
Print - Clock Dash script - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Time » Clock » Clock Dash script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/clock-dash-script.html

Clock Dash script © JavaScriptBank.comUses JavaScript and DHTML to display an elegant clock dashboard with eight time zones.Looks good in the footer of a web page.Tested in MSIE.

Full version: jsB@nk » Time » Clock » Clock Dash script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/clock-dash-script.html

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Beginvar timerID ;function tzone(tz, os, ds, cl){this.ct = new Date(0) ;// datetimethis.tz = tz ;// codethis.os = os ;// GMT offsetthis.ds = ds ;// has daylight savingsthis.cl = cl ;// font color}function UpdateClocks(){var ct = new Array(new tzone('SFO: ', -8, 1, 'lime'),new tzone('TYO: ', +9, 0, 'violet'),new tzone('HKG: ', +8, 0, 'cyan'),new tzone('BKK: ', +7, 0, 'yellow'),new tzone('NYC: ', -5, 1, '#FFAA00'),new tzone('LON: ',  0, 1, 'silver'),new tzone('SVO: ', +3, 0, 'pink'),new tzone('KTM: ', +5.75, 0, 'red')) ;var dt = new Date() ;// [GMT] time according to machine clockvar startDST = new Date(dt.getFullYear(), 3, 1) ;while (startDST.getDay() != 0)startDST.setDate(startDST.getDate() + 1) ;var endDST = new Date(dt.getFullYear(), 9, 31) ;while (endDST.getDay() != 0)endDST.setDate(endDST.getDate() - 1) ;var ds_active ;// DS currently activeif (startDST < dt && dt < endDST)ds_active = 1 ;elseds_active = 0 ;// Adjust each clock offset if that clock has DS and in DS.for(n=0 ; n<ct.length ; n++)if (ct[n].ds == 1 && ds_active == 1) ct[n].os++ ;// compensate time zonesgmdt = new Date() ;for (n=0 ; n<ct.length ; n++)ct[n].ct = new Date(gmdt.getTime() + ct[n].os * 3600 * 1000) ;document.all.Clock0.innerHTML ='<font color="' + ct[0].cl + '">' + ct[0].tz + ClockString(ct[0].ct) + '</font>' ;document.all.Clock1.innerHTML ='<font color="' + ct[1].cl + '">' + ct[1].tz + ClockString(ct[1].ct) + '</font>' ;document.all.Clock2.innerHTML ='<font color="' + ct[2].cl + '">' + ct[2].tz + ClockString(ct[2].ct) + '</font>' ;document.all.Clock3.innerHTML ='<font color="' + ct[3].cl + '">' + ct[3].tz + ClockString(ct[3].ct) + '</font>' ;document.all.Clock4.innerHTML ='<font color="' + ct[4].cl + '">' + ct[4].tz + ClockString(ct[4].ct) + '</font>' ;document.all.Clock5.innerHTML ='<font color="' + ct[5].cl + '">' + ct[5].tz + ClockString(ct[5].ct) + '</font>' ;document.all.Clock6.innerHTML ='<font color="' + ct[6].cl + '">' + ct[6].tz + ClockString(ct[6].ct) + '</font>' ;document.all.Clock7.innerHTML ='<font color="' + ct[7].cl + '">' + ct[7].tz + ClockString(ct[7].ct) + '</font>' ;timerID = window.setTimeout("UpdateClocks()", 1001) ;}function ClockString(dt){var stemp, ampm ;var dt_year = dt.getUTCFullYear() ;var dt_month = dt.getUTCMonth() + 1 ;var dt_day = dt.getUTCDate() ;var dt_hour = dt.getUTCHours() ;var dt_minute = dt.getUTCMinutes() ;var dt_second = dt.getUTCSeconds() ;dt_year = dt_year.toString() ;if (0 <= dt_hour && dt_hour < 12){ampm = 'AM' ;if (dt_hour == 0) dt_hour = 12 ;} else {ampm = 'PM' ;dt_hour = dt_hour - 12 ;if (dt_hour == 0) dt_hour = 12 ;}if (dt_minute < 10)dt_minute = '0' + dt_minute ;if (dt_second < 10)dt_second = '0' + dt_second ;stemp = dt_month + '/' + dt_day + '/' + dt_year.substr(2,2) ;stemp = stemp + ' ' + dt_hour + ":" + dt_minute + ":" + dt_second + ' ' + ampm ;return stemp ;}//  End --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onLoad="UpdateClocks()"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">  <tr bgcolor="#000000" style="font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: x-small">    <td ID="Clock0" width="25%" >   </td>    <td ID="Clock1" width="25%" >   </td>    <td ID="Clock2" width="25%" >   </td>    <td ID="Clock3" width="25%" >   </td>  </tr>  <tr bgcolor="#000000" style="font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: x-small">    <td ID="Clock4" width="25%" >   </td>    <td ID="Clock5" width="25%" >   </td>    <td ID="Clock6" width="25%" >   </td>    <td ID="Clock7" width="25%" >   </td>  </tr></table></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->