
Imprimer - Moteurs de balayage de contenu - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Moteurs de balayage de contenu
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/crawling-content.html

Moteurs de balayage de contenu © JavaScriptBank.comCe code JavaScript ne pas utiliser Balise MARQUEE mais caractéristiques et les actions sont similaires à ce tag, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez faire une page de contenu que déplacer continuellement par les quatre directions, arrêter de passer la souris, ... Avec ce code, vous utilisez uniquement près de JavaScript afin d'installer un "MARQUEE" pour le contenu dynamique. Les contenus Web sont simplement définie comme normale HTML, contenue dans un élément DIV avec un ID unique attribut.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Moteurs de balayage de contenu
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/crawling-content.html

<script type="text/javascript" name="jsb_crawler.js">/*     This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com     Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com*//* Text and/or Image Crawler Script ©2009 John Davenport Scheuer   as first seen in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/   username: jscheuer1 - This Notice Must Remain for Legal Use   *////////////////// DO NOT EDIT /////////////////function marqueeInit(config){ if(!document.createElement) return; marqueeInit.ar.push(config); marqueeInit.run(config.uniqueid);}(function(){ if(!document.createElement) return; marqueeInit.ar = []; document.write('<style type="text/css">.marquee{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;}' + '#marq_kill_marg_bord{border:none!important;margin:0!important;}<\/style>'); var c = 0, tTRE = [new RegExp('^\\s*$'), new RegExp('^\\s*'), new RegExp('\\s*$')], req1 = {'position': 'relative', 'overflow': 'hidden'}, defaultconfig = {  style: { //default style object for marquee containers without configured style'margin': '0 auto'  },  direction: 'left',  inc: 2, //default speed - pixel increment for each iteration of a marquee's movement  mouse: 'pause' //default mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false) }, dash, ie = false, oldie = 0, ie5 = false, iever = 0;  /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if(@_jscript_version >= 5) ie = true; try{document.documentMode = 2000}catch(e){}; iever = Math.min(document.documentMode, navigator.appVersion.replace(/^.*MSIE (\d+\.\d+).*$/, '$1')); if(iever < 6)  oldie = 1; if(iever < 5.5){  Array.prototype.push = function(el){this[this.length] = el;};  ie5 = true;  dash = new RegExp('(-(.))');  String.prototype.encamel = function(s, m){   s = this;   while((m = s.match(dash)))    s = s.replace(m[1], m[2].toUpperCase());   return s;  }; } @end @*/ if(!ie5){  dash = new RegExp('-(.)', 'g');  function toHump(a, b){return b.toUpperCase();};  String.prototype.encamel = function(){return this.replace(dash, toHump);}; } if(ie && iever < 8){  marqueeInit.table = [];  window.attachEvent('onload', function(){   marqueeInit.OK = true;   for(var i = 0; i < marqueeInit.table.length; ++i)   marqueeInit.run(marqueeInit.table[i]);  }); }  function intable(el){  while((el = el.parentNode))   if(el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'table')    return true;   return false; }; marqueeInit.run = function(id){   if(ie && !marqueeInit.OK && iever < 8 && intable(document.getElementById(id))){    marqueeInit.table.push(id);    return;   }   if(!document.getElementById(id))    setTimeout(function(){marqueeInit.run(id);}, 300);   else    new Marq(c++, document.getElementById(id)); } function trimTags(tag){  var r = [], i = 0, e;  while((e = tag.firstChild) && e.nodeType == 3 && tTRE[0].test(e.nodeValue))   tag.removeChild(e);  while((e = tag.lastChild) && e.nodeType == 3 && tTRE[0].test(e.nodeValue))   tag.removeChild(e);  if((e = tag.firstChild) && e.nodeType == 3)   e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(tTRE[1], '');  if((e = tag.lastChild) && e.nodeType == 3)   