
Imprimer - Countdown Creator script - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Utilitaire » Générateur » Countdown Creator script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/countdown-creator-script.html

Countdown Creator script © JavaScriptBank.comNe vous inquiétez pas, pas plus sur la modification du code à la main, utilisez notre générateur de code! Remplissez la date que vous souhaitez à rebours et de cliquer sur le bouton Générer. Il suffit d'ajouter ce code à votre site, ou même de nous l'envoyer par la poste pour vous! Neat.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Utilitaire » Générateur » Countdown Creator script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/countdown-creator-script.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- Beginvar email = GetCookie('email_address');if (email == null) {email = 'your email here';}function getCookieVal (offset) {var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset);if (endstr == -1)endstr = document.cookie.length;return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));}function GetCookie (name) {var arg = name + "=";var alen = arg.length;var clen = document.cookie.length;var i = 0;while (i < clen) {var j = i + alen;if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg)return getCookieVal (j);i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;if (i == 0)break;}return null;}function SetCookie (name, value) {var argv = SetCookie.arguments;var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length;var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null;var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null;var domain = ".internet.com";// (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null;var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false;document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) +((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" +expires.toGMTString())) +((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) +((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) +((secure == true) ? "; secure" : "");}function checkCodeMail() {invalid = ""email = document.mail.user.value;code = document.mail.source.value;if (code == "") {invalid += "Before you can send your code to yourself you need to ";invalid += "follow the instructions above to output the code.  When "invalid += "the code has been generated, click \"Done\" to email it!\r\n\r\n";}if (email.indexOf("@")<1 || email == "your email here" || email == "") {invalid += "Invalid email address!  Be sure that in your email address ";invalid += "you included your Username, the '@' Sign, and the Domain Name.";}if (invalid == "") {doAd();return true;}else {alert(invalid);return false;}}function doAd() {pathname = location.pathname;myDomain = pathname.substring(0,pathname.lastIndexOf('/')) +'/';var largeExpDate = new Date ();largeExpDate.setTime(largeExpDate.getTime() + (24 * 3600 * 1000));SetCookie('email_address',email,largeExpDate,myDomain);page = "http://javascript.internet.com/sent.html?" + email;window.open(page, "AdWindow", "width=515,height=150");return true;}function uncode() {smut="&lt;";replacewords="< ";txt=document.mail.source2.value;tstx="";space=replacewords.indexOf(" ");wrd=replacewords.substring(0,space);wrdl=wrd.lengthreplacewords=replacewords.substring(space+1,replacewords.length);while (txt.indexOf(wrd)>-1){space=txt.indexOf(wrd);txt=txt.substring(0,space)+smut+txt.substring((space+wrdl),txt.length);}smut="&gt;";replacewords="> ";space=replacewords.indexOf(" ");wrd=replacewords.substring(0,space);wrdl=wrd.lengthreplacewords=replacewords.substring(space+1,replacewords.length);while (txt.indexOf(wrd)>-1){space=txt.indexOf(wrd);txt=txt.substring(0,space)+smut+txt.substring((space+wrdl),txt.length);}document.mail.source2.value=txt;}// End --></SCRIPT><!--  Now it's time for the *REAL* code generator to begin....  --><SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- This script and many more are available free online at --><!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com --><!--  Beginfunction generate(form){for (var q = 0; q < 12; q++) {if (document.me.m.options[document.me.m.selectedIndex].value == q) {var m2 = q+1}var txt = '<!-- THREE STEPS TO INSTALL DATE COUNTDOWN:\r\n\r\n'+ '   1.  Paste the first into the HEAD of your HTML document\r\n'+ '   2.  Code the OnLoad event handler into the BODY tag\r\n'+ '   3.  Add the last code into the BODY of your HTML document  -->\r\n\r\n'+ '<!