the format volume{GUID}.
       threshold   Set the limit (in bytes) at which warnings are issued.
       limit       Set the maximum allowed disk usage (in bytes). 
       username    Specifies the domain or user name.

       Eg : fsutil quota modify c: 3000 5000 domain\user
FSUTIL repair — Self healing management

Administer and monitor NTFS self-healing repair operations:

    FSUTIL repair query VolumePath

    Enumerate the entires of a volume's corruption log.
    FSUTIL repair enumerate VolumePath [LogName]

    Initiate NTFS self-healing
    FSUTIL repair initiate VolumePath file_ref#
       file_ref# : File reference including segment number of the file.

    Set the self-healing state of the volume
    FSUTIL repair set VolumePathflags
       Flags: 0x01 - Enable general repair
              0x09 - Warn about potential data loss
              0x10 - Disable general repair and bugcheck once on first corruption.

    Wait for repair(s) to complete
    FSUTIL repair wait [wait_type] VolumePath
       Wait types: 0 - Wait for all repairs (default)
                   1 - Wait for the current repair
FSUTIL reparsepoint — Query a reparse point

List reparse points, retrieve the reparse point data that is associated with the file or directory:

    FSUTIL reparsepoint query filename

    filename  The full path to the file including the file name and extension,

    Eg : fsutil reparsepoint query C:\documents\filename.txt

Delete a reparse point from the file or directory, but do not delete the file or directory:

    FSUTIL reparsepoint delete filename
    A common reason for long directory name problems is a Windows bug which creates a
    recursive reparsepoint for a directory called "Application Data\Application Data\"

    Eg : cd "\users\myacct\appdata\local\application data"
         fsutil reparsepoint delete "application data"
FSUTIL resource — Transactional Resource Manager

Create a Secondary Transactional Resource Manager, start or stop a Transactional Resource Manager:

    Create new:
    FSUTIL resource create RM_root_pathanme
    FSUTIL resource info RM_root_pathanme

    Specify whether a default Transactional Resource Manager will clean the transactional
    metadata on the next mount:
    FSUTIL resource setautoreset {true|false} RM_root_pathanme

    Prefer availability over consistency:
    FSUTIL resource setavailable RM_root_pathanme

    Prefer consistency over availability:
    FSUTIL resource setconsistent RM_root_pathanme

    FSUTIL resource setlog [growth {Containers containers | Percent percent} RmRootPathname]
             [maxextents Containers RmRootPathname]
                [minextents Containers RmRootPathname]
                   [mode {full|undo} RmRootPathname] [rename RmRootPathname]
                      [shrink Percent RmRootPathname] [size Containers RmRootPathname]

    FSUTIL resource start RM_root_pathanme RM_log_pathanme
    FSUTIL resource stop RM_root_pathanme RM_log_pathanme
    create   Create a secondary Transactional Resource Manager.
    rmrootpathname   Specify the full path to a Transactional Resource Manager root directory.
    info     Display the specified Transactional Resource Manager's information.
    setautoreset   Specify whether a default Transactional Resource Manager will clean
                   the transactional metadata on the next mount:
    defaultrmrootpathname	Specify the drive name followed by a colon.
    setavailable    Specify that a Transactional Resource Manager will prefer availability over consistency.
    setconsistent   Specify that a Transactional Resource Manager will prefer consistency over availability.
    setlog   Changes the characteristics of a Transactional Resource Manager that is already running.
    growth   Specify the amount by which the Transactional Resource Manager log can grow.
             The growth parameter can be specified as follows:

               Number of containers, using the format: containers containers
               Percentage, using the format: percent percent.

    containers   Specify the data objects that are used by the Transactional Resource Manager.

    maxextent	Specify the maximum number of containers for the specified Transactional Resource Manager.
    minextent   Specify the minimum number of containers for the specified Transactional Resource Manager.
    mode {full|undo}	Specify whether all transactions are logged ( full) or only rolled back events are logged (undo).
    rename   Change the GUID for the Transactional Resource Manager.
    shrink   Specify percentage by which the Transactional Resource Manager log can automatically decrease.
    size     Specify the size of the Transactional Resource Manager as a specified number of containers.
    start    Start the specified Transactional Resource Manager.
    stop     Stop the specified Transactional Resource Manager.