e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(tTRE[2], '');  while((e = tag.firstChild))   r[i++] = tag.removeChild(e);  return r; } function Marq(c, tag){  var p, u, s, a, ims, ic, i, marqContent, cObj = this;  this.mq = marqueeInit.ar[c];  for (p in defaultconfig)   if((this.mq.hasOwnProperty && !this.mq.hasOwnProperty(p)) || (!this.mq.hasOwnProperty && !this.mq[p]))    this.mq[p] = defaultconfig[p];  this.mq.style.width = !this.mq.style.width || isNaN(parseInt(this.mq.style.width))? '100%' : this.mq.style.width;  if(!tag.getElementsByTagName('img')[0])   this.mq.style.height = !this.mq.style.height || isNaN(parseInt(this.mq.style.height))? tag.offsetHeight + 3 + 'px' : this.mq.style.height;  else   this.mq.style.height = !this.mq.style.height || isNaN(parseInt(this.mq.style.height))? 'auto' : this.mq.style.height;  u = this.mq.style.width.split(/\d/);  this.cw = this.mq.style.width? [parseInt(this.mq.style.width), u[u.length - 1]] : ['a'];  marqContent = trimTags(tag);  tag.className = tag.id = '';  tag.removeAttribute('class', 0);  tag.removeAttribute('id', 0);  if(ie)   tag.removeAttribute('className', 0);  tag.appendChild(tag.cloneNode(false));  tag.className = ['marquee', c].join('');  tag.style.overflow = 'hidden';  this.c = tag.firstChild;  this.c.appendChild(this.c.cloneNode(false));  this.c.style.visibility = 'hidden';  a = [[req1, this.c.style], [this.mq.style, this.c.style]];  for (i = a.length - 1; i > -1; --i)   for (p in a[i][0])    if((a[i][0].hasOwnProperty && a[i][0].hasOwnProperty(p)) || (!a[i][0].hasOwnProperty))     a[i][1][p.encamel()] = a[i][0][p];  this.m = this.c.firstChild;  if(this.mq.mouse == 'pause'){   this.c.onmouseover = function(){cObj.mq.stopped = true;};   this.c.onmouseout = function(){cObj.mq.stopped = false;};  }  this.m.style.position = 'absolute';  this.m.style.left = '-10000000px';  this.m.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';  if(ie5) this.c.firstChild.appendChild((this.m = document.createElement('nobr')));  if(!this.mq.noAddedSpace)   this.m.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\xa0'));  for(i = 0; marqContent[i]; ++i)   this.m.appendChild(marqContent[i]);  if(ie5) this.m = this.c.firstChild;  ims = this.m.getElementsByTagName('img');  if(ims.length){   for(ic = 0, i = 0; i < ims.length; ++i){    ims[i].style.display = 'inline';    ims[i].style.verticalAlign = ims[i].style.verticalAlign || 'top';    if(typeof ims[i].complete == 'boolean' && ims[i].complete && !window.opera)     ic++;    else {     ims[i].onload = function(){       if(++ic == ims.length)        cObj.setup();      };    }     if(ic == ims.length)      this.setup();   }  }   else this.setup() }  Marq.prototype.setup = function(){  if(this.mq.setup) return;  this.mq.setup = this;  var s, cObj = this;  if(this.c.style.height === 'auto')   this.c.style.height = this.m.offsetHeight + 4 + 'px';  this.c.appendChild(this.m.cloneNode(true));  this.m = [this.m, this.m.nextSibling];  if(this.mq.mouse == 'cursor driven'){   this.r = this.mq.neutral || 16;   this.sinc = this.mq.inc;   this.c.onmousemove = function(e){cObj.mq.stopped = false; cObj.directspeed(e)};   if(this.mq.moveatleast){    this.mq.inc = this.mq.moveatleast;    if(this.mq.savedirection){     if(this.mq.savedirection == 'reverse'){      this.c.onmouseout = function(e){       if(cObj.contains(e)) return;       cObj.mq.inc = cObj.mq.moveatleast;       cObj.mq.direction = cObj.mq.direction == 'right'? 'left' : 'right';};          } else {      this.mq.savedirection = this.mq.direction;      this.c.onmouseout = function(e){       if(cObj.contains(e)) return;       cObj.mq.inc = cObj.mq.moveatleast;       cObj.mq.direction = cObj.mq.savedirection;};         }    } else     this.c.onmouseout = function(e){if(!cObj.contains(e)) cObj.mq.inc = cObj.mq.moveatleast;};   }   else    this.c.onmouseout = function(e){if(!cObj.contains(e)) cObj.slowdeath();};  }  this.w = this.m[0].offsetWidth;  this.m[0].style.left = 0;  this.c.id = 'marq_kill_marg_bord';  this.m[0].style.top = this.m[1].style.top = Math.floor((this.c.offsetHeight - this.m[0].offsetHeight) / 