
Imprimer - Flake Snowing Trail - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Pointer » Trailer » Flake Snowing Trail
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/snowing-flake-trail.html

Flake Snowing Trail © JavaScriptBank.comCet JavaScript utiliser le flocon de neige images. Il s'agit d'une autre impressionnante curseur sentier effet créé à l'aide de DHTML. Facile à installer et les navigateurs, vous et vos visiteurs adorent.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Pointer » Trailer » Flake Snowing Trail
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/snowing-flake-trail.html

<SCRIPT language=Javascript><!--/* Written by: * Terry Yuen. * Works inspired by Tendertron cartoons. * "This one's for the kids!" */var ITEM_COUNT = 6;     //number of flakes visible per timevar ITEM_W = 20;        //width of a single flakevar ITEM_H = 20;        //height of a single flakevar ITEM_SRC = "star.gif";var ITEM_STAGES = 10;    //number of life stages for a single flake. (i.e., number of states on the "star.gif")var ITEM_TRAVEL = 20;   //number of times to move a flake before disappearing (Note: PIXEL MOVED = ITEM_TRAVEL * ITEM_INCREMENT)var ITEM_INCREMENT = 4; //distance to move a flake on each loopvar ITEM_SPEED = 50;    //time delay in milliseconds before looping (def: 40)// END CONFIGURABLE CONSTANTSvar IE_ENGINE = (document.all) ? true : false;var NS_ENGINE = (document.layers) ? true : false;var animatorThread = null; // To prevent a new flake from being created  // on each loop time, we give it a sleep counter  // that increments.var sprawnSleeping = 0; // Stores the position of mouse.var mousePos = new Array(2);mousePos[0] = 0;mousePos[1] = 0;  // Stores previous positions of mouse.  // So that we don't create a flake when  // the mouse hasn't moved.var oldMousePos = new Array(2);oldMousePos[0] = 0;oldMousePos[1] = 0;  // A table of flake positions and information.var trailMatrix = new Array(ITEM_COUNT);for(var i=0; i<trailMatrix.length; i++) {  trailMatrix[i] = new Array(5);  trailMatrix[i][0] = 0;  trailMatrix[i][1] = 0;  trailMatrix[i][2] = 0;  trailMatrix[i][3] = ITEM_STAGES;  trailMatrix[i][4] = "mouseTrailer_" + i;  document.writeln((IE_ENGINE) ? '<DIV ID="' + trailMatrix[i][4] + '" STYLE="position:absolute; width:'+ITEM_W+'px; height:'+ITEM_H+'px; visibility:hidden;"><img src="'+ITEM_SRC+'" border=0></DIV>' : (NS_ENGINE) ? '<LAYER ID="' + trailMatrix[i][4] + '" position="absolute" width='+ITEM_W+' height='+ITEM_H+' visible="hide"><img src="'+ITEM_SRC+'" border=0></LAYER>' : "");}function storeMousePos(e) {  mousePos[0] = (IE_ENGINE) ? event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft : (NS_ENGINE) ? e.pageX : 0;  mousePos[1] = (IE_ENGINE) ? event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop : (NS_ENGINE) ? e.pageY : 0;}function sprawnNewTrail() {  if(oldMousePos[0] != mousePos[0] || oldMousePos[1] != mousePos[1]) {    var temp = trailMatrix[trailMatrix.length-1][4];    for(var i=trailMatrix.length-1; i>0; i--) {      trailMatrix[i][0] = trailMatrix[i-1][0];      trailMatrix[i][1] = trailMatrix[i-1][1];      trailMatrix[i][2] = trailMatrix[i-1][2];      trailMatrix[i][3] = trailMatrix[i-1][3];      trailMatrix[i][4] = trailMatrix[i-1][4];    }    trailMatrix[0][0] = mousePos[0];    trailMatrix[0][1] = mousePos[1];    trailMatrix[0][2] = ITEM_TRAVEL;    trailMatrix[0][3] = ITEM_STAGES;    trailMatrix[0][4] = temp;  //id for trailer layer  }  oldMousePos[0] = mousePos[0];  oldMousePos[1] = mousePos[1];}function animateTrail() {  for(var i=0; i<trailMatrix.length; i++) {    if(trailMatrix[i][2] > 0) {      trailMatrix[i][1] += ITEM_INCREMENT;      trailMatrix[i][2]--;      trailMatrix[i][3] = Math.ceil((trailMatrix[i][2] * ITEM_STAGES) / ITEM_TRAVEL);      updateTrail(trailMatrix[i][4], trailMatrix[i][0], trailMatrix[i][1], trailMatrix[i][3]);    } else {      hideTrail(trailMatrix[i][4]);    }  }  sprawnSleeping++;  if(sprawnSleeping >= 2) {  //We create a new flake every 2 loops    sprawnSleeping = 0;    sprawnNewTrail();  }}function updateTrail(obj, x, y, stage) {  var imgTop = (ITEM_STAGES - stage) * ITEM_H;  if(IE_ENGINE) {    document.all[obj].style.clip = "rect("+imgTop +" "+ ITEM_W +" "+ (imgTop+ITEM_H)+" 0)";    document.all[obj].style.left = x;    document.all[obj].style.top = y - imgTop;    document.all[obj].style.visibility = "visible";  } else if(NS_ENGINE) {    document.layers[obj].clip.top = imgTop;    document.layers[obj].clip.bottom = imgTop + ITEM_H;    document.layers[obj].left = x;    document.layers[obj].top = y - imgTop;    document.layers[obj].visibility = "show";  }}function hideTrail(obj) {  if(IE_ENGINE) {    document.all[obj].style.visibility = "hidden";  } else if(NS_ENGINE) {    document.layers[obj].visibility = "hide";  }}function init() {  if(NS_ENGINE)document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);  if(IE_ENGINE || NS_ENGINE) {    document.onmousemove = storeMousePos;    animatorThread = setInterval("animateTrail()", ITEM_SPEED);  }}function end() {  if(animatorThread != null) {    clearInterval(animatorThread);    animatorThread = null;  }}//--></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onload=init()><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->