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URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/integrate-sexybookmarks-into-your-personal-page-with-javascript.html

SexyBookmarks intégrer dans votre page personnelle avec JavaScript © JavaScriptBank.comSexyBookmarks - Un petit plugin pour le partage de l'utile et intéressant Liens sur les services signet célèbre sociale (si vous ne savez toujours pas ce sujet ou si vous voulez en savoir plus, s'il vous plaît aller à sa page d'accueil). SexyBookmarks prend en charge que quelques flatforms populaire, et que vous utilisez uniquement ce plug-in si vous utilisez Wordpress, Joomla, bbPress et encore plus est Firefox (information page d'accueil de SexyBookmarks's). SexyBookmarks dans votre page personnelle, seulement avec HTML, CSS et JavaScript; aucun serveur exigence de côté.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Tutorials » How-to Tutorials » SexyBookmarks intégrer dans votre page personnelle avec JavaScript
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/integrate-sexybookmarks-into-your-personal-page-with-javascript.html

<script type="text/javascript">/*click handler for SexyBookmarksCredit: Phong Thai Cao - http://www.JavaScriptBank.comPlease keep this creadit when you use this code*/jQuery('.sexy-bookmarks a.external').click(function() {// get the current URL & encode it into the standard URIvar url = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href), desc = '';// parse the description for the above URL by the text() method of jQuery// the text must be placed in the P tag with ID="sexy-bookmarks-content"// so you can change the container of description with another tag and/or another IDif( jQuery('p.sexy-bookmarks-content').length ) {desc = encodeURIComponent(jQuery('p.sexy-bookmarks-content').text());}// detect the social bookmark site user want to share your URL// by checking the className of site that we'll declare in the HTML code// and assign the URL & description we got into the current anchor// then redirect to the clicked bookmark site, you can use window.open() method for opening the new windowswitch(this.parentNode.className) {case 'sexy-twittley':this.href += '?title=' + document.title + '&amp;url=' + url + '&amp;desc=' + desc + '&amp;pcat=Internet&amp;tags=';break;case 'sexy-digg':this.href += '?phase=2&title=' + document.title + '&url=' + url + '&desc=' + desc;break;case 'sexy-twitter':this.href += '?status=RT+@your_twitter_id:+' + document.title + '+-+' + url;break;case 'sexy-scriptstyle':this.href += '?title=' + document.title + '&url=' + url;break;case 'sexy-reddit':this.href += '?title=' + document.title + '&amp;url=' + url;break;case 'sexy-delicious':this.href += '?title=' + document.title + '&amp;url=' + url;break;case 'sexy-stumbleupon':this.href += '?title=' + document.title + '&amp;url=' + url;break;case 'sexy-mixx':this.href += '?title=' + document.title + '&amp;page_url=' + url + '&amp;desc=' + desc;break;case 'sexy-technorati':this.href += '?add=' + url;break;case 'sexy-blinklist':this.href += '?Action=Blink/addblink.php&amp;Title=' + document.title + '&amp;Url=' + url;break;case 'sexy-diigo':this.href += '?title=' + document.title + '&amp;url=' + url + '&amp;desc=' + desc;break;case 'sexy-yahoobuzz':this.href += '?submitHeadline=' + document.title + '&amp;submitUrl=' + url + '&amp;submitSummary=' + desc + '&amp;submitCategory=science&amp;submitAssetType=text';break;case 'sexy-myspace':this.href += '?t=' + document.title + '&amp;u=' + url;break;case 'sexy-facebook':this.href += '?t=' + document.title + '&amp;u=' + url;break;case 'sexy-designfloat':this.href += '?title=' + document.title + '&amp;url=' + url;break;case 'sexy-devmarks':this.href += '?posttitle=' + document.title + '&amp;posturl=' + url + '&amp;posttext=' + desc;break;case 'sexy-newsvine':this.href += '?h=' + document.title + '&amp;u=' + url;break;case 'sexy-google':this.href += '?op=add&amp;title=' + document.title + '&amp;bkmk=' + url;break;}})</script>

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