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Full version: jsB@nk » Calculation » Calculator » Commercial Calculator V1
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/commercial-calculator-v1.html

Commercial Calculator V1 © JavaScriptBank.comThe code makes a commercial calculator code on the web page.

Full version: jsB@nk » Calculation » Calculator » Commercial Calculator V1
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/commercial-calculator-v1.html

<style type="text/css">/* CSS Styles Table*/body {font-size:14px;}input {font-size:12px;}.table{ border-width: 4pt;border-top-color: #6666FF;border-left-color: #6666FF;border-right-color: #3300CC; border-bottom-color: #3300CC; border-style: outset; background-color: orange;}.tabletd{padding: 4pt; border-width: 4pt;border-top-color: #6666FF;border-left-color: #6666FF;border-right-color: #3300CC; border-bottom-color: #3300CC; border-style: inset;}.tabletr{text-align: center;}input.BY  {background-color: #00BBBB;color: antiquewhite;font-weight: 700;}input.BZ  {background-color: #22BB00;color: #000000;font-weight: 300;}input.BB  {background-color: #0000BB;color: antiquewhite;font-weight: 700;}input.BR  {background-color: #CC0000;color: antiquewhite;font-weight: 700;}input.BBL  {background-color: #000000;color: antiquewhite;font-weight: 700;}p{color: #00257E;}</style><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<script language="javascript">var clav = new String();document.onkeypress = new Function("document.getElementById('event');clav=String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);clavier(event.keyCode);"); <!--- Declarations -->var tauxeuro = 6.1230;var calcul = new Number;var mem = 0;<!--- TVA is Tax on the Valor Add, first at 5.5% and second 19.6% in France. Change this functions with taxes of US.-->tva1 = 0.055;tva2 = 0.196;var resultat = new String();var donnee = new String();var retour = new String();fonction = new String();<!--- algorythm of control actions on calcalator= action : eval, actionF : input a function, actionD : input a data.  -->action = 0;actionF = 0;actionD = 0;nombre = new String();document.forms['calculat'].result.value = "0";nombre = "0";calcul = 0;donnee = "0";function addonnee(nombre) {<!--- if eval just done and no function: zero --->if(action == 1 && actionF == 0) {C();}if(nombre == ".") {donnee = resultat;resultat = donnee.concat(nombre);document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat;}else {<!--- erase 0 if result 0 before enter data-->if(resultat == "0") {resultat = "";}donnee = resultat;resultat = donnee.concat(nombre);document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat;<!--- data input, action done  -->actionD = 1; action = 0;}}function adfunction(nombre) {<!-- if function input & no data , it's 2 fonction input -->if(actionD == 0 && actionF == 1) { void(0); }else {retour = resultat;<!-- if no data, data at  0 -->if(actionD == 0) { resultat = 0; }if(actionD == 1 || actionF == 1) { calcul = eval(resultat);calcul = Math.round(calcul*100000000)/ 100000000;document.forms['calculat'].result.value = calcul;resultat = calcul;action = 1; actionF = 0; }fonction = document.forms['calculat'].result.value;resultat = fonction.concat(nombre);<!--- eval done, no data input--->actionF = 1;  actionD = 0; }}function calcule() {<!-- if function already input or no data : not a valid function -->if(actionF == 0 || actionD == 0) { void(0) }else{calcul = eval(resultat);calcul = Math.round(calcul*100000000)/ 100000000;document.forms['calculat'].result.value = calcul;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0; resultat = calcul;calcul = 0;}}function C() {resultat = "0";nombre = "0";donnee = 0;fonction = "";action = 0;actionF = 0;actionD = 0;document.forms['calculat'].result.value = "0";}function annul() {if(action == 0) {donnee = "";if(resultat != document.forms['calculat'].result.value){ resultat = retour; }donnee = resultat.slice(resultat.length-1,resultat.length);if(isNaN(donnee)) {void(0);}else {resultat = resultat.slice(0,resultat.length-1);document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat;}}}function CI() {resultat = retour;document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat;calcul = eval(resultat);document.forms['calculat'].result.value = calcul;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0; resultat = calcul;calcul = 0;}function resultatED (nombre) {<!-- if function already input : not a valid function -->if(actionF == 1) { void(0) }else{calcul = eval(nombre);        resultat = Math.round(calcul*tauxeuro *100)/100;         document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat;donnee =  resultat;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0;}}function resultatDE (nombre) {<!-- if function already input: not a valid function -->if(actionF == 1 ) { void(0) }else{calcul = eval(nombre);        resultat = Math.round(calcul/tauxeuro *100)/100;         document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat; donnee =  resultat;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0;}}<!