
Print - Image and Description tooltip for links - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Link » Tooltip » Image and Description tooltip for links
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/image-and-description-tooltip-for-links.html

Image and Description tooltip for links © JavaScriptBank.comMove your mouse over a JavaScript link to see the image of your choice plus corresponding description on the pop up, by using this image HTML tooltip script. Each tooltip can have a different background color, just for aesthetics or in case the pictures are transparent GIFs.This code detects for window edges and keeps the tooltip description position inside. The tooltip moving with the mousemove is an option that can be turned off by setting the tipFollowMouse to false.

Full version: jsB@nk » Link » Tooltip » Image and Description tooltip for links
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/image-and-description-tooltip-for-links.html

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--/*Image w/ description tooltip- By Dynamic Web Coding (www.dyn-web.com)Copyright 2002 by Sharon Paine*//* IMPORTANT: Put script after tooltip div or  put tooltip div just before </BODY>. */var dom = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;var ns5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko")>-1) && dom) ? true: false;var ie5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>-1) && dom) ? true : false;var ns4 = (document.layers && !dom) ? true : false;var ie4 = (document.all && !dom) ? true : false;var nodyn = (!ns5 && !ns4 && !ie4 && !ie5) ? true : false;// resize fix for ns4var origWidth, origHeight;if (ns4) {origWidth = window.innerWidth; origHeight = window.innerHeight;window.onresize = function() { if (window.innerWidth != origWidth || window.innerHeight != origHeight) history.go(0); }}// avoid error of passing event object in older browsersif (nodyn) { event = "nope" }///////////////////////  CUSTOMIZE HERE   ////////////////////// settings for tooltip // Do you want tip to move when mouse moves over link?var tipFollowMouse= true;// Be sure to set tipWidth wide enough for widest imagevar tipWidth= 160;var offX= 20;// how far from mouse to show tipvar offY= 12; var tipFontFamily= "Verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif";var tipFontSize= "8pt";// set default text color and background color for tooltip here// individual tooltips can have their own (set in messages arrays)// but don't have tovar tipFontColor= "#000000";var tipBgColor= "#DDECFF"; var tipBorderColor= "#000080";var tipBorderWidth= 3;var tipBorderStyle= "ridge";var tipPadding= 4;// tooltip content goes here (image, description, optional bgColor, optional textcolor)var messages = new Array();// multi-dimensional arrays containing: // image and text for tooltip// optional: bgColor and color to be sent to tooltipmessages[0] = new Array('../image/logojs.gif.','Tooltip for this link',"#FFFFFF"); messages[1] = new Array('../image/photo3.jpg','Tooltip for this link',"#DDECFF");messages[2] = new Array('../image/photo4.jpg','Test description','black','white');////////////////////  END OF CUSTOMIZATION AREA  ///////////////////// preload images that are to appear in tooltip// from arrays aboveif (document.images) {var theImgs = new Array();for (var i=0; i<messages.length; i++) {  theImgs[i] = new Image();theImgs[i].src = messages[i][0];  }}// to layout image and text, 2-row table, image centered in top cell// these go in var tip in doTooltip function// startStr goes before image, midStr goes between image and textvar startStr = '<table width="' + tipWidth + '"><tr><td align="center" width="100%"><img src="';var midStr = '" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">';var endStr = '</td></tr></table>';//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  initTip- initialization for tooltip.//Global variables for tooltip. //Set styles for all but ns4. //Set up mousemove capture if tipFollowMouse set true.