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JaS Gallery This is a highly customizable JavaScript library for easily turning your images into a collection viewable as a slideshow, and with fading effects, if desired. It also supports automatic thumbnail creation and tagging of images.

Category: Image, Slideshow

Flip Menu (v 5.0) Flip Menu creates a collapsible menu tree out of an ordinary HTML list! It consists of just one external .js file, in which you specify settings such as whether to persistence the JavaScript menu state (using cookies), the images used to replace the default list bullets, and if any previously open branches should be closed when the current one is open. Very nice.

Category: Menu, Navigation

CrossHair Mouse Cursor II This JavaScript adds a custom cursor to your webpage using an interchangeable image. The result is a custom mouse cursor that can be modified in anyway your graphic skills take you. Elegant and non intrusive effect!

Script tested in IE6+, Firefox 1.x+, and Opera 8+.

Category: Pointer

Another Matrix Background Only with a few code lines, we can make the Matrix effect on the web pages, similiar this JavaScript.

BIAB Colorwheel 2.5 Hover over the wheel to view colors. This script displays colorful wheel on the web page, visitors move mouse on it to get color code. This script's submitted by Draco Merest.

Category: Background

Customize Dropdown Menu Customize Dropdown Menu is designed to display some choices, as: languages, countries, themes,... but it's differrent from original version in browsers. This tool combine CSS and JavaScript to create a dropdown you can add image to tilte, every choice.

Let's try dropdown below and feel differences. Tested: IE 7, Opera 9, Firefox 2, Netscape 8.

Category: Form, Dropdown

Algorithms by JavaScript This package uses JavaScript to build algorithms: Heap sort, Quick sort, Counting sort and Bucket sort. Usefull scripts for teaching. This is a little JavaScript to introduction to algorithms, programming algorithms.

Category: Snippet

SearchHi Automatically highlight word words on a page when that page was reached by a search engine. If you search, for example, Google for some words, and then follow a JavaScript link from the search results to a searchhi enabled page, the words you searched for will be highlighted on that page.

Category: Utility, Search-code

Code Box Editor A code box where users can edit code and preview their results all on the same page. A great way to offer your code snippets to your visitors.

Category: Utility, Generator

openWYSIWYG 1.01 openWYSIWYG is a 100% free cross-browser WYSIWYG editor that replaces plain <textarea>s in your forms. Among its highlights are:

  • Format text, align paragraphs, create lists, insert images and tables, all visually.
  • View the HTML source code of what you're editing.
  • It loads extremely fast and is completely written in JavaScript and DHTML.
  • 100% free, open source application released under the LGPL, meaning you can distribute it in your content management system or custom web application, all free and without restrictions!
  • openWYSIWYG is cross-browser compatible and will work with the most popular internet browsers, such as IE 5.5+ (Windows), Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+.

Category: Utility, Generator
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