-- STEP ONE: Copy this code into the HEAD of your HTML document  -->\r\n\r\n'+ '<HEAD>\r\n\r\n<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">\r\n\r\n'+ '<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->\r\n'+ '<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascriptbank.com -->\r\n\r\n'+ '<!-- Begin\r\n'+ 'var Temp2;\n'+ 'var timerID = null;\n'+ 'var timerRunning = false;\n'+ 'function arry() {\n'+ 'this.length = 12;\n'+ 'this[0] = 31;\n'+ 'this[1] = 28;\n'+ 'this[2] = 31;\n'+ 'this[3] = 30;\n'+ 'this[4] = 31;\n'+ 'this[5] = 30;\n'+ 'this[6] = 31;\n'+ 'this[7] = 31;\n'+ 'this[8] = 30;\n'+ 'this[9] = 31;\n'+ 'this[10] = 30;\n'+ 'this[11] = 31;\n'+ '}\n'+ 'var date = new arry();\n'+ '\n'+ 'function stopclock() {\n'+ 'if(timerRunning)\n'+ 'clearTimeout(timerID);\n'+ 'timerRunning = false;\n'+ '}\n'+ '\n'+ 'function startclock() {\n'+ 'stopclock();\n'+ 'showtime();\n'+ '}\n'+ '\n'+ 'function showtime() {\n'+ 'now = new Date();\n'+ 'var CurMonth = now.getMonth();\n'+ 'var CurDate = now.getDate();\n'+ 'var CurYear = now.getFullYear();\n'+ 'now = null;\n'+ 'if ('+document.me.d.options[document.me.d.selectedIndex].value+' < CurDate) {\n'+ 'CurDate -= date[CurMonth]; CurMonth++;\n'+ '}\n'+ 'if ('+document.me.m.options[document.me.m.selectedIndex].value+' < CurMonth) {\n'+ 'CurMonth -= 12; CurYear++;\n'+ '}\n'+ '\n'+ 'var Yearleft = '+document.me.y.options[document.me.y.selectedIndex].value+' - CurYear;\n'+ 'var Monthleft = '+document.me.m.options[document.me.m.selectedIndex].value+' - CurMonth;\n'+ 'var Dateleft = '+document.me.d.options[document.me.d.selectedIndex].value+' - CurDate;\n'+ '\n'+ 'document.dateform.a.value = Yearleft;\n'+ 'document.dateform.b.value = Monthleft;\n'+ 'document.dateform.c.value = Dateleft;\n'+ '\n'+ 'timerID = setTimeout("showtime()",1000);\n'+ 'timerRunning = true;\n'+ '}\n'+ '/\/ End -->\r\n<\/script>\r\n'+ '<\/H'+'EAD>\r\n\r\n'+ '<!-- STEP TWO: Add the OnLoad event handler to the BODY tag  -->\r\n\r\n'+ '<BO' + 'DY Onload="startclock()">\r\n\r\n'+ '<!-- STEP THREE: Insert this code into the BODY of your HTML document  -->\r\n\r\n'+ '<form name=dateform>Only \n'+ '<input type=text name=a size=2 value=""> years, \n'+ '<input type=text name=b size=2 value=""> months, and \n'+ '<input type=text name=c size=2 value=""> days left until '+ m2+'/'+document.me.d.options[document.me.d.selectedIndex].value+'/'+ document.me.y.options[document.me.y.selectedIndex].value+'</fo'+'rm>\r\n\r\n'+ '<'+'!-- Script Size:  1.95 KB  --'+'>';}document.mail.source.value=txt;document.mail.source2.value=txt;uncode();}// End --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<FORM name=me><SELECT name=m> <OPTION value=0 selected>January<OPTION         value=1>February<OPTION value=2>March<OPTION value=3>April<OPTION         value=4>May<OPTION value=5>June<OPTION value=6>July<OPTION         value=7>August<OPTION value=8>September<OPTION value=9>October<OPTION         value=10>November<OPTION value=11>December</OPTION></SELECT> <SELECT       name=d> <OPTION value=1 selected>1<OPTION value=2>2<OPTION         value=3>3<OPTION value=4>4<OPTION value=5>5<OPTION value=6>6<OPTION         value=7>7<OPTION value=8>8<OPTION value=9>9<OPTION value=10>10<OPTION         value=11>11<OPTION value=12>12<OPTION value=13>13<OPTION         value=14>14<OPTION value=15>15<OPTION value=16>16<OPTION         value=17>17<OPTION value=18>18<OPTION value=19>19<OPTION         value=20>20<OPTION value=21>21<OPTION value=22>22<OPTION         value=23>23<OPTION value=24>24<OPTION value=25>25<OPTION         value=26>26<OPTION value=27>27<OPTION value=28>28<OPTION         value=29>29<OPTION value=30>30<OPTION value=31>31</OPTION></SELECT>       <SELECT name=y> <OPTION value=1999 selected>1999<OPTION         value=2000>2000<OPTION value=2001>2001<OPTION value=2002>2002<OPTION         value=2003>2003<OPTION value=2004>2004<OPTION value=2005>2005<OPTION         value=2006>2006<OPTION value=2007>2007<OPTION value=2008>2008<OPTION         value=2009>2009</OPTION></SELECT> <BR><INPUT onclick=generate() type=button value="Generate Code">       </FORM></CENTER>      <CENTER>      <FORM name=mail onsubmit="return checkCodeMail()"       action=/cgi-bin/code-mail.cgi method=post><INPUT type=hidden       value="Countdown Creator" name=scriptname>       <TABLE cellPadding=4 width=400 bgColor=#dedfdf border=2>        <TBODY>        <TR>          <TD             align=middle><TEXTAREA name=source rows=12 cols=80></TEXTAREA><BR><INPUT             type=hidden name=source2></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->