
Print - User Details script - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Browser » User Details script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/user-details-script.html

User Details script © JavaScriptBank.comThis JavaScript will display information of client computer.

Full version: jsB@nk » Browser » User Details script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/user-details-script.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- // Hide Script from old browsersvar/* OS checking in appVersion by Norman G. King        Email: cable@i1.net http://www.i1.net/~cable*/function mac(){        return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Mac') != -1 );        }/* Netscape reports the processor type, Internet Explorer doesn't */function ppc(){        return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('PPC') != -1 );        }function intel(){        return((navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Intel') != -1) || (navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('; I') != -1));        }function rhapsody(){        return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Rhapsody') != -1 );        }function openstep(){        return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('OpenStep') != -1 );        }function nextos(){        return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Next') != -1 );}function linux(){        return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Linux') != -1 );}function os2(){        return((navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('OS/2') != -1) || (navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('OS2') != -1));        }function win(){          return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Win') != -1 );          }function win95(){          return((navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Windows 95') != -1) || (navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Win95') != -1));          }function winNT(){          return((navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Windows NT') != -1) || (navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Windows NT') != -1));          }function irix(){          return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('IRIX') != -1 );          }function aix(){          return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('AIX') != -1 );          }function sunos(){          return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('SUNOS') != -1 );          }function solaris(){          return(navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Solaris') != -1 );          }function netscape(){          return(navigator.appName.lastIndexOf('Netscape') != -1 );          }function explorer(){          return(navigator.appName.lastIndexOf('Explorer') != -1 );          }// --></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- // Hide Script from old browsers/* Gets browser's name and version by Norman G. King Email: cable@i1.net http://www.i1.net/~cable*/function getBrowserNameVersion(){       return(navigator.appName + " " + navigator.appVersion);     }// --></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- Beginning of JavaScript Applet -------------------/* Finds out the browser name and version and the OS used        and if ActiveX is enabled. By Norman G. King        Email: cable@i1.net http://www.i1.net/~cable*/document.write(getBrowserNameVersion() + "<BR>");if (netscape()) document.write("You are using Netscape<br>");if (explorer()) document.write("You are using Internet Explorer<br>");if (win95()) document.write("You are using Windows 95<br>");if (winNT()) document.write("You are using Windows NT<br>");if (mac()) document.write("You are using a Macintosh<br>");if (linux()) document.write("You are using Linux<br>");if (nextos()) document.write("You are using NeXTStep<br>");if (os2()) document.write("You are using OS/2<br>");if (rhapsody()) document.write("You are using Rhapsody<br>");if (openstep()) document.write("You are using OpenStep<br>");if (irix()) document.write("You are using IRIX<br>");if (sunos()) document.write("You are using SunOS<br>");if (aix()) document.write("You are using AIX<br>");if (ppc()) document.write("With a PowerPC processor<br>");if (intel()) document.write("With an Intel processor<br>");if (document.form.Label1) { //ActiveX Object is there        document.write("You are ActiveX Enabled!<br>")                                   }if (!(document.form.Label1)) { //ActiveX is not there        document.write("You are not ActiveX Enabled<br>")                              }// --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<FORM name=form><OBJECT id=Label1 height=24 width=96 classid=CLSID:978C9E23-D4B0-11CE-BF2D-00AA003F40D0><PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="ActiveX"></OBJECT><BR></FORM><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->