
Imprimer - Creative HTML5 et JavaScript jeu Asteroid - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Qualification » Creative HTML5 et JavaScript jeu Asteroid
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/creative-html5-javascript-asteroid-game.html

Creative HTML5 et JavaScript jeu Asteroid © JavaScriptBank.comAujourd'hui, dans ce message , ACC @ nk veux vous pr?senter un simple Application JavaScript faite par HTML5 , le nom de ce jeu bas? sur le Web JavaScript est l'ast?ro?de , et des conseils pour jouer : nous avons juste besoin d'utiliser les touches fl?ch?es pour d?placer votre personnage ( vaisseau spatial en forme de triangle ) pour ?viter les ast?ro?des d?placer al?atoirement autour de
canvas objet ) - un exemple de code JavaScript bonne pour nous aider ? atteindre cette nouvelle technologie facilement
JavaScript Image Rotation script avec toile en HTML5
? Awesome Canvas tiroir avec HTML5
? HOT nouvelles API JavaScript avec HTML5
? 12 Awesome et Creative Jeux JavaScript vous devriez essayer

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Qualification » Creative HTML5 et JavaScript jeu Asteroid
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/creative-html5-javascript-asteroid-game.html

<style type="text/css"> /*     This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com     Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com*/* {  -webkit-touch-callout: none; /* prevent callout to copy image, etc when tap to hold */  -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; /* prevent webkit from resizing text to fit *//* make transparent link selection, adjust last value opacity 0 to 1.0 */  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);   -webkit-user-select: none; /* prevent copy paste, to allow, change 'none' to 'text' */  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); }body {  margin: 0px;}canvas {  display: block;  background-color: #113;}</style>

<script type="text/javascript">/*     This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com     Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com*/var Vector2 = function (x,y) {  this.x= x || 0;   this.y = y || 0; };Vector2.prototype = {  reset: function ( x, y ) {    this.x = x;    this.y = y;    return this;  },  toString : function (decPlaces) {     decPlaces = decPlaces || 3;     var scalar = Math.pow(10,decPlaces);     return "[" + Math.round (this.x * scalar) / scalar + ", " + Math.round (this.y * scalar) / scalar + "]";  },    clone : function () {    return new Vector2(this.x, this.y);  },    copyTo : function (v) {    v.x = this.x;    v.y = this.y;  },    copyFrom : function (v) {    this.x = v.x;    this.y = v.y;  },      magnitude : function () {    return Math.sqrt((this.x*this.x)+(this.y*this.y));  },    magnitudeSquared : function () {    return (this.x*this.x)+(this.y*this.y);  },    normalise : function () {        var m = this.magnitude();            this.x = this.x/m;    this.y = this.y/m;    return this;    },    reverse : function () {    this.x = -this.x;    this.y = -this.y;        return this;   },    plusEq : function (v) {    this.x+=v.x;    this.y+=v.y;        return this;   },    plusNew : function (v) {     return new Vector2(this.x+v.x, this.y+v.y);   },    minusEq : function (v) {    this.x-=v.x;    this.y-=v.y;        return this;   },  minusNew : function (v) {     return new Vector2(this.x-v.x, this.y-v.y);   },      multiplyEq : function (scalar) {    this.x*=scalar;    this.y*=scalar;        return this;   },    multiplyNew : function (scalar) {    var returnvec = this.clone();    return returnvec.multiplyEq(scalar);  },    divideEq : function (scalar) {    this.x/=scalar;    this.y/=scalar;    return this;   },    divideNew : function (scalar) {    var returnvec = this.clone();    return returnvec.divideEq(scalar);  },  dot : function (v) {    return (this.x * v.x) + (this.y * v.y) ;  },    angle : function (useRadians) {        return Math.atan2(this.y,this.x) * (useRadians ? 1 : Vector2Const.TO_DEGREES);      },    rotate : function (angle, useRadians) {        var cosRY = Math.cos(angle * (useRadians ? 1 : Vector2Const.TO_RADIANS));    var sinRY = Math.sin(angle * (useRadians ? 