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The RGB Color Calculator This JavaScript is a color choosing tool on the web page.

Category: Utility

Merlin Wizard This JavaScript imitates a helping agent from Microsoft name Merlin on your web page.

Category: 3D

Inner Solar System This JavaScript itimates the solar system with Sun, Mars, Venus and Earth lively. Additionally, this JavaScript code also display data about the planets: radius, mass,...

Category: 3D

Color Tester The effect allows user to choose color for objects as link, text, background...with color list.

Category: Utility

Background Image Swapper This JavaScript automatically rotates through a set of background-images similar to a slideshow. Add as many background-images as you like. Great trick to animate your background. Easy configuration of swapping-speed and background-image.

Category: Background

Floating Uncovering Background Animation You can make no sense of this strange script name? Don't worry! Run the script and you will discover a new way to bring your background alive with just one image and almost zero configuration! You may add as many images as you like.

Category: Background

Colour Sampler This is a helpful script for testing the legibility of specific colour combinations while designing web pages. This JavaScript allows users to select a background colour for the web page and place text in different colour, size, and typeface combinations on top of it thus enabling them to instantly check various colour schemes. This is a timesaving tool for web designers.

Category: Utility

Snowmaker Are you dreaming of a white christmas? Install this ultimate snowing-script and put your visitors in the right mood for Christmas.

No images required. Easy configuration of snowtype, number of snowflakes, snowing-zone, speed and colors. IE5x/6x, NS6x/7x, Opera 7x.

Category: Background

Gradient Background Fader with multicolors This JavaScript creates a smooth and stunning gradient background animation between selectable colors or random colors.

Category: Background

Color Changer with Chart This JavaScript helps you identify exactly what color you want by clicking the color lines.

Category: Background
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