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To customize the look of the progress bar, simply pass in different values into createBar():

createBar(width, height, backgroundColor, borderWidth, borderColor, blockColor, scrollSpeed, blockCount)

 They are:

  • width- Total width of the entire bar in pixels.
  • height- Total height of the entire bar in pixels.
  • backgroundColor- Background color of the bar. Use valid CSS color or HEX color code value.
  • borderWidth- The width of the border around the bar, in pixels.
  • borderColor- The color of the border around the bar. Use valid CSS color or HEX color code value.
  • blockColor- The darkest color of the individual blocks. The color will progressively become more transparent. Use valid CSS color or HEX color code value.
  • scrollSpeed- The delay, in milliseconds, between each scroll step. Use smaller values for faster scroll speeds.
  • blockCount- The total number of blocks to use.

WinXp Progress Bar II