1 : Vector2Const.TO_RADIANS));      Vector2Const.temp.copyFrom(this);     this.x= (Vector2Const.temp.x*cosRY)-(Vector2Const.temp.y*sinRY);    this.y= (Vector2Const.temp.x*sinRY)+(Vector2Const.temp.y*cosRY);        return this;   },        equals : function (v) {    return((this.x==v.x)&&(this.y==v.x));  },    isCloseTo : function (v, tolerance) {      if(this.equals(v)) return true;        Vector2Const.temp.copyFrom(this);     Vector2Const.temp.minusEq(v);         return(Vector2Const.temp.magnitudeSquared() < tolerance*tolerance);  },    rotateAroundPoint : function (point, angle, useRadians) {    Vector2Const.temp.copyFrom(this);     //trace("rotate around point "+t+" "+point+" " +angle);    Vector2Const.temp.minusEq(point);    //trace("after subtract "+t);    Vector2Const.temp.rotate(angle, useRadians);    //trace("after rotate "+t);    Vector2Const.temp.plusEq(point);    //trace("after add "+t);    this.copyFrom(Vector2Const.temp);      },     isMagLessThan : function (distance) {    return(this.magnitudeSquared()<distance*distance);  },    isMagGreaterThan : function (distance) {    return(this.magnitudeSquared()>distance*distance);  }      // still AS3 to convert :   // public function projectOnto(v:Vector2) : Vector2  // {  //     var dp:Number = dot(v);  //   //     var f:Number = dp / ( v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y );  //   //     return new Vector2( f*v.x , f*v.y);  //   }  //   //   // public function convertToNormal():void  // {  //   var tempx:Number = x;   //   x = -y;   //   y = tempx;   //     //     // }      // public function getNormal():Vector2  // {  //     //   return new Vector2(-y,x);   //     // }  //   //   //   // public function getClosestPointOnLine ( vectorposition : Point, targetpoint : Point ) : Point  // {  //   var m1 : Number = y / x ;  //   var m2 : Number = x / -y ;  //     //   var b1 : Number = vectorposition.y - ( m1 * vectorposition.x ) ;  //   var b2 : Number = targetpoint.y - ( m2 * targetpoint.x ) ;  //     //   var cx : Number = ( b2 - b1 ) / ( m1 - m2 ) ;  //   var cy : Number = m1 * cx + b1 ;  //     //   return new Point ( cx, cy ) ;  // }  // };Vector2Const = {  TO_DEGREES : 180 / Math.PI,      TO_RADIANS : Math.PI / 180,  temp : new Vector2()  };(function () {var spareBullets = [];window.Bullet = function (ctx, x, y, angle) {  // this is rather nasty - so I'm not sure why I'm doing it...  if (this === window) {    if (spareBullets.length) {      var bullet = spareBullets.pop();      bullet.init(x, y, angle);      bullet.fresh = false;      return bullet;    } else {      return new Bullet(ctx, x, y, angle);    }  }    this.ctx = ctx;  // initialise  this.init(x, y, angle);  return this;};Bullet.prototype = {  init: function (x, y, angle) {    this.fresh = true;    this.pos = new Vector2(x,y);    this.vel = new Vector2(Bullet.speed,0);    this.vel.rotate(angle);    this.enabled = true;        // 15 is the length of the ship    this.pos.plusEq(this.vel.clone().normalise().multiplyEq(15));      },    checkEnabled: function ()  {    var ctx = this.ctx;        if (this.enabled == false) {      return;    }        if (this.pos.x < 0 || this.pos.x > ctx.canvas.width) this.enabled = false;    if (this.pos.y < 0 || this.pos.y > ctx.canvas.height) this.enabled = false;        if (this.enabled == false) {      spareBullets.push(this);    }  },    update: function () {    this.pos.plusEq(this.vel);         this.checkEnabled();    return this;      },    draw: function () {    var ctx = this.ctx,        pos = this.pos;            ctx.save();    ctx.lineWidth = 2;     ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff";     ctx.beginPath();     ctx.arc(pos.x, pos.y, 2, 0, Math.PI*2, true);     ctx.stroke();    ctx.restore();    return this;      }};// staticBullet.speed = 5;})();Asteroid = function (x,y,radius){  this.pos = new Vector2(x,y);   this.vel = new Vector2(0,0);     this.points;     this.enabled = true;       // temp vector to calculate distance from circle in hitTest  this.diff = new Vector2(0,0);     this.reset = function (radius) {    this.points = [];     this.radius = radius;         var temp = new Vector2(radius, 0);        for (var angle = 0; angle<360; angle+= random(0, 45)) {      temp.reset(random(radius / 2, radius),0);       temp.rotate(angle);            this.points.push(temp.clone());     }        };    this.reset(radius);     