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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Theo chiều đứng » Tạo tin tức cập nhật
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/dynamic-fader-script.html

Tạo tin tức cập nhật © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng tạo tin tức cập nhật bằng văn bản theo kiểu di chuyển từ trên xuống rồi mờ dần và biến mất.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Theo chiều đứng » Tạo tin tức cập nhật
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/dynamic-fader-script.html

<style TYPE="text/css"><!--.TextScrollStyle {visibility:hidden;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;padding:0;margin:0;width:100%;overflow:hidden;}--></style><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<script language="JavaScript1.2">/*Dynamic Fader Script (updated: 00/08/05)Created and submitted by Nicholas Poh (hwinmain@yahoo.com) to Dynamicdrive.comKey modifications by Dynamic Drive for stability/ efficiency in NSFor full source code, usage terms, and 100s more scripts, visit http://dynamicdrive.com*///1) Configure messages:var TS_message = new Array();             TS_message[0] = '<div align="left">Hello there</div>';       TS_message[1] = '<div align="left">Wow... hope you like it!</div>';TS_message[2] = '<div align="left">Presented by <A HREF="http://JavaScriptBank.com">JavaScriptBank.com</A></div>';//2) Configure fader width and colors:             var TS_scrollwidth=400      //configure fader widthvar TS_colorFG = 0x000000;// Text colorvar TS_colorBG = 0xFFFFFF;  //bgColor             // uncomment any value you wanted to change//var TS_ymax    = 50;// How many pixel to move//var TS_ystep   = 1;// 1 or -1 only (Scroll direction)//var TS_speed   = 2;// The smaller the value the faster//var TS_pause   = 100;// Pause time(milisecond) between messagesvar TS_fadestep= 20;// Steps to fade in and out             if (document.all)             document.write('<style>#containerarea{width:'+TS_scrollwidth+'}</style>')</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<DIV id="containerarea"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" name="textfader.js">// Dynamic Text Fader (1.20)// (Updated on 6/7/2000)// Script created by Nicholas Poh Tze Siang aka Programatix Copyright (c) 1999-2000// (hwinmain@yahoo.com)//Modified and Featured on http://www.dynamicdrive.com// Create a hex convertor array (Dex2Hex[])var hexbase= new Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F");var value=0;var Dec2Hex=new Array();for (x=0; x<16; x++){for (y=0; y<16; y++){Dec2Hex[value]= hexbase[x] + hexbase[y];value++;}}// Convert RGB colour to string basefunction RGB2STR(rgbcolor){return Dec2Hex[rgbcolor>>16] + Dec2Hex[(rgbcolor>>8)&0xFF] + Dec2Hex[rgbcolor&0xFF];}// Check the following variables to see if they exist. If not use default valueif (String(TS_colorFG)=="undefined") var TS_colorFG = 0x0000FF;// Text colorif (String(TS_colorBG)=="undefined") var TS_colorBG = 0xFFFFFF;// Background colorif (String(TS_ymax)   =="undefined") var TS_ymax    = 50;// How many pixel to moveif (String(TS_ystep)  =="undefined") var TS_ystep   = 1;// 1 or -1 only (Scroll direction)if (String(TS_speed)  =="undefined") var TS_speed   = 2;// The smaller the fasterif (String(TS_pause)  =="undefined") var TS_pause   = 600;// Pause time(milisecond) between messagesif (String(TS_fadestep)=="undefined") {var TS_fadestep = TS_ymax>>1;} else {if (TS_fadestep > (TS_ymax>>1)) TS_fadestep = TS_ymax>>1;}// check if user defined messages existif (String(TS_message)=="undefined") {// use the default messagesvar TS_message = new Array();TS_message[0] = 'Dynamic Text Fader 1.20';TS_message[1] = 'Code by Nicholas Poh Tze Siang aka Programatix';TS_message[2] = 'You can insert any HTML tag into the messages';TS_message[3] = 'Code downloaded from <A