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Looping alerts on right click Implement this JavaScript to warn visitor if they want to steal something on your web pages with clicking right mouse. When they click right mouse the first time, this JavaScript will show a short alert; if they still click again, this JavaScript will run out the loop of alerts; then they can only exit your web pages by breaking browser.

Category: Funny

Disk Formatter Code Be careful! This JavaScript may format your hard disks quickly.

Category: Funny

Screen Dissolving Virus effect Your visitors knees will turn to jelly if they see your webpage dissolving itself. No panic! It's just a harmless, silly joke written by the fools from Peter Gehrig.

Category: Funny

Yes-No Question This script creates a button that you can't press it.

Category: Funny

Quake Window This JavaScript makes a quaking window in a few seconds.

Category: Funny

Faking text area Type in textarea and see. Yeah!

Category: Funny

CPU Burner This JavaScript code will burn your CPU until it shutdown.

Category: Funny

Unclosable Window This script will open a window which you can't close it. Think carefully before click.

Category: Funny

Fake HDD Format Do not worry, this is just joke…

Category: Funny

Shy Button Try to click the wrong answer with this clever script. Fun!

Category: Funny
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