this.update = function(canvas) {        this.pos.plusEq(this.vel);     if(this.pos.x+this.radius < 0) this.pos.x = canvas.width+this.radius;     else if (this.pos.x-this.radius > canvas.width) this.pos.x = -this.radius;           if(this.pos.y+this.radius < 0) this.pos.y = canvas.height+this.radius;     else if (this.pos.y-this.radius > canvas.height) this.pos.y = -this.radius;           };    this.draw = function(ctx) {    ctx.save();     ctx.translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);     ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff";    ctx.fillStyle = '#000';    ctx.lineWidth = 2;     ctx.beginPath();       for(var i = 0; i<this.points.length; i++) {            var p = this.points[i % this.points.length];       ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y);           }        ctx.closePath();     ctx.fill();    ctx.stroke();    ctx.restore();   };    this.hitTest = function(x,y) {        this.diff.copyFrom(this.pos);     this.diff.x-=x;     this.diff.y-=y;         var distanceSq = (this.diff.x * this.diff.x) + (this.diff.y*this.diff.y);    return distanceSq < (this.radius * this.radius);      };  };ShipMoving = function(x,y) {  this.pos = new Vector2(x,y);   this.angle = 0;   this.vel = new Vector2(0,0);   this.temp = new Vector2(0,0);     this.thrustPower = 0.1;   this.rotateSpeed = 5;     this.thrusting = false;  this.invulnerable = false;  this.thrustAmount = 0;    this.dead = [];    this.update = function() {    this.pos.plusEq(this.vel);   };    this.thrust = function() {    this.temp.reset(this.thrustPower,0);     this.temp.rotate(this.angle);     this.vel.plusEq(this.temp);   };    this.rotateLeft = function() {    this.angle -= this.rotateSpeed;   };    this.rotateRight = function() {    this.angle += this.rotateSpeed;   };    this.hit = function () {    var n = 20;    while (n--) {      this.dead.push(new Vector2(random(3, 6), 0));      this.dead[this.dead.length - 1].rotate(Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, true);    }  };    this.isdead = function () {    return !!this.dead.length;  };    this.draw = function(c) {        c.save();    c.translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);     c.rotate(this.angle * Vector2Const.TO_RADIANS);    if (this.invulnerable == false && !this.isdead()) {      c.lineWidth = 4;       if (this.thrustAmount) {        c.beginPath();        c.moveTo(-11, -3);        c.lineTo(-11, 3);        c.lineTo(-12 -this.thrustAmount, 0);        c.closePath();         c.fillStyle = 'hsla(3, 100%, 50%, 0.9)';        c.fill();              c.strokeStyle = 'hsla(32, 100%, 50%, 0.7)';        c.stroke();      }          c.lineWidth = 2;       c.strokeStyle = "#fff";           c.beginPath();      c.moveTo(-10, -10);      c.lineTo(-10, 10);      c.lineTo(14, 0);      c.closePath();       c.stroke();          } else if (this.dead.length) {      var i = this.dead.length;      c.lineWidth = 2;       c.fillStyle = 'hsla(1, 100%, 50%, 0.75)';       while (i--) {        this.dead[i].multiplyEq(1.05);        c.beginPath();        c.arc(this.dead[i].x, this.dead[i].y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);        c.closePath();         c.fill();      }    }        if (this.thrusting && this.thrustAmount < 10) {      this.thrustAmount++;    } else if (this.thrustAmount > 0) {      this.thrustAmount--;    }        c.restore();  };}; // canvas element and 2D contextvar canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),  c = canvas.getContext('2d'),  touch = 'createTouch' in document;canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; document.body.appendChild(canvas);c.strokeStyle = "#ffffff";var mouseX, mouseY,   halfWidth = canvas.width/2,   halfHeight = canvas.height/2,  bullets = [],  spareAsteroids = [],  ship = new ShipMoving(halfWidth, halfHeight),  thrusting = false,  rotateLeft = false,   rotateRight = false,  grad = c.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, canvas.height),  asteroids = [],  trail = 0.85;  grad.addColorStop(0, 'hsla(240,80%,2%,' + trail + ')');grad.addColorStop(1, 'hsla(240,100%,15%,' + trail + ')');timer = setInterval(draw, 1000/35); for (var i = 0; i < (touch ? 5 : 10); i++) {  asteroids.push(new Asteroid(random(0, canvas.width), random(0, canvas.height), 50));  asteroids[i].vel.reset(1,0).rotate(random(0,360));}function draw() {  c.fillStyle = '#000'; //grad;  c.