2 - oldie) + 'px';  this.c.id = '';  this.c.removeAttribute('id', 0);  this.m[1].style.left = this.w + 'px';  s = this.mq.moveatleast? Math.max(this.mq.moveatleast, this.sinc) : (this.sinc || this.mq.inc);  while(this.c.offsetWidth > this.w - s)   this.c.style.width = isNaN(this.cw[0])? this.w - s + 'px' : --this.cw[0] + this.cw[1];  this.c.style.visibility = 'visible';  this.runit();  }   Marq.prototype.slowdeath = function(){  var cObj = this;  if(this.mq.inc){   this.mq.inc -= 1;   this.timer = setTimeout(function(){cObj.slowdeath();}, 100);  } } Marq.prototype.runit = function(){  var cObj = this, d = this.mq.direction == 'right'? 1 : -1;  if(this.mq.stopped || this.mq.stopMarquee){   setTimeout(function(){cObj.runit();}, 300);   return;  }  if(this.mq.mouse != 'cursor driven')   this.mq.inc = Math.max(1, this.mq.inc);  if(d * parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) >= this.w)   this.m[0].style.left = parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) - d * this.w + 'px';  if(d * parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) >= this.w)   this.m[1].style.left = parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) - d * this.w + 'px';  this.m[0].style.left = parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) + d * this.mq.inc + 'px';  this.m[1].style.left = parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) + d * this.mq.inc + 'px';  setTimeout(function(){cObj.runit();}, 30 + (this.mq.addDelay || 0)); } Marq.prototype.directspeed = function(e){  e = e || window.event;  if(this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);  var c = this.c, w = c.offsetWidth, l = c.offsetLeft, mp = (typeof e.pageX == 'number'?   e.pageX : e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft) - l,  lb = (w - this.r) / 2, rb = (w + this.r) / 2;  while((c = c.offsetParent)) mp -= c.offsetLeft;  this.mq.direction = mp > rb? 'left' : 'right';  this.mq.inc = Math.round((mp > rb? (mp - rb) : mp < lb? (lb - mp) : 0) / lb * this.sinc); } Marq.prototype.contains = function(e){  if(e && e.relatedTarget){var c = e.relatedTarget; if(c == this.c) return true;   while ((c = c.parentNode)) if(c == this.c) return true;}  return false; } function resize(){  for(var s, m, i = 0; i < marqueeInit.ar.length; ++i){   if(marqueeInit.ar[i] && marqueeInit.ar[i].setup){    m = marqueeInit.ar[i].setup;    s = m.mq.moveatleast? Math.max(m.mq.moveatleast, m.sinc) : (m.sinc || m.mq.inc);    m.c.style.width = m.mq.style.width;    m.cw[0] = m.cw.length > 1? parseInt(m.mq.style.width) : 'a';    while(m.c.offsetWidth > m.w - s)     m.c.style.width = isNaN(m.cw[0])? m.w - s + 'px' : --m.cw[0] + m.cw[1];   }  } } if (window.addEventListener)  window.addEventListener('resize', resize, false); else if (window.attachEvent)  window.attachEvent('onresize', resize);})();</script>

<div class="marquee" id="mycrawler">Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.</div><script type="text/javascript">marqueeInit({uniqueid: 'mycrawler',style: {'padding': '5px','width': '450px','background': 'lightyellow','border': '1px solid #CC3300'},inc: 8, //speed - pixel increment for each iteration of this marquee's movementmouse: 'cursor driven', //mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false)moveatleast: 4,neutral: 150,savedirection: true});</script><div class="marquee" id="mycrawler2"><img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/9tlic8.jpg" /> <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/1zbqs5t.jpg" /> <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/2419ul3.jpg" /> <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/296nh3r.jpg" /> <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/mk7ki.jpg" /></div><script type="text/javascript">marqueeInit({uniqueid: 'mycrawler2',style: {'padding': '2px','width': '600px','height': '180px'},inc: 5, //speed - pixel increment for each iteration of this marquee's movementmouse: 'cursor driven', //mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false)moveatleast: 2,neutral: 150,savedirection: true});</script>