
Print - Straight Lotto - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Calculation » Straight Lotto
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/straight-lotto.html

Straight Lotto © JavaScriptBank.comThe code makes 5 random numbers.

Full version: jsB@nk » Calculation » Straight Lotto
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/straight-lotto.html

<script>if ((document.getElementById && document.firstChild) && window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent){(function(){//Choose your lottery format here. var pick = 6;var from = 1;var to = 49;var buttonText = "Lotto Lucky Dip";var initialText = "Your Lucky Numbers";//Scroll down to alter colours and size.var playing = false;var timer = null;var counter = 0;function numsort(n1,n2) {if (n1 < n2) x=-1;else if (n1 > n2) x=1;else x=0;return x;}function justOnce(b){controlButton.blur();if (playing){ return false; }else{ lotto(); }}function lotto(){var rng = to-from;var dum = "";var e = (rng + 1);var draw = new Array();var number;if (from >= to ){ alert("from value must be less than to value"); return false; }if ( (to+1)-from < pick){ alert("Error - You want "+pick+" numbers.\n\n"      +"The range you have entered is from "+from+" to "+to+".\n" +"This leaves "+(rng+1)+" available random numbers."); return false; }playing = true;for (i=0; i < pick; i++){number = parseInt(from + Math.random() * e); for (j=0; j < pick; j){  if (number!=draw[j]){   j++;   }  else{   number = parseInt(from + Math.random() * e);   j = 0;    }  }draw[i] = number;}draw.sort(numsort);for (i=0; i < pick; i++){ disp = dum += (draw[i]+" ");}counter++;document.getElementById("result"+idx).firstChild.data = disp;timer = setTimeout(lotto,50);if (counter > 50){ clearTimeout(timer); playing=false; counter=0; }}var idx = document.getElementsByTagName('div').length;//Alter the display style/looks here!//Do not delete any commas etc!!document.write('<div id="container'+idx+'" style="'+'position:relative;'+'width:160px;height:50px;'+'font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;'+'font-size:12px;'+'color:#000000;'+'background-color:#fffff0;'+'text-align:center;'+'border : 1px solid #000000">'+'<input type="button" id="play'+idx+'"'+'value="'+buttonText+'" style="margin:5px">'+'<div id="result'+idx+'" style="'+'width:150px;'+'font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;'+'font-size:12px;'+'color:#000000">'+initialText+'<\/div><\/div>');var controlButton = document.getElementById("play"+idx);if (window.addEventListener){ controlButton.addEventListener("click",justOnce,false);}  else if (window.attachEvent){ controlButton.attachEvent("onclick",justOnce);} })();}</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->