
Print - Base Converter - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Calculation » Equivalent » Base Converter
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/a-base-converter.html

Base Converter © JavaScriptBank.comA base converter. Just type a valid positive number in any one of the boxes and click outside the box. The equivalent will appear in the other boxes.

Full version: jsB@nk » Calculation » Equivalent » Base Converter
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/a-base-converter.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- for wise eyes onlyvar hex;function MakeArray(){    this.length = 16;    return this;}function Populate(){    hex = new MakeArray();    hex[1] = "0";        hex[2] = "1";        hex[3] = "2";        hex[4] = "3";        hex[5] = "4";        hex[6] = "5";        hex[7] = "6";        hex[8] = "7";        hex[9] = "8";        hex[10] = "9";        hex[11] = "A";        hex[12] = "B";        hex[13] = "C";        hex[14] = "D";        hex[15] = "E";        hex[16] = "F";    }// function DecimaltoAnother(N, radix)// // return representation of a number N// in the system based on radix //function DecimaltoAnother(N, radix){    s = "";    A = N;    while (A >= radix)    {        B = A % radix;        A = Math.floor(A / radix);        s += hex[B+1];    }        s += hex[A+1];    return Transpose(s);}// function Transpose(s)//// return a string written from right to left//function Transpose(s){    N = s.length;    t = "";    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)        t = t + s.substring(N-i-1, N-i);    s = t;    return s;}function EvalB(form){    if (form.b.value.length != 0)        M = parseInt(form.b.value, 2);    else        M = 0;    form.t.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 3);    form.q.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 5);    form.o.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 8);    form.h.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 16);    form.d.value = M;}function EvalT(form){    if (form.t.value.length != 0)        M = parseInt(form.t.value, 3);    else        M = 0;    form.b.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 2);    form.q.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 5);    form.o.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 8);    form.h.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 16);    form.d.value = M;}function EvalQ(form){    if (form.q.value.length != 0)        M = parseInt(form.q.value, 5);    else        M = 0;    form.b.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 2);    form.t.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 3);    form.o.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 8);    form.h.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 16);    form.d.value = M;}function EvalO(form){    if (form.o.value.length != 0)        M = parseInt(form.o.value, 8);    else        M = 0;    form.b.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 2);    form.t.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 3);    form.q.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 5);    form.h.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 16);    form.d.value = M;}function EvalH(form){    if (form.h.value.length != 0)        M = parseInt(form.h.value, 16);    else        M = 0;    form.b.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 2);    form.t.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 3);    form.q.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 5);    form.o.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 8);    form.d.value = M;}function EvalD(form){    if (form.d.value.length != 0)        M = parseInt(form.d.value, 10);    else        M = 0;    form.b.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 2);    form.t.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 3);    form.q.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 5);    form.o.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 8);    form.h.value = DecimaltoAnother(M, 16);}//-- done hiding from old browsers --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<FORM method=post><TABLE cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 align=center border=0>  <TBODY>  <TR>    <TD align=right>      <P>Binary (Base 2):</P></TD>    <TD><INPUT onchange=EvalB(form) size=27 value=0 name=b></TD><TD><code>Ex: 101, 101,...</code></TD></TR>  <TR>    <TD align=right>Ternary (Base 3):</TD>    <TD><INPUT onchange=EvalT(form) size=21 value=0 name=t></TD><TD><code>Ex: 102, 201,...</code></TD></TR>  <TR>    <TD align=right>Quintal (Base 5):</TD>    <TD><INPUT onchange=EvalQ(form) size=16 value=0 name=q></TD><TD><code>Ex: 123, 104,...</code></TD></TR>  <TR>    <TD align=right>Octal (Base 8):</TD>    <TD><INPUT onchange=EvalO(form) size=12 value=0 name=o></TD><TD><code>Ex: 1207, 12036,...</code></TD></TR>  <TR>    <TD align=right>Decimal (Base 10):</TD>    <TD><INPUT onchange=EvalD(form) size=11 value=0 name=d></TD><TD><code>Ex: 12389,...</code></TD></TR>  <TR>    <TD align=right>Hexadecimal (Base 16):</TD>    <TD><INPUT onchange=EvalH(form) size=8 value=0 name=h> </TD><TD><code>Ex: 12AB,...</code></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->