--- TVA is Tax on the Valor Add, first at 5.5% and second 19.6% in France. Change this functions with taxes of US.-->function tva(nombre, tva, ajout) {<!-- if function already input or no data : not a valid function -->if(actionF == 1) { void(0) }else{if (ajout == "plus") {calcul = eval(nombre);        resultat = eval(eval(resultat) + eval(resultat * tva));        document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat; donnee =  resultat;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0;}else {if (ajout == "moins") {calcul = eval(nombre);        resultat = eval(eval(resultat) - eval(resultat * tva));        document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat; donnee =  resultat;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0;}else {calcul = eval(nombre);        resultat = resultat * tva;        document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat; donnee =  resultat;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0;}}}}function Pourcentage(nombre) {<!------ possible add or multiply % ----> x = 0;y = 0;if (nombre.indexOf("*") != -1 || nombre.indexOf("/") != -1){ resultat = eval(eval(nombre) / 100);        document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat; donnee =  resultat;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0;}if (nombre.indexOf("+")!= -1 || nombre.indexOf("-")!= -1){x = nombre.indexOf("+");if (x == -1) {x = nombre.indexOf("-"); y = x;}resultat = nombre.slice(0,x);calcul = eval(resultat)*(eval(nombre.slice(x+1,nombre.length))/100);if (y == 0) {resultat = eval(resultat) + calcul;}else {resultat = eval(resultat) - calcul;}        document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat; donnee =  resultat;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0;}}function plusmoins(nombre) {<!-- if function already input or no data : not a valid function -->if(actionF == 1) { void(0) }else{calcul = eval(nombre);if (calcul < 0) {        resultat = calcul + (-2*calcul);        }        else {        resultat = calcul - 2*calcul;        }        document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat; donnee =  resultat;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0;}}function arrondi2(nombre) {<!-- if function already input or no data : not a valid function -->if(actionF == 1) { void(0) }else{calcul = eval(nombre)*100;        calcul = Math.round(calcul);        resultat = calcul/100;         document.forms['calculat'].result.value = resultat;donnee =  resultat;<!--- eval done, no function input, no data input--->action = 1; actionF = 0; actionD = 0;}}function memoireplus () {if (document.forms['calculat'].result.value == "" ){void(0);}else {mem = mem + eval(document.forms['calculat'].result.value);document.forms['calculat'].memoire.value = mem;}}function memoiremoins () {if (document.forms['calculat'].result.value == "" ){void(0);}else {mem = mem - eval(document.forms['calculat'].result.value);document.forms['calculat'].memoire.value = mem;}}function memoirerap () {addonnee(mem);}function memoireeff () {mem = 0;document.forms['calculat'].memoire.value = mem;}function aide() {info = window.open ("","aide","width=300pt,height=450pt,scrollbars = yes, tollbar = no, top=50px, left=200px" );info.document.write("<p style='width:100%'>Click buttons or pusch keys to enter your number.</p>");info.document.write("<p style='width:100%'>CI return to the last result.</p>");info.document.write("<p style='width:100%'><- retract the last digit get in.</p>");info.document.write("<p>Ara2 : Rond at 2.</p>");info.document.write("<p>Short cuts : (Lower or Upper case)</p>");info.document.write("<p>Eval by = or Enter </p>");info.document.write("<p>Reinit by Echap </p>");info.document.write("<p>A for round at 2</p>");info.document.write("<p>E for Dollar/Euros</p>");info.document.write("<p>D for Euros/Dollar </p>");info.document.write("<p>Help by ? </p>");info.document.write("<p>Anothers not programmed. You can do it !</p>");info.document.write("<p><a href='javascript:window.close();'>Close</a></p>");}function clavier(code) {<!--- Add the keyboard code touch ! remove the // before alert(code); and get the (lower / upper case) code touch. Link it width desired function-->//alert(code);<!-- data  0  9 --->if ((code >= 48 && code <= 57) || code == 46){addonnee(clav);}<!--- operations +-*/ --->if (code == 42 || code == 43 || code == 45 || code == 47){ adfunction(clav); }<!--- eval by = or Entr -->if (code == 13 || code == 61 ) { calcule(); }<!--- return to zero by Echap --->if (code == 27) { C(); }<!--- A for rounded at 2 -->if (code == 65 || code == 97 ) { arrondi2(document.forms['calculat'].result.value); }<!--- aide par ? -->if (code == 63 ) { aide(); }<!--- E for dollar/euros -->if (code == 69 || code == 101 ) { resultatDE(document.forms['calculat'].result.value); }<!