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////var tooltip, tipcss;function initTip() {if (nodyn) return;tooltip = (ns4)? document.tipDiv.document: (ie4)? document.all['tipDiv']: (ie5||ns5)? document.getElementById('tipDiv'): null;tipcss = (ns4)? document.tipDiv: tooltip.style;if (ie4||ie5||ns5) {// ns4 would lose all this on rewritestipcss.width = tipWidth+"px";tipcss.fontFamily = tipFontFamily;tipcss.fontSize = tipFontSize;tipcss.color = tipFontColor;tipcss.backgroundColor = tipBgColor;tipcss.borderColor = tipBorderColor;tipcss.borderWidth = tipBorderWidth+"px";tipcss.padding = tipPadding+"px";tipcss.borderStyle = tipBorderStyle;}if (tooltip&&tipFollowMouse) {if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);document.onmousemove = trackMouse;}}window.onload = initTip;///////////////////////////////////////////////////  doTooltip function//Assembles content for tooltip and writes //it to tipDiv/////////////////////////////////////////////////var t1,t2;// for setTimeoutsvar tipOn = false;// check if over tooltip linkfunction doTooltip(evt,num) {if (!tooltip) return;if (t1) clearTimeout(t1);if (t2) clearTimeout(t2);tipOn = true;// set colors if included in messages arrayif (messages[num][2])var curBgColor = messages[num][2];else curBgColor = tipBgColor;if (messages[num][3])var curFontColor = messages[num][3];else curFontColor = tipFontColor;if (ns4) {var tip = '<table bgcolor="' + tipBorderColor + '" width="' + tipWidth + '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="' + tipBorderWidth + '" border="0"><tr><td><table bgcolor="' + curBgColor + '" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="' + tipPadding + '" border="0"><tr><td>'+ startStr + messages[num][0] + midStr + '<span style="font-family:' + tipFontFamily + '; font-size:' + tipFontSize + '; color:' + curFontColor + ';">' + messages[num][1] + '</span>' + endStr + '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';tooltip.write(tip);tooltip.close();} else if (ie4||ie5||ns5) {var tip = startStr + messages[num][0] + midStr + '<span style="font-family:' + tipFontFamily + '; font-size:' + tipFontSize + '; color:' + curFontColor + ';">' + messages[num][1] + '</span>' + endStr;tipcss.backgroundColor = curBgColor; tooltip.innerHTML = tip;}if (!tipFollowMouse) positionTip(evt);else t1=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='visible'",100);}var mouseX, mouseY;function trackMouse(evt) {mouseX = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageX: window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;mouseY = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageY: window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;if (tipOn) positionTip(evt);}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  positionTip function//If tipFollowMouse set false, so trackMouse function//not being used, get position of mouseover event.//Calculations use mouseover event position, //offset amounts and tooltip width to position//tooltip within window./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////function positionTip(evt) {if (!tipFollowMouse) {mouseX = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageX: window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;mouseY = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageY: window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;}// tooltip width and heightvar tpWd = (ns4)? tooltip.width: (ie4||ie5)? tooltip.clientWidth: tooltip.offsetWidth;var tpHt = (ns4)? tooltip.height: (ie4||ie5)? tooltip.clientHeight: tooltip.offsetHeight;// document area in view (subtract scrollbar width for ns)var winWd = (ns4||ns5)? window.innerWidth-20+window.pageXOffset: document.body.clientWidth+document.body.scrollLeft;var winHt = (ns4||ns5)? window.innerHeight-20+window.pageYOffset: document.body.clientHeight+document.body.scrollTop;// check mouse position against tip and window dimensions// and position the tooltip if ((mouseX+offX+tpWd)>winWd) tipcss.left = (ns4)? mouseX-(tpWd+offX): mouseX-(tpWd+offX)+"px";else tipcss.left = (ns4)? mouseX+offX: mouseX+offX+"px";if ((mouseY+offY+tpHt)>winHt) tipcss.top = (ns4)? winHt-(tpHt+offY): winHt-(tpHt+offY)+"px";else tipcss.top = (ns4)? mouseY+offY: mouseY+offY+"px";if (!tipFollowMouse) t1=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='visible'",100);}function hideTip() {if (!tooltip) return;t2=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='hidden'",100);tipOn = false;}//--></script>

<a href="www.JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,0)" onmouseout="hideTip()">JavaScriptBank.com</a><br><a href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,1)" onmouseout="hideTip()">JavaScriptBank.com</a><div id="tipDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:100"></div>