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Floating Uncovering Background Animation You can make no sense of this strange script name? Don't worry! Run the script and you will discover a new way to bring your background alive with just one image and almost zero configuration! You may add as many images as you like.

Category: Background

Background Color Changer Allows for the fine tuning of the window's background color via red, green, and blue color buttons. Click a button to change the color value manually and click Start button to flash background.

Category: Background

Theme Changer This JavaScript allows visitors change theme on your web pages through using the different CSS files.

Category: Background

Link Colors With every new JavaScript link that you touch, JavaScript tells the computer to give the document a new background color. Kind of cool.

Category: Background

Fade Anything Technique Need to draw attention to something new on your Web page? Only need to show it for a moment or two? This JavaScript will highlight it in a subtle manner (or boldly, if you choose).

Category: Background

Web with Matrix background Another script to make matrix effect on your web page. This JavaScript use two characters, 0 and 1 to make matrix, and first character of each column is strong. Very simple to use and modify.

Snowmaker Are you dreaming of a white christmas? Install this ultimate snowing-script and put your visitors in the right mood for Christmas.

No images required. Easy configuration of snowtype, number of snowflakes, snowing-zone, speed and colors. IE5x/6x, NS6x/7x, Opera 7x.

Category: Background

Astronaut Watch as the astronaut floats around in space. His random movements over the background of moving stars gives the perception of space travel. Wow!

Color Changer with Chart This JavaScript helps you identify exactly what color you want by clicking the color lines.

Category: Background

Random color onLoad Every times a visitor comes to a page with this JavaScript in effect, they get a different foreground and background color. However, occassionally you do get a background and foreground color that makes your text unreadable.

Category: Background
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