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Web Safe Color Cube This JavaScript shows a color cube with the 216 Web-safe colors without using any images. The dots blink randomly.

Category: Background

Flashing background with button This JavaScript code will change the background from one color to the next for each of the different colors then it starts the loop over again! There is also an On/Off button to let you start and stop the JavaScript.

Category: Background

Wavy background This JavaScript makes background curl as waves

Category: Background

Color Table onClick This JavaScript will create a color table when visitors click the specified link.

Category: Background

Designs with Filters This JavaScript makes some beautiful vignettes by applying the filters.

Category: Background

Flashing squares A script with the flashing quares. Very cool.

Category: Background

Background Image Swapper This JavaScript automatically rotates through a set of background-images similar to a slideshow. Add as many background-images as you like. Great trick to animate your background. Easy configuration of swapping-speed and background-image.

Category: Background

Fading background effect A fading background script that fades from black to white as someone enters the page

Category: Background

Floating Uncovering Background Animation You can make no sense of this strange script name? Don't worry! Run the script and you will discover a new way to bring your background alive with just one image and almost zero configuration! You may add as many images as you like.

Category: Background

Color Picker Well, here is my color picker. It's very tedious on the part of the scripter, me, but I am sure you will appreciate it on all those occasions when you just can't seem to find the color you want

Category: Background
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