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Message with cookie Cookie counting how many times you have visited our resource. With humor :) Try this now!

Category: Cookie

Display time of last visit This JavaScript uses cookies to display time of last visittors.

Category: Cookie

Cookies in JavaScript The JavaScript Cookies provide a complete set of cookie functions. Designed for usability, they make all the details, like setting expiration dates, easy and fast. JavaScript functions makeCookie(), readCookie(), and rmCookie() provide the best solution for writing, reading, and removing cookies. Any JavaScript application now has the capability to access cookies and utilize all of their magical properties. The cookie functions provide high performance, and each one provides return values precisely indicating the success or failure of the requested operation. They allow you to use relative expiration dates, to easily let a cookie expire in a few seconds, hours, days, or years from the present time, or to create a 'session cookie' that safely vanishes when the user quits the browser. The cookie functions also allow you to choose the domain and path for cookies, or to create secure cookies that are accessible only through encrypted pages.

In this JavaScript, you can learn how to set cookies, get cookies, using cookies, change cookies, delete cookies, remove cookies.

Category: Cookie

Cookie Form Saver This JavaScript uses cookies to save information from a form and repopulate the form the next time the user visits.

Category: Cookie

User Name Cookies allow web pages to store information on the visitors computer and to later retrieve that information. This cookie records the visitor's name.

Category: Cookie

Delete those cookies This JavaScript checks JavaScript cookie data and will delete all them if available.

Category: Cookie

Name - Visits - Last Visit This cookies records the visitor's name, how many visits, and the last visit.

Category: Cookie

Num of visits This cookies records how many times the visitor has visited the page and writes to the page accordingly.

Category: Cookie

Number Of Visits This is a different script to records how many times the visitor has visited the page and writes to the page accordingly.

Category: Cookie

Visit Counter This cookies records how many times the visitor has visited the page and writes to the page accordingly.

Category: Cookie
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