Set the log for the Transactional Resource Manager c:\test, to have an automatic growth of five containers:

fsutil resource setlog growth 5 containers c:test

Set the log for the Transactional Resource Manager c:\test, to have an automatic growth of two percent:

fsutil resource setlog growth 2 percent c:test

Specify that the default Transactional Resource Manager will clean the transactional metadata on the next mount on drive C:

fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\

FSUTIL sparse — Sparse files

Set sparse file properties:

    FSUTIL sparse queryflag filename
    FSUTIL sparse setflag filename

    FSUTIL sparse queryrange filename
    FSUTIL sparse setrange filename Beginning_offset Length

    queryflag  Query for sparse areas.
    queryrange Scan a file and searches for ranges that may contain nonzero data.
    setflag    Mark the indicated file as sparse.
    setrange   Fill a specified range of a file with zeros.
    filename   Specify the full path to the file including the file name and extension,
               for example C:\documents\filename.txt.
    beginningoffset  Specify the offset within the file to mark as sparse.
    length     Specify the length of the region in the file to be marked as sparse (in bytes).
    Eg : fsutil sparse queryflag "C:\My Test.txt"

Sparse files provide a method of saving disk space for files that contain meaningful data as well as large sections of data composed of zeros. If an NTFS file is marked as sparse, then disk clusters are allocated only for the data explicitly specified by the application.
e.g. The Indexing Service, stores its catalogs as sparse files.

FSUTIL tiering — Management storage tier functions

Manage storage tier functions, such as setting and disabling flags and listing of tiers:

    FSUTIL tiering clearflags volume flags
    FSUTIL tiering queryflags volume
    FSUTIL tiering regionlist volume
    FSUTIL tiering setflags volume flags
    FSUTIL tiering tierlist volume

    clearflags   Disable the tiering behavior flags of a volume.
    volume       Specify the volume.
    /trnh        For volumes with tiered storage, causes Heat gathering to be disabled.
                 Applies to NTFS and ReFS only.

    queryflags   Queries the tiering behavior flags of a volume.
    regionlist   Lists the tiered regions of a volume and their respective storage tiers.
    setflags     Enables the tiering behavior flags of a volume.
    tierlist     Lists the storage tiers associated with a volume.

    Query the flags on volume C:
    fsutil tiering queryflags C:

    Set the flags on volume C:
    fsutil tiering setflags C: /trnh

    Clear the flags on volume C:
    fsutil tiering clearflags C: /trnh

    List the tiers of volume C
    fsutil tiering tierlist C:
FSUTIL transaction — NTFS transactions

Manage NTFS transactions:

    FSUTIL transaction commit guid
    FSUTIL transaction fileinfo filename
    FSUTIL transaction list
    FSUTIL transaction query {files|all} guid
    FSUTIL transaction rollback guid
    commit     Mark the end of a successful implicit or explicit specified transaction.
    GUID       Specify the GUID value that represents a transaction.
    fileinfo   Displays transaction information for the specified file.
    filename   Specifies full path and file name.
    list       Display a list of currently running transactions.
    query      Display information for the specified transaction.
               If fsutil transaction query files is specified, the file information is displayed
               only for the specified transaction.
               If fsutil transaction query all is specified, all information for the transaction
               will be displayed.
    rollback   Roll back a specified transaction to the beginning.
FSUTIL usn — The Update Sequence Number (USN) change journal

Manage the update sequence number (USN) change journal. The USN change journal provides a persistent log of all changes made to files on the volume:

    FSUTIL usn createjournal m=maxSize a=AllocationDelta VolumePath
    FSUTIL usn deltejournal {/D | /N} VolumePath
       Deleting the change journal impacts the File Replication and the Indexing Service, it
       will require a complete (and time-consuming) scan of the volume. 
    FSUTIL usn enablerangetracking VolumePath [options]

    FSUTIL usn enumdata file_ref# lowUSN highUSN VolumePath
    FSUTIL usn queryjournal VolumePath
    FSUTIL usn readdata filename
    FSUTIL usn readjournal [c=ChunkSize s=FileSizeThreshold] VolumePath
    createjournal     Creates a USN change journal.
    m=maxsize	      Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, that NTFS allocates for the change journal.
    a=allocationdelta Specifies the size, in bytes, of memory allocation that is added to the end and
                      removed from the beginning of the change journal.
    volumepath      Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon).
    deletejournal   Deletes or disables an active USN change journal.
                    CAUTION: Deleting the change journal impacts the File Replication Service (FRS) and the
                    Indexing Service,because it requires these services to perform a complete
                    (and time-consuming) scan of the volume.
                    This in turn negatively impacts FRS SYSVOL replication and replication between DFS link
                    alternates while the volume is being rescanned.

