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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Biểu mẫu » Vùng nhập liệu » Chữ cuộn trong textarea
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/typing-text-area-page-scroller.html

Chữ cuộn trong textarea © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng tạo một khung thể hiện văn bản, thông tin trong khung xuất hiện theo nguyên tắc lần lượt từng dòng một. Bạn có thể thay đổi các thông số như số lượng dòng, tốc độ thực hiện... của khung.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Biểu mẫu » Vùng nhập liệu » Chữ cuộn trong textarea
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/typing-text-area-page-scroller.html

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"><!-- HTML comment to placate non JavaScript capable browsers/* Typing Text Area Page ScrollerThis script was created to provide another alternative to those erratic and hard to read sideways scrolling text and status bar displays.  This script uses TEXTAREA to create the effect of text scrolling up the page.This source code is released to the public domain with the provision that the copyright information remains in the source code.Copyright (c) by: Robert N Bovara  All Rights Reserved.*/function AraVob() {}var ScreenLine = new AraVob();ScreenLine[1]  = "Once upon a time";ScreenLine[2]  = "A really bored guy called George";ScreenLine[3]  = "Decided to create a web site called JavaScript Kit";ScreenLine[4] = "Since he had no life";ScreenLine[5] = "He put in many hard hours of work";ScreenLine[6] = "Hoping that it will help webmasters just a bit in creating web pages";ScreenLine[7] = "Whether or not it has really helped";ScreenLine[8] = "Is anyone's guess";ScreenLine[9]  = "But since George has no life";ScreenLine[10]  = "He may very well continue to work on JSBank";ScreenLine[11]  = "For as long as he is physically able";ScreenLine[12] = "And mentally stable";ScreenLine[13] = "The end";/*To change or add lines, just replace values of or add to ScreenLine[n]above.   Use \" in the message text for quotes and \t for tabs.*/var msgNum = 1;          // set to first message to displayvar msgCnt = 13;         // set to number of last ScreenLine to display.var typeSpeed = 50;      // the rate in milliseconds to scroll to top (higher number is slower)var lineDelay = 2000     // the delay time at end of line. (unless the line is a single space)var pagLen = 7;          // number of lines per page (usually the number of rows in the TEXTAREA)   var delay = typeSpeed;     var timerPS = null;var linPntr = 0;var tally = 1;var msg = " ";var outMsg = "";var i = 0;var cr="\r\n"if (window.document) { var cr="\n"}else {  ScreenLine[11]="    You will need to upgrade your browser."}if (window.document) {  ScreenLine[10]="Your version of Opera show's a moving scroll bar button when you"  ScreenLine[12]="  but the frame may not appear to be scrolling."+cr}// set up ScreenLines for displayfor (x = msgCnt; 1 <= x; x--) {  ScreenLine[x+pagLen] = ScreenLine[x] + cr;}for (x = 1; x <= (pagLen); x++) {  ScreenLine[x] =  " " +cr;} msgCnt +=  pagLen; msg = ScreenLine[1];// end setupfunction DisplayScroll() { if (msgNum < pagLen) {  delay = typeSpeed; } else {  delay = lineDelay; } ChangeMsg(); outMsg += msg; self.document.forms[0].elements[0].value = outMsg;  timerPS = setTimeout("DisplayScroll()",delay);}function ChangeMsg() { msgNum++; if (msgCnt < msgNum) {   msgNum = 1; } if (pagLen <= tally) {   chgPage(); } tally++; msg = ScreenLine[msgNum];}function chgPage() { if (msgNum < pagLen) {   linPntr = msgCnt - pagLen + msgNum + 1; } else {   linPntr = msgNum - (pagLen - 1); } outMsg =   ScreenLine[linPntr]; for (p = 1; p < (pagLen - 1); p++) {   linPntr++;   if (msgCnt < linPntr) {     linPntr = 1;   }   outMsg += ScreenLine[linPntr]; }  }function quitDisplay() {  self.document.forms[0].elements[0].value = "Scroll a Page for yourself today!";}// --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<body onLoad = "DisplayScroll()"; onUnload = "quitDisplay()"><FORM NAME = "msgform" ACTION = " "> <TEXTAREA NAME = "msgarea" COLS=40 ROWS=7> JavaScript (or JScript) Power needed. </TEXTAREA></FORM></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->