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Word Count This JavaScript will count words.

Category: Calculation

Add image User can add specified images in website by clicking link.

Category: Image

Message Transformer script Transform your text messages in a variety of ways, such as into 'all caps', 'pig Latin', or even 'encrypted form', using this fun script!

Category: Text

Hit The Dot How many dots do you think you can hit in 30 seconds? Play this interesting JavaScript game and find out.

Category: Game

Letter Magnet Letter Magnet pulls the letters of your messages together until they form a neat line of text. You may add as many messages as you like. Easy configuration of font-attributes.

Category: Text, Animation

Search Menu This JavaScript creates a search internal JavaScript menu in the web page.

Category: Menu, Navigation

Dots Make more boxes than the computer to win this interactive JavaScript game.

Category: Game

Bomber Use keyboard to play it.

Category: Game

Text Wheel Spectacular way to welcome your visitors. Text Wheel rotate your messages like a wheel in the middle of your webpage. You may add as many messages as you like. Easy configuration of font, font-size, font-color and font-weight.

Category: Text, Animation

Functions in Javascript – part I This JavaScript article shows some simple concepts about the function in the JavaScript programming language.
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