It'll be very easy to view the type of this notification if you're using GMail one the web based environment. Today, the author of this post guides you to build a simple application for displaying the notifications, using jQuery.
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If you're using Ajax, you should give hints to the user when a request
to the server is being made, and you should tell him if something goes
wrong. Gmail does this really well. Here's how I coded it:
First, add this to your layout:
<div id="ajaxNotifications"></div>Add some CSS to make it purty:
#ajaxNotifications {Setup jQuery, jQuery UI, and your own application.js file. This syntax is for Rails, but it's similar in Python:
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
right: 0px;
background: yellow;
text-color: black;
padding: 5px;
display: none;
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>Finally, here's application.js to pull it all together:
<script type="text/javascript">
<% extras = RAILS_ENV == "development" ? "{ uncompressed: true }" : "{}" %>
google.load("jquery", "1.3.2", <%= extras %>);
google.load("jqueryui", "1.7.2", <%= extras %>);
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
// This is the main application object. It follows the module pattern.
var application = function () {
// Private functions and data go here.
return {
// Public functions and data go here.
// Show the user a quick little message.
showAjaxNotification: function(text) {
// Hide the message. If possible, use hideAjaxNotificationIfMatches
// instead.
hideAjaxNotification: function() {
// Hide the message, but only if it matches the given text.
hideAjaxNotificationIfMatches: function(text) {
if ($("#ajaxNotifications").text() == text) {
$(document).ready(function() {
var loadingMessage = "Loading...";
// When an Ajax request is being made, tell the user "Loading...".
$(this).ajaxStart(function() {
// Only if it completes normally do we hide the message.
$(this).ajaxSuccess(function() {
// Otherwise, we give the user an error message.
$(this).ajaxError(function(event, xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
// If we get an HTTP_CONFLICT, it means our data is stale. Reload the
// page. To test this functionality, use two tabs in your browser.
if (xhr.status == application.HTTP_CONFLICT) {
// Otherwise, just tell the user something went wrong.
else {
application.showAjaxNotification("Request failed: could not contact server");
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