
Các ứng dụng JavaScript thiết yếu dành cho trình duyệt Opera Opera là trình duyệt ưa thích nhất của tôi hơn 5 năm nay, nó được tôi dùng làm trình duyệt chính từ 2005; bởi tốc độ tải trang đáng kinh ngạc của nó. Tôi bắt đầu dùng Opera từ phiên bản 6, lúc đó khi tiến hành cài đặt, công ty phát triển tự tin tuyên bố trong lời chào rằng "Opera là trình duyệt nhanh nhất quả đất".

Tại thời điểm viết bài này, phiên bản mới nhất của Opera là 11 beta với hơn 150 triệu người dùng trên khắp thế giới, cùng với hàng trăm, hàng nghìn thư viện/công cụ hỗ trợ để người dùng duyệt web tốt hơn. Trong bài viết hôm nay, jsB@nk muốn giới thiệu với bạn danh sách 10 thư viện JavaScript (UserJS) hàng đầu dành cho Opera.

Những thư viện JavaScript tôi đang dùng cho Opera của mình là: Flash Blocker, NoDelay, Document Viewer và NoAds.

Nhãn: ứng dụng JavaScript, thiết yếu, trình duyệt Opera, tốc độ tải trang, công cụ hỗ trợ

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UserJS has long been one of the most ignored Opera features. In spite of being included in every release since v8, Opera is yet to provide any UserJS manager or installer. Even more shocking is the absence of an official UserJS gallery. So, it's not surprising that a significantly large number of Opera users aren't even aware of UserJS. Back in 2007, I had complied a list of my favourite User JavaScript. However, a lot has changed since then. Here is an updated list of some of the best UserJS' for Opera (in no particular order).

If you don't know how to install UserJS files, click here for installation instructions.

Arrow 1. Download YouTube Videos as MP4


This script makes downloading videos (HD/SD) from YouTube ridiculously simple. You can find more information about this script here. It works in Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer.

Arrow 2. Show Just Image

This add-on strips all the garbage from image hosting sites and displays only the actual image. It is compatible with Firefox, Chrome and Opera and supports almost all the popular image hosting services.

Arrow 3. LongURL/!


URL Shorteners are quite the rage these days. Shortened URLs are convenient, easy to remember and easy to share. However, they have their own disadvantages. Shortened URLs can be misused to spread malwares and other malicious activities. LongURL is a UserJS that lets you know exactly what you are clicking on by displaying the expanded URL as well as the page title. LongURL works with Opera and Firefox and supports 235 URL shortening services.


Another alternative you can try is!. This one supports more than 500 shortening services and has a prettier tooltip.

Arrow 4. Linkify Plus/Anchorize

Does what its name suggests, converts plain-text links into clickable ones.

Arrow 5. Document Viewer

This UserJS for Opera enables you to open csv, doc, docx, odp, ods, odt, pdf, pps, ppt, pptx, rtf, sxc, sxi, sxw, xls and xlsx without any plugins or external applications. It leverages online viewers like Zoho and Vuzit.

Arrow 6. Enhanced Image Sizer/Autosizer


These scripts can resize any image opened with Opera to fit to width, height or both.

Arrow 7. FluffBusting Purity

F.B. Purity managed to ruffle Facebook's feathers and created quite a controversy. Fortunately for us, it managed to solve all the legal troubles and is back in a new avatar to do some more fluff busting. F.B. Purity strips away all the bloat from Facebook and makes it less annoying to use. The full list of features is available here. It works with Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera.

Arrow 8. Flash Blocker


As the name suggests, it blocks all flash elements present in a webpage. You can afterwards download the blocked flash file or add the website to your whitelist.

Arrow 9. NoDelay

This is a SkipScreen alternative for Opera, which removes any waiting period from free download sites like Rapidshare and Megaupload. It also automates the download process by automatically navigating to the appropriate page. This script works with Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome and supports a huge number of services.

Arrow 10. oAutoPagerize

This is Opera's equivalent of the AutoPagerize Greasemonkey script. It is designed to also work with Safari and Google Chrome. Wherever possible, it automatically loads and appends next page to the current page. It is triggered when you scroll to the end of the current page.
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