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In - Biến đổi tọa độ - JavaScriptBank.com

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Tính toán » Biến đổi tọa độ
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/latitude-longitude-converter.html

Biến đổi tọa độ © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng JavaScript này có thể đổi kinh-vĩ độ của một tọa độ trên trái đất từ đơn vị độ sang đơn vị giờ, phút và giây. Ngoài ra, hiệu ứng còn cho bạn biết tọa độ của vị trí xa nhất và khoảng cách(km) từ tọa độ bạn nhập vào.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Tính toán » Biến đổi tọa độ
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/latitude-longitude-converter.html

<script type="text/javascript"><!--/*Created by: Joe Ho */function calc(Location) {  // Retrieve the DD/DMS option  for (var i=0;i<Location.inputType.length;i++) {    if (Location.inputType[i].checked)    {      var inputed = Location.inputType[i].value;    }  }  if (inputed == "DD")  {    // Retrieve Lat and Lon information    var lat = Location.Latitude.value;    var lon = Location.Longitude.value;    if (lat==null)    var lat=0;    if (lon==null)            var lon=0;    // Check if any error occurred    if (isNaN(Location.Latitude.value) || isNaN(Location.Longitude.value)) {      alert("Latitude and Longitude must be numeric");    } else if (lat < -90 || lat > 90 || lon < -180 || lon > 180) {            alert("ERROR");    } else {      //Retrieve the latitude direction for Degrees Decimal      for (var i=0;i<Location.LatDirect.length;i++) {        if (Location.LatDirect[i].checked)        {          var LatDirect = Location.LatDirect[i].value;        }      }      // If the user does not click direct button,      // then a positive latitude value regards North, negative latitude value regards South      if (LatDirect==null) {        if (lat<0) {          LatDirect = "S";          Location.LatDirect[1].click();        }        else {          LatDirect ="N";          Location.LatDirect[0].click();        }      }      // Retrieve the longitude direction for Deg/Min/Sec      for (var i=0;i<Location.LonDirect.length;i++) {        if (Location.LonDirect[i].checked)        {          var LonDirect = Location.LonDirect[i].value;        }      }      // If the user does not click direct button,      // then a positive latitude value regards East, negative latitude value regards West      if (LonDirect==null) {        if (lon<0) {          LonDirect = "W";          Location.LonDirect[1].click();         }        else {          LonDirect ="E";          Location.LonDirect[0].click();        }      }      // Change to absolute value      lat = Math.abs(lat);      lon = Math.abs(lon);      Location.Latitude.value=lat;      Location.Longitude.value=lon;      setAllEnabled(Location);      // Convert to Degree Minutes Seconds Representation      LatDeg = Math.floor(lat);      LatMin = Math.floor((lat-LatDeg)*60);      LatSec =  (Math.round((((lat - LatDeg) - (LatMin/60)) * 60 * 60) * 100) / 100 ) ;      LonDeg = Math.floor(lon);      LonMin = Math.floor((lon-LonDeg)*60);      LonSec = (Math.round((((lon - LonDeg) - (LonMin / 60 )) * 60 * 60) * 100 ) / 100);      // Copy result to the board      Location.LatDeg.value=LatDeg;      Location.LatMin.value=LatMin;      Location.LatSec.value=LatSec;      Location.LonDeg.value=LonDeg;      Location.LonMin.value=LonMin;      Location.LonSec.value=LonSec;      if (LatDirect == "N") {        Location.LatDMSDirect[0].click();      } else {        Location.LatDMSDirect[1].click();      }      if (LonDirect == "E") {        Location.LonDMSDirect[0].click();      } else {        Location.LonDMSDirect[1].click();      }      clickedOption(Location);      // Find the farthest Point Location      farthestPoint(lat,lon,LatDeg,LonDeg,LatMin,LonMin,LatSec,LonSec,LatDirect,LonDirect);    }  } else if (inputed == "DMS") {    // Retrieve Lat and Lon information    var LatDeg = Location.LatDeg.value;    var LatMin = Location.LatMin.value;    var LatSec = Location.LatSec.value;    var LonDeg = Location.LonDeg.value;    var LonMin = Location.LonMin.value;    var LonSec = Location.LonSec.value;    // Assume the value to be zero if the user does not enter value    if (LatDeg==null)      LatDeg=0;    if (LatMin==null) {      LatMin=0;    }    if (LatSec==null) {      LatSec=0;    }    if (LonDeg==null)      LonDeg=0;    if (LonMin==null) {      LonMin=0    }    if (LonSec==null){      LonSec=0;    }    // Check if any error occurred    if (isNaN(Location.LatDeg.value) || isNaN(Location.LonDeg.value) || isNaN(Location.LatMin.value) || isNaN(Location.LonMin.value) || isNaN(Location.LatSec.value) || isNaN(Location.LonSec.value)) {      alert("Latitude and Longitude must be numeric");    } else if (LatDeg != Math.round(LatDeg) || LonDeg != Math.round(LonDeg) || LatMin != Math.round(LatMin) || LonMin != Math.round(LonMin)) {      alert("ERROR");    } else if (LatDeg < -90 || LatDeg > 90 || LonDeg < -180 || LonDeg > 180 || LatMin < -60 || LatMin > 60 || LonMin < -60 || LonMin > 60 || LatSec < -60 || LatSec > 60 || LonSec < -60 || LonSec > 60) {      alert("ERROR");    } else {    // If no error, then go on    // Retrieve the latitude direction for Degrees Decimal    for (var i=0;i<Location.LatDMSDirect.length;i++) {      if (Location.LatDMSDirect[i].checked)      {        var LatDMSDirect = Location.LatDMSDirect[i].value;      }    }    // If the user does not click direct button,    // then a postive latitude value regards North, negative latitude value regards South    if (LatDMSDirect==null) {      if (LatDeg<0 || Location.LatDeg.value=="-0") {        LatDMSDirect = "S";        Location.LatDMSDirect[1].click();      }      else {        LatDMSDirect ="N";        Location.LatDMSDirect[0].click();      }    }    // Retrieve the longitude direction for Deg/Min/Sec    for (var i=0;i<Location.LonDMSDirect.length;i++) {      if (Location.LonDMSDirect[i].checked)      {        var LonDMSDirect = Location.LonDMSDirect[i].value;      }    }    // If the user does not click direct button,    // then a positive latitude value regards East, negative latitude value regards West    if (LonDMSDirect==null) {      if (LonDeg<0 || Location.LonDeg.value=="-0") {        LonDMSDirect = "W";        Location.LonDMSDirect[1].click();      } else {        LonDMSDirect ="E";        Location.LonDMSDirect[0].click();      }    }    // Change to absolute value    LatDeg = Math.abs(LatDeg);    LonDeg = Math.abs(LonDeg);    LatMin = Math.abs(LatMin);    LonMin = Math.abs(LonMin);    LatSec = Math.abs(LatSec);    LonSec = Math.abs(LonSec);    setAllEnabled(Location);    // Convert to Decimal Degrees Representation    var lat = LatDeg + (LatMin/60) + (LatSec / 60 / 60);    var lon = LonDeg + (LonMin/60) + (LonSec / 60 / 60);    if ( lat <= 90 && lon <= 180 && lat >=0 && lon >= 0 )    {      // Copy the absolute value to the board      Location.LatDeg.value=LatDeg;      Location.LonDeg.value=LonDeg;      Location.LatMin.value=LatMin;      Location.LonMin.value=LonMin;      Location.LatSec.value=LatSec;      Location.LonSec.value=LonSec;      // Rounding off      lat = (Math.round(lat*1000000)/1000000);      lon = (Math.round(lon*1000000)/1000000);      // Copy result to the board      Location.Latitude.value=lat;      Location.Longitude.value=lon;      if (LatDMSDirect == "N") {        Location.LatDirect[0].click();      } else {        Location.LatDirect[1].click();      }      if (LonDMSDirect == "E") {        Location.LonDirect[0].click();      } else {        Location.LonDirect[1].click();      }        clickedOption(Location);        farthestPoint(lat,lon,LatDeg,LonDeg,LatMin,LonMin,LatSec,LonSec,LatDMSDirect,LonDMSDirect);      } else        alert("ERROR!!");    }  }}function clickedOption(Location) {        // Retrieve