
Print - Current Date & Time (Long) - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Time » Clock » Current Date & Time (Long)
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/current-date-time-long.html

Current Date & Time (Long) © JavaScriptBank.comThis is the somewhat longer way to put the current date & time on your page. It writes in a longer date and time format than the previous date & time script. The script is also longer....

Full version: jsB@nk » Time » Clock » Current Date & Time (Long)
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/current-date-time-long.html

<script language="JavaScript">var day="";var month="";var myweekday="";var year="";newdate = new Date();mydate = new Date();dston =  new Date('April 4, 1999 2:59:59');dstoff = new Date('october 31, 1999 2:59:59');var myzone = newdate.getTimezoneOffset();newtime=newdate.getTime();var zone = 6;  // references your time zoneif (newdate > dston && newdate < dstoff ) {zonea = zone - 1 ;dst = "  Pacific Daylight Savings Time";}else {zonea = zone ; dst = "  Pacific Standard Time";}var newzone = (zonea*60*60*1000);newtimea = newtime+(myzone*60*1000)-newzone;mydate.setTime(newtimea);myday = mydate.getDay();mymonth = mydate.getMonth();myweekday= mydate.getDate();myyear= mydate.getYear();year = myyear;if (year < 2000)    // Y2K Fix, Isaac Powellyear = year + 1900;myhours = mydate.getHours();if (myhours >= 12) {myhours = (myhours == 12) ? 12 : myhours - 12; mm = " PM";}else {myhours = (myhours == 0) ? 12 : myhours; mm = " AM";}myminutes = mydate.getMinutes();if (myminutes < 10){mytime = ":0" + myminutes;}else {mytime = ":" + myminutes;};arday = new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday")armonth = new Array("January ","February ","March ","April ","May ","June ","July ","August ","September ", "October ","November ","December ")ardate = new Array("0th","1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th","8th","9th","10th","11th","12th","13th","14th","15th","16th","17th","18th","19th","20th","21st","22nd","23rd","24th","25th","26th","27th","28th","29th","30th","31st");// rename locale as needed.var time = ("In Dallas, Texas, it is: " + myhours + mytime+ mm + ", " + arday[myday] +", " + armonth[mymonth] +" "+ardate[myweekday] + ", " + year+", " + dst +".");document.write(time);</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->