
Print - Navigation by Radio Buttons 2 - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Menu » Navigation » Navigation by Radio Buttons 2
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/navigation-by-radio-buttons-ii.html

Navigation by Radio Buttons 2 © JavaScriptBank.comHere's another variation of the script. This time the destination file title, a description, and URL appear in a text area when a radio button is chosen.

Full version: jsB@nk » Menu » Navigation » Navigation by Radio Buttons 2
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/navigation-by-radio-buttons-ii.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- Activate Cloaking Devicevar recnum="";// Used to initialize arrays.function initArray()    {   this.length = initArray.arguments.length;   for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)       { this[i] = initArray.arguments[i]; }   }// Creating arrays.var rcrd = new initArray();var address = new initArray();rcrd[1] = "Home Page\r\nThe home page of this site.";address[1] = "JavaScriptBank.com";rcrd[2] = "Contents\r\nA listing of the contents of this site.";address[2] = "JavaScriptBank.com";rcrd[3] = "Navigation Aids\r\nExamples of various ways to make navigation of your site easier.";address[3] = "JavaScriptBank.com";rcrd[4] = "A Dropdown List\r\nAn example of a dropdown list for site navigation.";address[4] = "JavaScriptBank.com";// Called by onClick for each radio button - determines & displays message and URL.function dataBase(leapto)   {   for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)       {      if (leapto.buttons[i].checked)          { recnum = leapto.buttons[i].value; }      }   if (  (rcrd[recnum] != null)  &&  (rcrd[recnum] != "")  )       { document.leapto.display.value = rcrd[recnum]+"\r\n\r\n"+address[recnum]; }   }// Called by Lets Go button - loads pre-selected page.function leapTo()   {    if (  (address[recnum] != null)  &&  (address[recnum] != "")  &&  (recnum != "")  )          window.location= address[recnum];    else      alert("\nYou must first select a radio button.");      }// Deactivate Cloaking --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<FORM name=leapto><TABLE border=3>  <TBODY>  <TR>    <TD align=middle bgColor=#000080><INPUT onclick=dataBase(this.form)       type=radio value=1 name=buttons> <font color="#00FFFF"><b>JavaScriptBank.com</b></font></TD>    <TD align=middle bgColor=#ff0000><INPUT onclick=dataBase(this.form)       type=radio value=2 name=buttons> <b>Link item #</b></TD>    <TD align=middle bgColor=#c0c0c0><INPUT onclick=dataBase(this.form)       type=radio value=3 name=buttons> <font color="#800000"><b>Link item #</b></font></TD>    <TD align=middle bgColor=#008080><INPUT onclick=dataBase(this.form)       type=radio value=4 name=buttons> <font color="#FFFF00"><b>Link item #</b></font></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><BR><TABLE border=0>  <TBODY>  <TR>    <TD align=middle width=350><TEXTAREA name=display rows=6 wrap=yes cols=25></TEXTAREA></TD>    <TD align=middle width=150><INPUT onclick=leapTo() type=button value="Let's Go!"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->