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);     var bullet;  for (var i=0; i<bullets.length; i++) {    bullet = bullets[i];    if (bullet.enabled) {      bullet.update();      bullet.draw();    }  }  for (i = 0; i < asteroids.length; i++) {      var asteroid = asteroids[i],         hit = false;        if (!ship.invulnerable && !ship.isdead() && asteroid.hitTest(ship.pos.x, ship.pos.y)) {      // you lose!      ship.hit();    }        if(!asteroid.enabled) continue;         if (!ship.isdead()) {      for (var j = 0; j < bullets.length; j++) {        if (bullets[j].enabled) {          hit = asteroid.hitTest(bullets[j].pos.x, bullets[j].pos.y);          if (hit) {            bullets[j].enabled = false;            break;          }                }      }          }        if (hit) {      if (asteroid.radius < 15) {        asteroid.enabled = false;       } else {        asteroid.reset(asteroid.radius/2);        asteroid.vel.reset(random(-5,5),random(-5,5));              makeNewAsteroid(asteroid.pos.x, asteroid.pos.y, asteroid.radius).vel.reset(random(-5,5),random(-5,5));        makeNewAsteroid(asteroid.pos.x, asteroid.pos.y, asteroid.radius).vel.reset(random(-5,5),random(-5,5));      }    } else {      asteroid.update(canvas);      asteroid.draw(c);     }  }  if (ship.thrusting) ship.thrust();   if (rotateLeft) ship.rotateLeft();   if (rotateRight) ship.rotateRight();   ship.update();   if (ship.pos.x<0) ship.pos.x = canvas.width;   else if (ship.pos.x>canvas.width) ship.pos.x = 0;  if (ship.pos.y<0) ship.pos.y = canvas.height;   else if (ship.pos.y>canvas.height) ship.pos.y = 0;   ship.draw(c);}function makeNewAsteroid(x, y, radius) {  var newasteroid;     if (spareAsteroids.length > 0) {    newasteroid = spareAsteroids.pop();     newasteroid.pos.set(x, y);     newasteroid.radius = radius;     } else {    newasteroid = new Asteroid(x, y, radius);     asteroids.push(newasteroid);   }    return newasteroid;}function fire() {  if (ship.isdead()) {    return;  }    // only allow n bullets  var limit = 5,      i = bullets.length;    while (i--) {    if (bullets[i].enabled) {      limit--;    }  }    if (limit !== 0) {    var bullet = Bullet(c, ship.pos.x, ship.pos.y, ship.angle);    if (bullet.fresh) bullets.push(bullet);      }  }canvas.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );document.addEventListener( 'keydown', onKeyDown, false );document.addEventListener( 'keyup', onKeyUp, false );document.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onTouchStart, false );document.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onTouchMove, false );document.addEventListener( 'touchend', onTouchEnd, false );var swipe = [];if (touch) {  ship.thrustPower = 0.5;}function onTouchStart(e) {  swipe = [];    if (e.touches.length == 1) {    // rotate & fire    var v = new Vector2(e.touches[0].pageX-canvas.width/2, e.touches[0].pageY-canvas.height/2);    ship.angle = v.angle();    fire();  } else if (e.touches.length == 2) {    ship.thrusting = true;    ship.thrust();  } else if (e.touches.length == 3) {    ship.invulnerable = true;  }}function onTouchMove(e) {  e.preventDefault();} // window.addEventListener('devicemotion', function(event) {//   var v = new Vector2(event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x, event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y);//   ship.angle += v.angle() * 0.05;// }, false);function onTouchEnd(e) {   ship.thrusting = false;  ship.invulnerable = false;} function onKeyDown(e) {    if(e.keyCode == 38) ship.thrusting = true;  else if (e.keyCode == 40) ship.invulnerable = true;  else if(e.keyCode == 37) rotateLeft = true;   else if (e.keyCode == 39) rotateRight = true;  else if (e.which == 32) fire();}function onKeyUp(e) {  if (e.keyCode == 38) ship.thrusting = false;  else if (e.keyCode == 40) ship.invulnerable = false;  else if(e.keyCode == 37) rotateLeft = false;   else if (e.keyCode == 39) rotateRight = false;}function onMouseMove(event) {  mouseX = event.offsetX;  mouseY = event.offsetY;}function random(v1, v2){  return ((Math.random()*(v2-v1))+v1);  }setTimeout(function () {  window.scrollTo(1, 0);}, 1000);</script>

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