
70+ ứng dụng AJAX hỗ trợ ứng dụng JavaScript của bạn Hôm nay jsB@nk muốn giới thiệu đến bạn danh sách hơn 70 công cụ, ứng dụng JavaScript, tiện ích AJAX cực kì hữu ích để bổ sung vào các ứng dụng web, ứng dụng JavaScript của mình.

Trong danh sách này có một vài ứng dụng AJAX đã từng được giới thiệu trên jsB@nk như:
- Trình tải nội dung trang với AJAX
- GreyBox: Công cụ tạo cửa sổ popup tuyệt đẹp
- Interstitial Content Box

Và vẫn còn rất nhiều ứng dụng AJAX hữu ích khác trong danh sách này, bạn hãy vào trang trong để xem thêm.

Nhãn: ứng dụng AJAX, ứng dụng JavaScript, công cụ JavaScript, ứng dụng JavaScript, tiện ích AJAX

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In this article tripwire magazine present a list of more than 70 useful AJAX-based techniques and tools you should always be aware of when developing Ajax-based web-applications. The article gives you instant access to Ajax menus, calendars, interactive elements, animation, basic javascripts, visual effects, auto-completion, instant field editing that you browse quickly without looking through endless search results or bookmarks.

AJAX Page Content Loader

This script uses Ajax (DHTML interacting with the server) to let you dynamically include the contents of an external page onto the current document.

Ajax Includes Script

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML or Ajax is not a technology or a programming language as some may think. Ajax is a combination of well known and proven web technologies that used togehter in the right way can improve the responsiveness and user experience of web applications significantly. With Ajax every user action that normally would generate an HTTP request for a new page on the server takes the form of a JavaScript call to the Ajax engine instead. Any response to a user action that doesnt require a trip back to the server such as simple data validation, editing data in memory, and even some navigation the engine handles on its own. Further when information is needed the Ajax engine requests only the information needed saving the load time of a full web page.

Ajax incorporates:

  • Presentation using XHTML and CSS;
  • Dynamic display and interaction using the Document Object Model;
  • Data interchange and manipulation using XML and XSLT;
  • Asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest;
  • JavaScript binding everything together.

Since Ajax came out we have seen that web-developers can create amazing web-applications with it. Web-applications like Netvibes, GMail and many others a level of interactivity and responsiveness that we never thought possible. Modern web-applications can be designed with enhanced user interfaces and functionalities, which used to be the privelege of professional desktop-applications.

Ajax Pop-up Windows


LightWindow is similiar to the other lightbox style scripts. It allows you to put more or less ANYTHING in the pop-up window. Quite powerful.


GreyBox can be used to display websites, images and other content in a beautiful way.

  • It does not conflict with pop-up blockers
  • Its only 22 KB!
  • Its super easy to setup
  • Its super easy to use
  • You can easily alter the style as it is controlled through CSS


Interstitial Content Box

An interstitial is a container that appears over an entire webpage intermittently to display content in an eye catching way. A common example is an interstitial ad, though advertising is certainly just one of many handy uses of an interstitial.

Interstitial Content Box


Using mootools v1.11, this javascript gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website

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