Page Scroller

Looking for a script that replaces the window's default scrollbars in scrolling the page? This script allows you to use custom images to scroll the page up/downleft/right as the mouse moves over them. This script scrolls the page up or down and left or right simply by hovering over one of the respective arrows. Useful for people without a scrollmouse, but want its functionality.

Sampled by Click the down or left arrows to decrease scroll speed, and click the up or right arrows to increase scroll speed.

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Instructions for Installation

1: Copy and paste the following Javascript in the HEAD section of your page:
Select all...

2: Dont forget to upload the "pagescroll.js" file as well as the arrow images to your server (Keep them in the same directory as the HTML files).

3: There are two variables in the script: dO.xPos and dO.yPos. By default, they are set to null which cause the arrows to be positioned at the bottom right corner of the page. If you set both to a number, then the arrows will be positioned at those x and y coordinates.

Note: This script does not works in Netscape4. There is a bug in Netscape's window.scrollTo() method that causes the window to scroll unpredicatbly when both horizontal and vertical scrollbars are present. Therefore, this script is designed not to work, nor will the arrows appear, in any Netscape browser prior to version 6.
This bug was present in the older version(s) of this script but wasn't noticed until the required scrollbars were present.

If your site uses frames, then my "Framed Scroller" script may be a better alternative. It is much smaller and designed specifically for framed sites.

Below are just some HTML elements to make scrollbars appear to demonstrate the script...











