
JavaScript cet objet : tutoriels et des exemples Cet article JavaScript didacticiel vous des instructions compl?tes rempli et des exemples de code JavaScript pour utiliser cet objet JavaScript Vous pouvez apprendre beaucoup de connaissances de base JavaScript , comme la port?e , d'appeler une fonction/m?thode , etc
Les objets JavaScript : comparer et Clone

? Permettez- Get Started JavaScript Programmation Orient?e Objet

? Quiz de test d'objets JavaScript

? Concepts simples sur les types et les objets en JavaScript POO

? Techniques Object Oriented JavaScript

Étiquette: JavaScript cet objet, cet objet JavaScript, Connaissances JavaScript

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2. Module madness

This one will give you a headache. Examine the following code which uses a module pattern:

window.WhoAmI = "I'm the window object";
var Module = function() {
  this.WhoAmI = "I'm the Module object";
  function Test() {
    this.WhoAmI = "I'm still the Module object";
  return {
    WhoAmI: WhoAmI,
    Test: Test
alert(Module.WhoAmI); // I'm the Module object
alert(window.WhoAmI); // I'm the Module object
alert(Module.WhoAmI); // I'm still the Module object

The code looks logical — so why is window.WhoAmI saying it’s the module object?

We need to remember that we have a self-executing function. It’s results are returned to the Module variable but, when it’s first run, Module doesn’t exist. this is therefore the global window object. In other words, this.WhoAmI = window.WhoAmI = "I'm the Module object".

The function returns a JavaScript object with a WhoAmI property with a value of 'WhoAmI'. But what does that refer to? In this case, the JavaScript interpreter works up its prototype chain until it magically finds window.WhoAmI ("I'm the Module object").

Finally, we run the Test() method. However, Module has now been created so, within the Test function, this refers to the Module object so it can correctly set the WhoAmI property.

In summary, avoid using this within a module to refer to the module itself! You should never need it.

3. Method misconceptions

Here’s another JavaScript pattern which will screw with your synapses:

var myObject = {};
myObject.method = function() {
  this.WhoAmI = "I'm myObject.method";
  function Test() {
    this.WhoAmI = "I'm myObject.method.Test()";
  return this.WhoAmI;
alert(myObject.method()); // I'm myObject.method

In this example, Test() is a private function executed within myObject.method(). At first glance, you would expect this within Test() to reference myObject. It doesn’t: it refers to the global window object since it’s just another function.

If you want to reference myObject within the private function, you’ll require a closure, for example:

var myObject = {};
myObject.method = function() {
  this.WhoAmI = "I'm myObject.method";
  var T = this;
  function Test() {
    T.WhoAmI = "I'm myObject.method.Test()";
  return this.WhoAmI;
alert(myObject.method()); // I'm myObject.method.Test()

4. Referencing methods

Here’s a little code which, fortunately, will work exactly as you expect:

var myObject = {};
myObject.WhoAmI = "I'm myObject";
myObject.method = function() {
  this.WhoAmI = "I'm myObject.method";
// examine properties
alert(myObject.WhoAmI); // I'm myObject
alert(myObject.WhoAmI); // I'm myObject.method

Let’s make a minor change and assign myObject.method to another variable:

// examine properties
alert(myObject.WhoAmI); // I'm myObject
var test = myObject.method;
alert(myObject.WhoAmI); // I'm myObject

Why hasn’t myObject.WhoAmI changed? In this case, the call to test() acts like a regular function call so this refers to the window object rather than myObject.

If you think that’s nasty, wait until we take a look at JavaScript event handlers in my next post!
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