
Utilisation de JavaScript pour modifier la taille de Police de page Web Dans ce court tutorial JavaScript, Nurani vous guide comment utiliser JavaScript en changeant la taille de police de la page Web Peut-

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Actually, almost all browsers have a feature to control the characters on the web pages you visit, by pressing the Ctrl key together with + (to zoom in) or - (to zoom out). But there is one other way of adding such a function "dynamic font size" on your site using javascript.

Here is a script that can be used to facilitate the visitors to control the font size of text on each page of your website/blog. This will be very useful for readers who struggle with small letters, and allow the person to enlarge the font size of your writing, so they are easier to read.

<script type="text/javascript">
var min=8;
var max=18;
function zoominLetter() {
   var p = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
   for(i=0;i<p.length;i++) {
      if(p[i].style.fontSize) {
         var s = parseInt(p[i].style.fontSize.replace("px",""));
      } else {
         var s = 12;
      if(s!=max) {
         s += 1;
      p[i].style.fontSize = s+"px"
function zoomoutLetter() {
   var p = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
   for(i=0;i<p.length;i++) {
      if(p[i].style.fontSize) {
         var s = parseInt(p[i].style.fontSize.replace("px",""));
      } else {
         var s = 12;
      if(s!=min) {
         s -= 1;
      p[i].style.fontSize = s+"px"

The script above will change the font size of text within the paragraph (tag <p>). If you want to use another tag, you can change the getElementsByTagName('p');

Of course, this script only works on the page with pixel sized fonts (letter-sized pixels (px)) compared with relative sized fonts (the relative size of the letters like: "em" and "%"). In addition, if the script does not find the font size of a paragraph, it will use the standard size, which is 12px.

How To Use :

Enter the above script on your blog page (either by typing in the tag <head> or by using .js file external and import). To call the function zoominLetter and zoomoutLetter you can use the following HTML code:

<a href="/javascript/article/Using_JavaScript_to_Change_Your_Web_Page_Font_Size.php/javascript:zoominLetter();">A</a>
<a href="/javascript/article/Using_JavaScript_to_Change_Your_Web_Page_Font_Size.php/javascript:zoomoutLetter();">a</a>

tips: You can change the text A | a with other signs, or replace it with a picture by using tags <img>.
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