--- D for euros/dollar-->if (code == 68 || code == 100 ) { resultatED(document.forms['calculat'].result.value); }}</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<form name="calculat"><center><table class=table style="border-width: 0px; width: 340px;"><tbody><tr><td style="border-width: 0px;"></td></tr><tr><td style="color: darkblue; font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 18px;"><center><b><big>C</big>ommercial Calculator</b></center></td></tr><tr><td><table width="80%" style="border-width: 0px;"><tbody><tr><td style="border-width: 0px; text-align: right;"><input type="text" size="35" style="width: 70%; background-color: black; color: rgb(254, 235, 155); text-align: right;" name="result" value="0" readonly="readonly"></td></tr><tr><td width="80%" style="border-width: 0px; text-align: right; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">Mem reminder: <input type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" style="width: 43%; background-color: black; color: rgb(254, 235, 155); text-align: right;" name="memoire" value="0"></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td><center><table style="border-width: 0pt;" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td style="border-width: 0pt; margin: 2px 0px;"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v1" value="  1 " onclick="addonnee('1');"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v2" value="  2  " onclick="addonnee('2');"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v3" value="  3 " onclick="addonnee('3');"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v4" value="  4  " onclick="addonnee('4');"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v5" value="  5  " onclick="addonnee('5');"></td></tr><tr><td style="border-width: 0pt; margin: 2px 0px;"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v6" value="  6 " onclick="addonnee('6');"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v7" value="  7  " onclick="addonnee('7');"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v8" value="  8 " onclick="addonnee('8');"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v9" value="  9  " onclick="addonnee('9');"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v10" value="  0  " onclick="addonnee('0');"></td></tr><tr><td style="border-width: 0px; margin: 2px 0px;"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v11" value="  .  " onclick="addonnee('.');"><input class="BR" type="button" name="v12" value="  ?  " onclick="aide();"><input class="BY" type="button" name="v13" value=" .xx " onclick="arrondi2(document.forms['calculat'].result.value);"><input class="BB" type="button" name="v14" value="  =  " onclick="calcule();"></td></tr><tr><td style="border-width: 0px; margin: 2px 0px;"><input class="BBL" type="button" name="a1" value=" M+ " ;="" onclick="memoireplus();"><input class="BBL" type="button" name="a2" value=" M- " onclick="memoiremoins();"><input class="BBL" type="button" name="a3" value="RM" ;="" onclick="memoirerap();"><input class="BR" type="button" name="a4" value="CM" onclick="memoireeff();"><input class="BR" type="button" name="a5" value=" C " onclick="C();"><input class="BR" type="button" name="a6" value=" CI " onclick="CI();"><input class="BR" type="button" name="a7" value=" &#8592; " onclick="annul();"></td></tr><tr><td id="event" style="border-width: 0px; margin: 2px 0px;"><input class="BY" type="button" name="a8" value="  + " onclick="adfunction('+');"><input class="BY" type="button" name="a9" value="  -  " onclick="adfunction('-');"><input class="BY" type="button" name="a10" value=" × " onclick="adfunction('*');"><input class="BY" type="button" name="a11" value=" ÷ " onclick="adfunction('/');"><input class="BY" type="button" name="a12" value=" ± " onclick="plusmoins(document.forms['calculat'].result.value);"><input class="BY" type="button" name="a13" value=" % " onclick="Pourcentage(document.forms['calculat'].result.value);"><input class="BZ" type="button" name="a14" value="&#8364;/$" onclick="resultatED(document.forms['calculat'].result.value);"><input class="BZ" type="button" name="a15" value="$/&#8364;" onclick="resultatDE(document.forms['calculat'].result.value);"></td></tr><tr><td id="event" style="border-width: 0px; margin: 2px 0px;"><input class="BZ" type="button" name="TV1" value="tva5.5" onclick="tva(document.forms['calculat'].result.value,tva1,'x');"><input class="BZ" type="button" name="TV1+" value="+tva5.5" onclick="tva(document.forms['calculat'].result.value,tva1,'plus');"><input class="BZ" type="button" name="TV2" value="tva19.6" onclick="tva(document.forms['calculat'].result.value,tva2,'x');"><input class="BZ" type="button" name="TV2+" value="+tva19.6" onclick="tva(document.forms['calculat'].result.value,tva2,'plus');"></td></tr></tbody></table></center></td></tr></tbody></table></center></form><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->