Advance Downloading Speed Calculator

Add this JavaScript into your website for checking download speed, it will estimate the necessary time to dowload a file with several different download speeds, connection types and internet speeds, speed bandwidths. Very easy to customize and use, check download speed. Try it now!

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Estimated File Download Times

Enter the file size of your document in the box below, then select KB, MB or GB.

Connection Type Estimated Time to Download
Dial-Up Access 28.8 Kb hr. min. sec.
56 Kb hr. min. sec.
DSL Access
Broadband Cable Access
128 Kb hr. min. sec.
256 Kb hr. min. sec.
512 Kb hr. min. sec.
Wireless/Satellite Access 600 Kb hr. min. sec.
Govt./Business Access
High Speed Access
T1 hr. min. sec.
T3 hr. min. sec.

Please note that the speed may vary due to server's capacity and set-up, current Internet traffic, the viewer's hardware or operating system, or the amount of people sharing the line (dial-up and cable) at the time of connection.