    /d	 Disables an active USN change journal, and returns input/output (I/O) control while the change
         journal is being disabled.
    /n	 Disables an active USN change journal and returns I/O control only after the change journal
         is disabled.
    enablerangetracking	    Enables USN write range tracking for a volume.
    c=chunk-size	    Specifies the chunk size to track on a volume.
    s=file-size-threshold  Specifies the file size threshold for range tracking.
    enumdata           Enumerates and lists the change journal entries between two specified boundaries.
    fileref     Specifies the ordinal position within the files on the volume at which the
                enumeration is to begin.
    lowUSN      Specifies the lower boundary of the range of USN values used to filter the records that
                are returned. Only records whose last change journal USN is between or equal to the lowUSN and
                highUSN member values are returned.
    highUSN	Specifies the upper boundary of the range of USN values used to filter the files that are returned.
    queryjournal    Queries a volume's USN data to gather information about the current change
                    journal, its records, and its capacity.
    readdata        Reads the USN data for a file.
    filename	    Specifies the full path to the file, including the file name and extension
                    For example: C:\documents\filename.txt.
    readjournal	    Reads the USN records in the USN journal.
    minver=number	Minimum Major Version of USN_RECORD to return. Default = 2.
    maxver=number	Maximum Major Version of USN_RECORD to return. Default = 4.
    startusn=USN number	USN to start reading the USN journal from. Default = 0.
FSUTIL volume — Volume management, Dismount or query free space

Dismount a volume, or query the hard drive to determine how much free space is currently available or which file is using a particular cluster:

    FSUTIL volume allocationreport VolumePath
    FSUTIL volume diskfree VolumePath
    FSUTIL volume dismount VolumePath
    FSUTIL volume filelayout VolumePath fileid
    FSUTIL volume list
    FSUTIL volume querycluster VolumePath cluster [cluster...]
    allocationreport Display information about how storage is used on a given volume.
    volumepath       Specify the drive letter (followed by a colon).
    diskfree         Query the hard disk drive to determine the amount of free space on it.
    dismount         Dismount a volume.
    filelayout   Display NTFS metadata for the given file.
    fileID       Specify the file id.
    list         List all of the volumes on the system.
    querycluster Find which file is using a specified cluster.
                 You can specify multiple clusters with the querycluster parameter.
    cluster      Specifies the logical cluster number (LCN).
FSUTIL wim — Windows Image (WIM)-backed files

Functions to discover and manage Windows Image (WIM)-backed files.:

    FSUTIL wim enumfiles DriveName DataSource
    FSUTIL wim enumwims DriveName
    FSUTIL wim queryfile Filename
    FSUTIL wim removewim DriveName DataSource

    enumfiles   Enumerate WIM backed files.
    DriveName   Specify the drive name.
    DataSource  Specify the data source.
    enumwims    Enumerate backing WIM files.
    queryfile   Query if the file is backed by WIM, and if so, display details about the WIM file.
    filename    Specify the filename.
    removewim   Removes a WIM from backing files.

To run FSUTIL, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group.


FSUTIL outputs a NULL character (not a space) after every drive specifier, this can cause difficulty when piping the output of fsutil into other commands (particularly FOR). The output from FSUTIL varies by OS see this forum thread for more detail.

Some features in FSUTIL are reported to not work correctly under FAT or FAT32 volumes e.g. FSUTIL dirty query.

“You can tune a file system, but you can’t tune a fish” ~ Sun man page for tunefs

Related commands

Q982018 - FSUTIL update - compatibility with Advanced Format Disks.
CACLS - Change file permissions.
CHKDSK - Check Disk - check and repair disk problems
CHKNTFS - Check the NTFS file system.
DevCon - Device Manager Command Line Utility.
DIRUSE - Display disk usage.
DISKSHADOW - Volume Shadow Copy Service.
MKLINK - Create a symbolic link (linkd)
PowerShell: New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink
PSINFO -d - Display drive information.
Q174619 - MFT How NTFS reserves space for its Master File Table.

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