Reveal JavaScript

This script will apply a neat effect to reveal a page's content when the user clicks a link.

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As the name suggests, this DHTML script gradually 'Reveals' the entire content within a web page. The script works with MSIE and Mozilla.

This effect can be used in web pages easily. The script is very configurable. To initialise the script, first download the file reveal.js.

Add the attribute-value pair scroll="no" to your BODY tag. So your BODY tag should look like this:
<body scroll="no">
Place the following code in the BODY section of the page.
<script language="JavaScript" src="reveal.js"></script>
To initialise the script you must place the following in the BODY section of the code :

<script language="JavaScript">
     This script downloaded from
     Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at

//	Customise Reveal	//

The following is required only if you
want the user to click to reveal the page
var clickw=150;		// Width
var clickh=20;		// Height
var clickb=2;		// Border width
var clickc="#000000";	// Border color
var clickbg="#000000";	// Background color
var clickt="Reveal!";	// Text to display
var clickFont="font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold;
color:#FFFFFF"; // The font style of the text /* Following is required to initialise Reveal The function is called in the following manner : initReveal(type,div1bg,div2bg,div1bw,div2bw,div1bc,div2bc,step,timeOut,click) Parameter description : type -> 0 for vertical | 1 for horizantal div1bg -> Background color of first layer (eg. '#CCCCCC') div2bg -> Background color of second layer (eg. '#CCCCCC') div1bw -> Border width of first layer (eg. 1) div2bw -> Border width of second layer (eg. 1) div1bc -> Border color of first layer (eg. '#000000') div2bc -> Border color of second layer (eg. '#000000') step -> The amount revealed every interval (eg. 5) timeOut -> The delay in milliseconds click -> true if user has to click to reveal | false for auto reveal See below for an example of how to call the function. */ new initReveal(0,'#CCCCCC','#CCCCCC',1,1,'#000000','#000000',3,10,true); </script>
If you require any help in using the script, please use my contact page to get in touch with me.
Reload the page to see the script in action!

© 2003 Premshree Pillai.