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Full version: jsB@nk » Misc » Rolloverer
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/rolloverer.html

Rolloverer © JavaScriptBank.comCreate image rollovers and links quickly. You can even apply this method to table rows and cells. Very easy!

Full version: jsB@nk » Misc » Rolloverer
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/rolloverer.html

<script language="javascript">// Created by: Richard Maloney :: http://ottbot.hismercy.ca//-     Script: Rolloverer v1.0      -//    //-     Author: Richard Maloney      -//   //-     Copyright 2006               -////-     Website: www.ottbot.com      -// //-(Temp.: http://ottbot.hismercy.ca)-////------------------------------------//// INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE:// *IMAGE ROLLOVERS: Attribute to add= 'hrsc'// To use in your <img> tag or <td> tag for an image rollover:// Add a 'hsrc' attribute containing the location of your rollover image //    ie. <img scr="myPic.gif" hscr="myPic_on.gif"> (*src attribute optional)//    ie. <td background="myPic.gif" hscr="myPic_on.gif"> (*background attribute optional)// *TABLE ROLLOVERS: Attribute to add 'hcolor'// To use in your <table> tag for a background rollover color change of all table rows// Add a 'hcolor' attribute to specify rollover color hover ie. <table hcolor="#ff0000">// *TR and TD ROLLOVERS: Attribute to add 'hcolor' Optional attribute 'bcolor'//   To use in your <tr> or <td> tag for a background color change rollover://   Add a 'hcolor' attribute to specify rollover color hover ie. <tr hcolor="#ff0000">//   Add a 'rcolor' attribute to specify rollover color background //     ie. <tr rcolor="#ffff33"> leave blank for no change// *ADD LINKS: Attribute to add 'href' Optional attribute 'target="_blank"'//   To make a link of your <img>, <tr> or <td> tag://   Add a 'href' attribute like an anchor tag //     ie. <tr href="http://www.google.com">  opens link in same window//       use 'target=_blank" to open your link in new window//     ie. <img href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank"> (*target attribute optional)// That's it!//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------function rolloverer() { if (!document.getElementById) {return}  var tables=document.getElementsByTagName('table');  for (var i=0;i<tables.length;i++) {    var trs=tables[i].getElementsByTagName('tr');      // table hcolor section    if (tables[i].getAttribute("hcolor")) {      var rowcolor=tables[i].getAttribute("hcolor");      for(var j=0;j<trs.length;j++) {         if (!trs[j].getAttribute('hcolor')) {           trs[j].setAttribute('hcolor', rowcolor);        }      }    }    for(var j=0;j<trs.length;j++) {      // tr mouseovers here      if (trs[j].getAttribute('hcolor')) {        if (!trs[j].getAttribute('bcolor')) trs[j].setAttribute('bcolor', trs[j].getAttribute('bgcolor'));        trs[j].onmouseover=function(){this.setAttribute('bgColor',this.getAttribute("hcolor"))}        trs[j].onmouseout= function(){this.setAttribute('bgColor',this.getAttribute("bcolor"))}      }      // tr mouseclick here      if (trs[j].getAttribute('href')) {        var url=trs[j].getAttribute('href');        if (trs[j].getAttribute('target')) {          if (trs[j].getAttribute('target') == "_blank" ) {            trs[j].onclick=function(){window.open(this.getAttribute('href'))}          }          else {trs[j].onclick=function(){location.href=this.getAttribute('href')}          }        }        else {trs[j].onclick=function(){location.href=this.getAttribute('href')}}        }    }    var tds=tables[i].getElementsByTagName('td');    for(var j=0;j<tds.length;j++) {       // td image rollovers here      if (tds[j].getAttribute('hsrc')) {        tds[j].onmouseover=function(){imgOriginSrc=this.getAttribute('background');this.setAttribute('background',this.getAttribute('hsrc'))}        tds[j].onmouseout= function(){this.setAttribute('background',imgOriginSrc)}      }      // td mouseovers here      else if (tds[j].getAttribute('hcolor')) {        if (!tds[j].getAttribute('bcolor')) {tds[j].setAttribute('bcolor', tds[j].getAttribute('bgcolor'));}        tds[j].onmouseover=function(){this.setAttribute('bgColor',this.getAttribute("hcolor"))}        tds[j].onmouseout= function(){this.setAttribute('bgColor',this.getAttribute("bcolor"))}      }      // td mouseclick here      if (tds[j].getAttribute('href')) {        if (tds[j].getAttribute('target')) {                if (tds[j].getAttribute('target') == "_blank" ) {                        tds[j].onclick=function(){window.open(this.getAttribute('href'))}                }                else {tds[j].onclick=function(){location.href=this.getAttribute('href')}                }        }      else { tds[j].onclick=function(){this.getAttribute('href')}}      }    }  }// image rollover code here  var imgOriginSrc; var imgTemp = new Array(); var imgTempOn = new Array(); var imgarr = document.getElementsByTagName('img');  for (var i = 0; i < imgarr.length; i++) {    if (imgarr[i].getAttribute('hsrc')) {      imgTemp[i] = new Image(); imgTemp[i].src = imgarr[i].getAttribute('hsrc');      imgarr[i].onmouseover = function() {imgOriginSrc=this.getAttribute('src');this.setAttribute('src',this.getAttribute('hsrc'))}      imgarr[i].onmouseout = function() {this.setAttribute('src',imgOriginSrc)}    }    // img mouseclick here    if (imgarr[i].getAttribute('href')) {      if (imgarr[i].getAttribute('target')) {        if (imgarr[i].getAttribute('target') == "_blank" ) {imgarr[i].onclick=function(){window.open(this.getAttribute('href'))}}        else {imgarr[i].onclick=function(){location.href=this.getAttribute('href')}}      }      else { imgarr[i].onclick=function(){location.href=this.getAttribute('href')}}}}}onload=rolloverer;</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<img src="../image/photo3.jpg" hsrc="../image/photo4.jpg"><br><table hcolor="#fff000" width="50%" align="center" cellpadding="8"><tr><td>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. </td></tr><tr><td hcolor="#ff0f00">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.</td></tr></table><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->