
Phương thức sao chép đối tượng JavaScript Ở bài viết trước - Các hàm JavaScript thiết yếu để tăng lực cho ứng dụng web - jsB@nk đã giới thiệu với bạn một hàm JavaScript có thể sao chép một đối tượng JavaScript, nhưng lại không có nhiều hướng dẫn cũng như chú thích.

Vì vậy trong bài viết này, jsB@nk sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một cái nhìn chi tiết hơn về vấn đề sao chép một đối tượng JavaScript cùng với rất nhiều các trường hợp liên quan phát sinh thêm. Bạn vui lòng vào trang chi tiết để xem thêm.

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Everyone knows Javascript doesnt have classes. Thankfully most Javascript programmers are very good at playing pretend.

Because so many people attempt to introduce a classical structure to their Javscript code, I figure Ill share some of my findings. Below is one way of allowing a base class function to copy an instance of a subclass while maintaining proper type.

Lets say we have an Animal class and we subclass it to create a Cat class. We also want the Animal class to have a clone() method that will return work with its subclasses. That is, if I clone a Cat, I want instanceof Cat and instanceof Animal to both be true.

Lets make the classes real quick. Heres an Animal:

function Animal() {

  // animal stuff
// All of Animal's methods will go into its prototype
Animal.prototype = {
  saySomething: function() {

    return "I am an animal!";
  copy: function() {

    var newcopy;
    if (this.subConstructor) {

      newcopy = new this.subConstructor;
    } else {

      newcopy = new Animal();
    // maybe copy over other values

    return newcopy;

And then the Cat. Typically the easiest way to make a Javascript function be a subclass of another function is to set the prototype of the subclass equal to new baseclass. With cat well go a little further and also save the constructor.


function Cat() {
  this.constructor(); // call animal's constructor

  // cat stuff
// Save the cat's constructor, replace Cat's prototype and constructor
// Then restore cat's constructor as subConstructor
var con = Cat.prototype.constructor;

Cat.prototype = new Animal();
Cat.prototype.constructor = Animal;

Cat.prototype.subConstructor = con
// override the saySomething function
Cat.prototype.saySomething = function() {

  return "Meow!";

There you have it. Cats created this way will be instanceof Cat and instanceof Animal, and so will their clones. We should of course make tests to see, and lucky for us all of them check out OK:

// some tests and their results in the comment
var c = new Cat();

console.log(c instanceof Animal);   // true
console.log(c instanceof Cat);      // true

console.log(c.saySomething());      // "Meow!"
var a = new Animal();

console.log(a instanceof Animal);   // true
console.log(a instanceof Cat);      // false

console.log(a.saySomething());      // "I am an animal!"
var copyCat = c.copy();

console.log(copyCat instanceof Animal); // true
console.log(copyCat instanceof Cat);    // true

console.log(copyCat.saySomething());    // "Meow!"
var copyAnimal = a.copy();

console.log(copyAnimal instanceof Animal); // true
console.log(copyAnimal instanceof Cat);    // false

console.log(copyAnimal.saySomething());    // "I am an animal!"

You might want to use the four lines needed for subclassing elsewhere so its a good idea to stuff them into a function that youd put in a utility class/var somewhere. So we could make:

function derive(base, sub) {

  var con = sub.prototype.constructor;
  sub.prototype = new base();

  sub.prototype.constructor = base;
  sub.prototype.subConstructor = con


And then making a clone-able subclass would be as easy as calling derive after each constructor:

function Cat() {
  this.constructor(); // call animal's constructor

  // cat stuff
derive(Animal, Cat);
// override the saySomething function

Cat.prototype.saySomething = function() {
  return "Meow!";

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