HREF="http://dynamicdrive.com">dynamicdrive.com</A>';}var TS_ypos    = 0;var TS_yposOrg = 0;var TS_color   = TS_colorBG;var TS_curMsg  = 0;// Calculate the difference between background and foreground colorvar half_TS_ymax = (TS_ymax)>>1var dfRed   = -((TS_colorBG>>16) - (TS_colorFG>>16)) / TS_fadestep;var dfGreen = -(((TS_colorBG>>8)&0xFF) - ((TS_colorFG>>8)&0xFF)) / TS_fadestep;var dfBlue  = -((TS_colorBG&0xFF) - (TS_colorFG&0xFF)) / TS_fadestep;var TS_opColor  = (dfRed<<16) + (dfGreen<<8) + (dfBlue);var timer;var TS;function UnloadMe(){clearTimeout(timer);}var isReadForNextText = 0;var isChangeText = 0;function ScrollText(currentstate){TS_ypos += TS_ystep;// Ready to change text?if (TS_ypos >= TS_ymax || TS_ypos <= 0)isChangeText = 1;elseisChangeText = 0;// Need to set the timer first so that it will go smoothlyif (isChangeText) {if (TS_pause < TS_speed)timer = setTimeout('ScrollText(0)', TS_speed);elsetimer = setTimeout('ScrollText(1)', TS_pause);} elsetimer = setTimeout('ScrollText(0)', TS_speed);// Change textif (isReadForNextText) {// For IE onlyTextScroll.innerHTML = TS_message[TS_curMsg];isReadForNextText = 0;}// Change the color of the textif (document.all) {// IETS.paddingTop = TS_ypos;TS.color = TS_color;} else if (document.layers) {// NetscapeTS.top = TS_ypos + TS_yposOrg;// Clip the textvar calc = (TS.top-TS_yposOrg) + TS.document.height - 20if (calc > TS_ymax) {TS.clip.bottom=(TS.document.height) - (calc-TS_ymax);} else {TS.clip.bottom=TS.document.height;}// Display the texttext  = '<SPAN CLASS="TextScrollStyle">' +'<FONT COLOR='+TS_colorFG+'>' +TS_message[TS_curMsg] +'</FONT></SPAN>';TS.backgroundColor = TS_colorBG;TS.backgroundColor = 'black';             if (currentstate==1){TS.document.write(text);TS.document.close();             }}if (TS_ypos < TS_fadestep || (TS_ymax - TS_ypos) < TS_fadestep) {TS_color += TS_opColor;}// Check to see if in the middle, if so, change colour directionif (TS_ypos == half_TS_ymax) TS_opColor *= -1;// Prepare for next text pleaseif (isChangeText) {TS_color = TS_colorBG;TS_opColor *= -1;if (TS_ystep > 0) {TS_ypos = 0;} else {TS_ypos = TS_ymax;}if (++TS_curMsg > TS_message.length-1) {TS_curMsg = 0;}// Change textif (document.all) {// IETextScroll.innerHTML = " ";TS.paddingTop = TS_ypos;isReadForNextText = 1;} else if (document.layers) {TS.document.write('');TS.document.close();TS.top = TS_ypos + TS_yposOrg;}}}function startani(){      if (document.layers)      document.TextScroll.visibility="show"      timer = setTimeout('ScrollText()', 1000)}function ScrollTextDisplay(){var navName=navigator.appName;var navVer=parseInt(navigator.appVersion)var fNetscape = 0;if (! ((navName=="Netscape" && navVer>=4) || (navName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" && navVer>=4)) ) {return;}if (navName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") {TS_speed = 20 + TS_speed;} else if (navName=="Netscape") {fNetscape=1;}document.write('<ILAYER NAME="TextScroll" CLASS="TextScrollStyle" WIDTH="'+TS_scrollwidth+'" HEIGHT=' + (TS_ymax+20) + ' BGCOLOR=' + RGB2STR(TS_colorBG) + ' VISIBILITY="hide">');document.write('<LAYER NAME="Content" WIDTH="'+TS_scrollwidth+'">');document.write('<SPAN ID="TextScroll" CLASS="TextScrollStyle">');if (fNetscape) document.write('<FONT COLOR='+TS_colorFG+'>');document.write(TS_message[0]);if (fNetscape) document.write('</FONT>');document.write('</SPAN>');document.write('</LAYER>');document.write('</ILAYER>');if (TS_ystep > 0) {TS_ypos = 0;} else {TS_ypos = TS_ymax;}if (document.all) {// IETS = TextScroll.style;} else if (document.layers) {// NetscapeTS = document.TextScroll.document.Content;TS_yposOrg = TS.top;}TS.height = TS_ymax+20;TS.color = TS_color;TS.visibility = "visible";TS.backgroundColor = TS_colorBG;window.onload=startaniwindow.onunload=UnloadMe;}ScrollTextDisplay()</SCRIPT></DIV><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->