Syntax highlighter for JavaScript


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Syntax highlighting JavaScript

This will syntax highlight JavaScript code. The highlighting is based on patterns, it will not test for valid JavaScript. Put your code into the box, and tell it to syntax highlight. It may take a little while to highlight large amounts of code, be patient and let it finish.

The output format is HTML - designed so that you can create a Web page displaying your code.

Highlight your code

Non keyword: { ( . ) } #000000 
Operators and controls: = new #0000f0
Functions and methods: submit() #aa00ff
Numbers and values: 23.44 false #990000
Variables: myVar #d56000
Strings: 'hfghd' #777777
Regular expressions: /\*\/[\w\W]*/g #8d7f07
Comments: /* multiline */ //single line#008080

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This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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