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Content Display Display a block of text, a graphic, or combination of both, by clicking on a JavaScript link or a graphic. This JavaScript can be used in different circumstances, such as for informational purposes, or displaying pictures with captions. Very easy to use.

Category: Link, Tooltip

Make link open in new tab/window Use this simple JavaScript to make all links on your web pages open in new tab/window. Script is easy to setup, you should save them into a file to for using on many pages.

Category: Link

Rainbow link on mouseOver Implement this JavaScript into your web pages to make all links change color by themself on mouse over event. Colors defined by an array with hexadecimal value, clrArray, you can change and add colors easily. All you need to do is cope all JavaScript code and paste into your web pages, you should save them into a file for using this effect on many pages.

Category: Link, Rainbow

Multilinks Sometimes you want a single hyperlink to lead to several pages and present a dynamic JavaScript menu when clicked. This is usually done through an intermediary page. This JavaScript will provide a dynamic JavaScript menu by creating an absolutely-positioned DIV tag on the fly, which will contain the list of links.

Category: Link

Highlighting Link 2 Make your rollovers more noticeable! This JavaScript colors your clickable links on rollover.

Category: Link

Sweet Titles This script will display the titles on your links in a very "sweet" manner. The look is customized by using CSS and is easily changed. Degrades very nicely. Additional modifications are available on Dustin's Web site.

Category: Link, Tooltip

Open Links Option This JavaScript will give the user the option to open links in either a new window or in the same window. Simple to set-up.

Category: Link

Offsite Links Using this JavaScript, any links on a Web page to another domain will open in a new window.

Category: Link

Hidden Affiliate Link Many times you don't want your users to know that they are clicking on an affiliate link. This script will keep the link from displaying in the browser's status bar.

Category: Link

Show/hide layer Move the cursor over JavaScript menu items and the layers would appear. This JavaScript allows to show and hide layes for a set of main brousers (IE 4 and above, Opera 5 and above, NN 4 and above, Mozilla). The script could be used to construct pull-down menus.

Category: Link, Tooltip
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