
Print - The Dynamic Linker - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Link » The Dynamic Linker
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/the-dynamic-linker.html

The Dynamic Linker © JavaScriptBank.comThe dynamic links with tooltips.

Full version: jsB@nk » Link » The Dynamic Linker
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/the-dynamic-linker.html

<STYLE type=text/css>.Linker A {COLOR: darkblue; TEXT-DECORATION: none}.Linker A:hover {BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: double; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: double; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: double; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: double; COLOR: slateblue; TEXT-DECORATION: none}.Linker A:visited {COLOR: gold; TEXT-DECORATION: none}.Linker A:active {COLOR: lime; TEXT-DECORATION: none}</STYLE><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<SCRIPT language=javascript>/*       This script was created by Aaron Connelly           For non-comercial use only -- Other contact at MAUWDIB@aol.com      All Credit must stay intact for use. Enjoy!*///**//** EDIT HERE **//How Fast do you want the marquees to work. This is a good speed.var speed=4200//The Linking background Colorvar bgColor="deepskyblue"//The Linking Text Colorvar color="gold"//The Linking Font Facevar family="Andy"//The table border sizevar border=0//The scrolling message text sizevar size=4//*** IMPORTANT ****//** If you add or subtract any arrays, be sure to put the total amount in the correct area! **//the Text for the link amountvar LinkArray=1//the URL amountvar URLArray=1//The Link message amountvar MsgArray=1//The backgrounds color amountvar colorArray=4//The borderColor amountvar borderColorArray=4//**//** DON'T EDIT THIS **var bColor=0var flash=0var items=0var urls=0var msg_s=0function TheLinker(){//**//** EDIT HERE **//The text that will be shown for the linkvar item=new Array()item[1]="JavaScriptBank.com"//The http for the links. Be sure to line them up correctlyvar url=new Array()url[1]="http://JavaScriptBank.com"//The Scrolling Message. Be sure to line them up correctlyvar msg=new Array()msg[1]="Bank of over 2000+ free JavaScript"//The Background Colorsvar flashColor=new Array()flashColor[1]="blue"flashColor[2]="red"flashColor[3]="darkblue"flashColor[4]="purple"//The Border Colorsvar borderColor=new Array()borderColor[1]="red"borderColor[2]="blue"borderColor[3]="asian"borderColor[4]="forestgreen"//**//** DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE **bColor = (bColor == borderColorArray)?1:++bColorflash = (flash == colorArray)?1:++flashitems = (items == LinkArray)?1:++itemsurls = (urls == URLArray)?1:++urlsmsg_s = (msg_s == MsgArray)?1:++msg_sLinking="<a href='" + url[urls] + "'><b>" + item[items] + "</b></a>"Msg=msg[msg_s]subMsg="<font color='forestgreen' face='arial'><b>Goto this site Now</b></font>"var code="<table border=" + border + " bgColor='" + bgColor + "' width=380 borderColor='" + borderColor[bColor] + "'>"code+="<tr><td>"code+="<marquee width=100% scrolldelay='0' behavior='slide' direction='down' height=25>"code+=Linkingcode+="</marquee>"code+="</td></tr><tr><td bgColor='" + flashColor[flash] + "'>"code+="<font color='" + color + "' face='" + family + "' size=" + size + ">"code+="<marquee width='100%' scrolldelay='10' behavior='slide' direction='left' width=90>" + Msg + "</marquee>"code+="</font>"code+="</td></tr>"code+="<tr><td>"code+="<marquee width=100% scrolldelay='0' behavior='slide' direction='down' height=25>"code+=subMsgcode+="</marquee></td></tr></table>"document.all.linker.innerHTML=codesetTimeout("TheLinker()",speed)}window.onload=TheLinker</SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<A class=Linker><DIV id=linker style="POSITION: relative; TOP: 10px"></DIV></A><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->