
Imprimer - Color Chooser - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Arrière-plan » Color Chooser
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/color-chooser.html

Color Chooser © JavaScriptBank.comChoisissez des couleurs de fond et de premier plan en entrant directement la quantité de rouge, vert ou bleu. Vous permet d'incrémenter ou décrémenter en utilisant le '+' ou '-' boutons également. Simple.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Arrière-plan » Color Chooser
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/color-chooser.html

<script language="javascript">/*     This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com     Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com*/// Edward Kodgis II (eddiaka@hotmail.com)<!-- BeginredValue = 255;blueValue = 255;greenValue = 255;redForeValue = 0;blueForeValue = 0;greenForeValue = 0;maxValue = 255;hexValues = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F");i = 0;function toHex(integer) {hexDigit1 = Math.floor(integer / 16);hexDigit2 = (integer % 16);return hexValues[hexDigit1] + hexValues[hexDigit2];}function shiftFG() {redFGHex = toHex(redForeValue);blueFGHex = toHex(blueForeValue);greenFGHex = toHex(greenForeValue);bigFGHex = redFGHex + greenFGHex + blueFGHex;document.fgColor = bigFGHex;document.Interface.fgHex.value = bigFGHex;document.Interface.redFG.value = redForeValue;document.Interface.blueFG.value = blueForeValue;document.Interface.greenFG.value = greenForeValue;}function shiftBG() {redHex = toHex(redValue);blueHex = toHex(blueValue);greenHex = toHex(greenValue);bigHex = redHex + greenHex + blueHex;document.bgColor = bigHex;document.Interface.bgHex.value = bigHex;document.Interface.red.value = redValue;document.Interface.blue.value = blueValue;document.Interface.green.value = greenValue;}function incrementRed(isBackground) {if (isBackground == true ) {redValue = redValue + 8;if (redValue > maxValue) { redValue = 0;}shiftBG();}if (isBackground == false) { redForeValue = redForeValue + 8;if (redForeValue > maxValue) {redForeValue = 0;}shiftFG();   }}function decrementRed(isBackground) {if (isBackground == true) {redValue = redValue - 8;if (redValue < 0 ) {redValue = 255;}shiftBG();}else {redForeValue = redForeValue - 8;if (redForeValue < 0) {redForeValue = 255;}shiftFG();   }}function setRed(value, isBackground) {if(value > -1 && value < 256) {if( isBackground == true ) {redValue = value;shiftBG();}else {redForeValue = value;shiftFG();      }   }}function incrementBlue(isBackground) {if ( isBackground == true ) {blueValue = blueValue + 8;if (blueValue > maxValue) {blueValue = 0;}shiftBG();}else { blueForeValue = blueForeValue + 8;if ( blueForeValue > maxValue ) {blueForeValue = 0;}shiftFG();   }}function decrementBlue(isBackground) {if (isBackground == true) {blueValue = blueValue - 8;if (blueValue < 0) {blueValue = 255;}shiftBG();}else {blueForeValue = blueForeValue - 8;if (blueForeValue < 0) {blueForeValue = 255;}shiftFG();   }}function setBlue(value, isBackground) {if (value > -1 && value < 256) {if ( isBackground == true ) {blueValue = value;shiftBG();}else {blueForeValue = value;shiftFG();      }   }}function incrementGreen(isBackground) {if (isBackground == true) {greenValue = greenValue + 8;if (greenValue > maxValue) {greenValue = 0;}shiftBG();}else {greenForeValue = greenForeValue + 8;if (greenForeValue > maxValue) {greenForeValue = 0;}shiftFG();   }}function decrementGreen(isBackground) {if (isBackground == true) {greenValue = greenValue - 8;if (greenValue < 0 ) {greenValue = 255;}shiftBG();}else {greenForeValue = greenForeValue - 8;if (greenForeValue < 0) {greenForeValue = 255;}shiftFG();   }}function setGreen(value, isBackground) {if ( value > -1 && value < 256 ) {if ( isBackground == true ) {greenValue = value;shiftBG();}else {greenForeValue = value;shiftFG();      }   }}function unHex(string, fgbg) {hex = string.toUpperCase();counter = 0;while (hex.charAt(0) != hexValues[counter])counter++;r = 16 * counter;counter = 0;while (hex.charAt(1) !=  hexValues[counter])counter++;r = r + counter;counter = 0;while (hex.charAt(2) != hexValues[counter])counter++;g = 16 * counter;counter = 0;while (hex.charAt(3) != hexValues[counter])counter++;g = g + counter;counter = 0;while (hex.charAt(4) != hexValues[counter])counter++;b = 16 * counter;counter = 0;while (hex.charAt(5) != hexValues[counter])counter++;b = b + counter;if (fgbg == "bg") {redValue = r;blueValue = b;greenValue = g;document.Interface.red.value = redValue;document.Interface.blue.value = blueValue;document.Interface.green.value = greenValue;}if (fgbg == "fg") {redForeValue = r;blueForeValue = b;greenForeValue = g;document.Interface.redFG.value = redForeValue;document.Interface.blueFG.value = blueForeValue;document.Interface.greenFG.value = greenForeValue;   }}function validChar(char) {for (j = 0; j < hexValues.length; j++) {if (char == hexValues[j]) {return true;   }}return false;}function isHex(string) {if (string.length != 6) { return false;}for (k = 0; k < 6; k++) {if (! validChar(string.charAt(k))) {return false;   }}return true;}function setBGHex(value) {if (isHex(value.toUpperCase())) {document.bgColor = value;unHex(value, "bg");   }}function setFGHex(value) {if (isHex(value.toUpperCase())) {document.fgColor = value;unHex(value, "fg");   }}//  End --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<form name=Interface><table border=4 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td colspan=3 align=center>Background</td><td><input type=text name=bgHex onKeyup="setBGHex(this.value)" size="20"></td><td colspan=2 align=center>Foreground</td><td><input type=text name=fgHex onKeyup="setFGHex(this.value)" size="20"></td></tr><tr><td>Red</td><td><input type=button value=" + " onClick="incrementRed(true)"></td><td><input type=button value=" - " onClick="decrementRed(true)"></td><td><input type=text name="red" onKeyup="setRed(this.value, true)" size="20"></td><td><input type=button value=" + " onClick="incrementRed(false)"></td><td><input type=button value=" - " onClick="decrementRed(false)"></td><td><input type=text name=redFG onKeyup="setRed(this.value, false)" size="20"></td></tr><tr><td>Green</td><td><input type=button value=" + " onClick="incrementGreen(true)"></td><td><input type=button value=" - " onClick="decrementGreen(true)"></td><td><input type=text name="green" onKeyup="setGreen(this.value, true)" size="20"></td><td><input type=button value=" + " onClick="incrementGreen(false)"></td><td><input type=button value=" - " onClick="decrementGreen(false)"></td><td><input type=text name=greenFG onKeyup="setGreen(this.value, false)" size="20"></td></tr><tr><td>Blue</td><td><input type=button value=" + " onClick="incrementBlue(true)"></td><td><input type=button value=" - " onClick="decrementBlue(true)"></td><td><input type=text name="blue" onKeyup="setBlue(this.value, true)" size="20"></td><td><input type=button value=" + " onClick="incrementBlue(false)"></td><td><input type=button value=" - " onClick="decrementBlue(false)"></td><td><input type=text name=blueFG onKeyup="setBlue(this.value, false)" size="20"></td></tr></table></form><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->