
Print - Dynamic Form Fields - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Form » Dynamic Form Fields
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/dynamic-form-fields.html

Dynamic Form Fields © JavaScriptBank.comI needed a form for students enrolling in training courses. I couldn't find exactly what I needed out there, so I built my own (borrowing some code from others (credits given in code)). The really important thing was that if, after changing the data, the applicant altered the number of students or hit the back button from the next page, the existing data would not be lost.Feel free to do whatever with this code, no credit to me required. If you make it better, though, please feel free to e-mail me! Create a form that dynamically changes the number of fields available based on a select list value.

Full version: jsB@nk » Form » Dynamic Form Fields
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/dynamic-form-fields.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--/*Write To Layer (Below writetoLyr function only.)© Eddie Traversa (nirvana.media3.net)*/function writetoLyr(name, message) {    if (document.layers) {        document.layers[name].document.close();        document.layers[name].document.write(message);        document.layers[name].document.close();    } else {        if (document.all) {            eval("document.all." + name + ".innerHTML='" + message + "'");        } else {            document.getElementById(name).innerHTML = message;        }    }}function storeForm() {// sort out the storage of data    var fieldname = new Array();      fieldname[0] = "name";      fieldname[1] = "dept";      fieldname[2] = "phone";      fieldname[3] = "email";   for (oi=0;oi<=3;oi++) {          for (i=1;i<=20;i++) {               if (eval("document.reg."+fieldname[oi]+"_"+i)) {               eval("document.reg.s"+fieldname[oi]+"_"+i+".value = document.reg."+fieldname[oi]+"_"+i+".value");               }               else { eval("document.reg.s"+fieldname[oi]+"_"+i+".value = ''"); }            }      }}function sendForm() {// sort out the storage of data    storeForm()// submit formdocument.reg.submit()}function numstudentstoget(namelay) { tabheight = 100; var vararr_alph = new Array(); vararr_alph[0] = 'Student A'; vararr_alph[1] = 'Student B'; vararr_alph[2] = 'Student C'; vararr_alph[3] = 'Student D'; vararr_alph[4] = 'Student E'; vararr_alph[5] = 'Student F'; vararr_alph[6] = 'Student G'; vararr_alph[7] = 'Student H'; vararr_alph[8] = 'Student I'; vararr_alph[9] = 'Student J'; vararr_alph[10] = 'Student K'; vararr_alph[11] = 'Student L'; vararr_alph[12] = 'Student M'; vararr_alph[13] = 'Student N'; vararr_alph[14] = 'Student O'; vararr_alph[15] = 'Student P'; vararr_alph[16] = 'Student Q'; vararr_alph[17] = 'Student R'; vararr_alph[18] = 'Student S'; vararr_alph[19] = 'Student T';var arrname = new Array();var arrdept = new Array();var arrphone = new Array();var arremail = new Array();var fieldname = new Array();    fieldname[0] = "name";    fieldname[1] = "dept";    fieldname[2] = "phone";    fieldname[3] = "email";for (oi=0;oi<=3;oi++) {    for (i=0;i<=19;i++) {        iadd1=i+1;        eval("arr"+fieldname[oi]+"["+i+"] = document.reg.s"+fieldname[oi]+"_"+iadd1+".value");     } } numstuds = document.reg.numStudents.selectedIndex; zerostuds = '' + '' + ' <TABLE style="background: #008081; color: black; font-size: 9pt;"' + '       BORDER=2 CELLSPACING=6 CELLPADDING=6 width="650" height="' + tabheight + '">' + ' <TR>' + ' <TD ALIGN="bottom" COLSPAN="6">' + ' <center>' + ' <TABLE style="background: #008081; color: black; font-size: 9pt;"' + '        BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 width="650" height="' + tabheight + '">' + ' <TR>' + ' <TD ALIGN="bottom" COLSPAN="6">' + ' <center>' + ' <p><font color="#FFFF66"><b>Student fields will appear here, When a number above 0 has been selected.</b></font></p>' + ' </center>' + ' </TR>' + ' </TABLE>' + ' </center>' + ' </TD>' + ' </TR>' + ' </TABLE>';pagetomake = zerostuds;if (numstuds > 0)  { buildit = '' + '' + '<TABLE style="background: #008081; color: black; font-size: 9pt;"' + ' BORDER=2 CELLSPACING=6 CELLPADDING=6 width=650 height="' + tabheight + '">' + ' <TR> ' + ' <TD ALIGN="bottom" COLSPAN="6"> ' + ' <center> ' + ' <TABLE style="background: #008081; color: black; font-size: 9pt;" ' +        ' BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 width=650 height="' + tabheight + '"> ' + ' <TR> '  + ' <TD ALIGN="bottom" COLSPAN="6"> ' +    '   <TR>' +    '   <TD  width="110px" height="20" style="background-color: #008081 ; color: #ffffff; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: bold; " ALIGN= "left"><b>&nbsp;Name<b><font color="red">*</font></b></b></TD>' +    '   <TD  width="182px" height="20" style="background-color: #008081 ; color: #ffffff; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: bold; " ALIGN= "left"><b>&nbsp;Department</b></TD>' +    '   <TD  width="20px" height="20" style="background-color: #008081 ; color: #ffffff; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: bold; " ALIGN= "left"><b>&nbsp;Telephone</b></TD>' +    '   <TD  width="80px" height="20" style="background-color: #008081 ; color: #ffffff; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: bold; " ALIGN= "left"><b>&nbsp;Email</b></TD>' +    '   </TR>' +    '   <TR>' +    '   <TD COLSPAN="6" style="background-color: #008081 ; color: #ffffff; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: bold; " ALIGN= "left" valign="top">';    for (i=1;i<=numstuds;i++) {      buildit=buildit+      ' <input type="text" name="name_'+i+'" size="20" value="';      if (arrname[i-1]) { sname=arrname[i-1] } else { sname=vararr_alph[i-1] }      buildit=buildit +      sname +      '"><input type="text" name="dept_'+i+'" value="'+arrdept[i-1] +'" size="35"><input type="text" name="phone_'+i+'" value="'+arrphone[i-1] +'" size="15"><input type="text" name="email_'+i+'" value="'+arremail[i-1] +'" size="15"><br>';       }    buildit = buildit +    '' +    '   </TD>' +    '   </TR>' +    '   <TR>' +    '   <TD COLSPAN="6" style="background-color: #008081 ; color: #ffffff; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: bold; " valign= "top" align="right"><br>' +    '   <input type="button" onClick="javascript:sendForm()" value="Next Page &gt;">' + ' </TR>' + ' </TABLE>' + ' </center>' + ' </TD>' + ' </TR>' + ' </TABLE>'; pagetomake = buildit;}else {  pagetomake = zerostuds;} writetoLyr(namelay, pagetomake);}function reloadfields(layn) {    numstuds = document.reg.numStudents.selectedIndex;    // store it first unless students is zero (incase)    if (numstuds != 0) {    storeForm();    }    // reload/load anyway    numstudentstoget(layn); }//--></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onload="numstudentstoget('studlay')"><FORM name=reg action=nowtatall method=post><DIV id=maindiv><!-- Here we define hidden fields for temp storage of the DHTML field data.     so that if they change number of rows, or hit the back button from the next     page their data will still be where it was.  (Probably is a much better way than this!) --><INPUT type=hidden name=sname_1> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_1> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_1> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_1> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_2> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_2> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_2> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_2> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_3> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_3> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_3> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_3> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_4> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_4> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_4> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_4> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_5> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_5> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_5> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_5> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_6> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_6> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_6> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_6> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_7> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_7> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_7> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_7> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_8> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_8> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_8> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_8> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_9> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_9> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_9> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_9> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_10> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_10> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_10> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_10> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_11> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_11> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_11> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_11> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_12> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_12> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_12> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_12> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_13> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_13> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_13> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_13> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_14> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_14> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_14> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_14> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_15> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_15> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_15> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_15> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_16> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_16> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_16> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_16> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_17> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_17> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_17> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_17> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_18> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_18> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_18> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_18> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_19> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_19> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_19> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_19> <INPUT type=hidden name=sname_20> <INPUT type=hidden name=sdept_20> <INPUT type=hidden name=sphone_20> <INPUT type=hidden name=semail_20> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; BACKGROUND: #008081; COLOR: black" height=130 cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=6 width=650 border=2>  <TBODY>  <TR>    <TD align=bottom colSpan=6>      <CENTER>      <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; BACKGROUND: #008081; COLOR: black" height=50       cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=650 border=0>        <TBODY>        <TR>          <TD align=bottom colSpan=6>            <CENTER>            <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; BACKGROUND: white; COLOR: black"             height=50 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width=650 border=1>              <TBODY>              <TR>                <TD align=bottom colSpan=6>                  <H2>Student Registration Form</H2>                  <P>Please choose how many students will be attending below. The name field(s) will automatically be populated with a default value. However, you can still input student names, departments, telephones, and e-mails if you want.</P>                  <P>Should you need to book more than 20 students on the same course, please contact <B>nobody</B>.                  <P></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>        <TR>          <TD           style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #ffffff; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #008081"           align=bottom colSpan=6 height=30><BR>            <H3>Student Information:</H3></TD></TR>        <TR>          <TD           style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #ffffff; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #008081"           vAlign=" middle" align=left colSpan=6>How many students will be attending? <SELECT onchange="reloadfields('studlay')"             name=numStudents> <OPTION value="option 1" selected>0<OPTION               value="option 1">1<OPTION value="option 2">2<OPTION               value="option 3">3<OPTION value="option 4">4<OPTION               value="option 5">5<OPTION value="option 5">6<OPTION               value="option 5">7<OPTION value="option 5">8<OPTION               value="option 5">9<OPTION value="option 5">10<OPTION               value="option 5">11<OPTION value="option 5">12<OPTION               value="option 5">13<OPTION value="option 5">14<OPTION               value="option 5">15<OPTION value="option 5">16<OPTION               value="option 5">17<OPTION value="option 5">18<OPTION               value="option 5">19<OPTION value="option 5">20</OPTION></SELECT>             <FONT color=red>*</FONT></B><BR><BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>      <P>Please note that the &quot;Next Page&quot; button, seen after you enter the number of students, is a javascript:sendForm() and is not currently operational. You&#39;ll need to supply a destination.</P></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV><DIV id=studlay style="Z-INDEX: 1; WIDTH: 690px; POSITION: relative; HEIGHT: 800px"></DIV></FORM></BODY><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->