The DD/DMS Option        for (var i=0;i<Location.inputType.length;i++) {                if (Location.inputType[i].checked)                {                        var inputed = Location.inputType[i].value;                }        }        changeOption(Location,inputed);}function resetForm(Location) {        changeOption(Location,"DD");}function changeOption(Location,inputed) {  if (inputed=="DD") {    with (Location) {      LatDeg.disabled=true;      LonDeg.disabled=true;      LatMin.disabled=true;      LonMin.disabled=true;      LatSec.disabled=true;      LonSec.disabled=true;      Latitude.disabled=false;      Longitude.disabled=false;      LatDirect[0].disabled=false;      LonDirect[0].disabled=false;      LatDirect[1].disabled=false;      LonDirect[1].disabled=false;      LatDMSDirect[0].disabled=true;      LonDMSDirect[0].disabled=true;      LatDMSDirect[1].disabled=true;      LonDMSDirect[1].disabled=true;    }  } else if (inputed =="DMS") {    with (Location){      Latitude.disabled=true;      Longitude.disabled=true;      LatDeg.disabled=false;      LonDeg.disabled=false;      LatMin.disabled=false;      LonMin.disabled=false;      LatSec.disabled=false;      LonSec.disabled=false;      LatDMSDirect[0].disabled=false;      LonDMSDirect[0].disabled=false;      LatDMSDirect[1].disabled=false;      LonDMSDirect[1].disabled=false;      LatDirect[0].disabled=true;      LonDirect[0].disabled=true;      LatDirect[1].disabled=true;      LonDirect[1].disabled=true;    }  }}function setAllEnabled(Location) {  with (Location) {    Latitude.disabled=false;    Longitude.disabled=false;    LatDeg.disabled=false;    LonDeg.disabled=false;    LatMin.disabled=false;    LonMin.disabled=false;    LatSec.disabled=false;    LonSec.disabled=false;    LatDMSDirect[0].disabled=false;    LonDMSDirect[0].disabled=false;    LatDMSDirect[1].disabled=false;    LonDMSDirect[1].disabled=false;    LatDirect[0].disabled=false;    LonDirect[0].disabled=false;    LatDirect[1].disabled=false;    LonDirect[1].disabled=false;  }}function farthestPoint(lat,lon,LatDeg,LonDeg,LatMin,LonMin,LatSec,LonSec,LatDirect,LonDirect) {  var farLat,farLon,farLat2,farLon2,farLatDeg,farLonDeg;  var farLatMin,farLonMin,farLatSec,farLonSec,farLatDirect,farLonDirect;  var dist;  if (LatDirect == "N") {    farLatDirect = "S";  } else {    farLatDirect = "N";  }  if (LonDirect == "E") {    farLonDirect = "W";  } else {    farLonDirect = "E";  }  farLat = lat;  farLatDeg = LatDeg;  farLatMin = LatMin;  farLatSec = LatSec;  farLon = 180 - Math.abs(lon);  // Method 1  farLonDeg = Math.floor(farLon);  farLonMin = Math.floor((farLon-farLonDeg)*60);  farLonSec = (Math.round((((farLon - farLonDeg) - (farLonMin / 60 )) * 60 * 60) * 100 ) / 100);  // Method 2  /*    farLonSec = 60 - LonSec;    if (farLonSec == 60) {      farLonSec=0;    }    if (farLonSec >0) {      farLonMin = 60 - LonMin - 1;    } else {      farLonMin = 60 - LonMin ;    }    if (farLonMin ==60) {      farLonMin =0;    }    if (farLonMin >0) {      farLonDeg = 180 - Math.abs(farLonDeg) - 1;    } else {      farLonDeg = 180 - Math.abs(farLonDeg);    }  */  farLon = Math.round(farLon*1000000)/1000000;  farLonSec = Math.round(farLonSec*100)/100;  elev = 200;  farElev = 200;  var dist = distance(lat,LatDirect,lon,LonDirect,elev,farLat,farLatDirect,farLon,farLonDirect,farElev);  var alertMsg="";  alertMsg+=("The location you entered is : " + "\n\n" +  "Latitude: " + lat + " " + LatDirect + "\n" + "Degrees: " + LatDeg + " Minutes: " + LatMin + " Seconds: " + LatSec + " " + LatDirect + "\n\n" +  "Longitude: " + lon + " " + LonDirect + "\n" + "Degrees: " + LonDeg + " Minutes: " + LonMin + " Seconds: " + LonSec + " " + LonDirect + "\n\n" +  "---------------------------------------------------------------" + "\n");  alertMsg+=("The farthest location from the point you entered is : " + "\n\n" +  "Latitude: " + farLat + " " + farLatDirect + "\n" + "Degrees: " + farLatDeg + " Minutes: " + farLatMin + " Seconds: " + farLatSec + " " + farLatDirect + "\n\n" +  "Longitude: " + farLon + " " + farLonDirect + "\n" + "Degrees: " + farLonDeg + " Minutes: " + farLonMin + " Seconds: " + farLonSec + " " + farLonDirect + "\n\n");  alertMsg+=("---------------------------------------------------------------" + "\n");  alertMsg+=("Distance: " + dist + " km ");  alert(alertMsg);}function distance(lat,LatDirect,lon,LonDirect,elev,lat2,ptDirect,lon2,ptLonDirect,ptElev) {  var radLat,radLon,radLat2,radLon2;  if (ptDirect == "S")    lat2 = lat2*-1;  if (ptLonDirect == "W")    lon2 = lon2*-1;  if (LatDirect == "S")    lat = lat*-1;  if (LonDirect == "W")    lon = lon*-1;  var radian = 180/Math.PI;  radLat=lat/radian;  radLon=lon/radian;  radLat2=lat2/radian;  radLon2=lon2/radian;  var dist = calcDistance(radLat,radLon,elev,radLat2,radLon2,ptElev);  dist = Math.round(dist*100)/100;  return dist;}// calculate the distance between two coordinatesfunction calcDistance(lat1,long1,elev,lat2,long2,ptElev) {  var earthEquatorialRadius = 6378.14; // in kilometers  var earthFlattened = 1/298.257;  var exCentricityEarth = 0.08181922;  var radian = 180/Math.PI;  meanPosLat = (lat1+lat2)/2;  meanNegLat = (lat1-lat2)/2;  lambda = (long1-long2)/2;  with(Math) {    si = pow(sin(meanNegLat)*cos(lambda),2)+pow(cos(meanPosLat)*sin(lambda),2);    co = pow(cos(meanNegLat)*cos(lambda),2)+pow(sin(meanPosLat)*sin(lambda),2);    delta = atan(sqrt(si/co));    ra = sqrt(si*co)/delta;    di = 2*delta*earthEquatorialRadius;    ha =(3*ra-1)/2/co;    hb =(3*ra+1)/2/si;    distances = di*(1+earthFlattened*ha*pow(sin(meanPosLat)*cos(meanNegLat),2)-earthFlattened*hb*pow(cos(meanPosLat)*sin(meanNegLat),2));  }  // Taking elevation into consideration  var totalElev, elevDist  totalElevDist = Math.abs(elev - ptElev);  // Convert back to km  totalElevDist = totalElevDist / 1000;  elevDist = Math.sqrt((distances * distances) + (totalElevDist * totalElevDist));  return elevDist;}// --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<div id="demo"><form name="Locations"><input class="script" type="radio" name="inputType" value="DD" checked onclick="clickedOption(this.form)"> <strong>Degrees Decimal</strong><br>Latitude : <input class="script" name="Latitude" type="text" size="5">  North <input class="script" type="radio" name="LatDirect" value="N"> South <input class="script" type="radio" name="LatDirect" value="S"><br>Longitude: <input class="script" name="Longitude" type="text" size="5">  East  <input class="script" type="radio" name="LonDirect" value="E"> West  <input class="script" type="radio" name="LonDirect" value="W"><br><br><input class="script" type="radio" name="inputType" value="DMS" onclick="clickedOption(this.form)"> <strong>Degrees, Minutes, &amp; Seconds</strong><br><strong>Latitude:</strong><br>Degrees: <input class="script" name="LatDeg" type="text" size="5" disabled>  Minutes: <input class="script" name="LatMin" type="text" size="5" disabled>  Seconds: <input class="script" name="LatSec" type="text" size="5" disabled><br>  North <input class="script" type="radio" name="LatDMSDirect" value="N" disabled>  South <input class="script" type="radio" name="LatDMSDirect" value="S" disabled><br><strong>Longitude:</strong><br>Degrees: <input class="script" name="LonDeg" type="text" size="5" disabled>  Minutes: <input class="script" name="LonMin" type="text" size="5" disabled>  Seconds: <input class="script" name="LonSec" type="text" size="5" disabled><br>  East  <input class="script" type="radio" name="LonDMSDirect" value="E" disabled>    West <input class="script" type="radio" name="LonDMSDirect" value="W" disabled><br><br><input class="script" value="Calculate" type="button" onclick="calc(this.form)"><input class="script" name="Reset" type="reset" value="Clear" onclick="resetForm(this.form)"></form></div><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->