
10 thư viện JavaScript hỗ trợ hoạt hóa tốt nhất Các hiệu ứng hoạt hóa, chuyển động dưa trên nền JavaScript, trong các ứng dụng web sẽ trở nên đẹp đẽ, mượt và bắt mắt hơn nếu chúng được quản lý và vận hành bởi các thư viện (framework) JavaScript đầy uy lực. Bài viết này giới thiệu cho bạn danh sách mười thư viện JavaScript được tác giả cho là tốt nhất để hỗ trợ bạn xây dựng các hiệu ứng hoạt hóa.

Thảm khảo thêm: 10 JavaScript framework hàng đầu theo Google, Yahoo, Bing

Nhãn: 10, thư viện JavaScript, hoạt hóa, chuyển động, ứng dụng web, bắt mắt

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Complex and slick JavaScript-based animation has been made easier with the emergence of frameworks and libraries that give developers the ability to create stunning and eye-grabbing animation and transition effects that make it easy these complex tasks.

In this article, you will read about the top 10 JavaScript-based animation frameworks and libraries that will enable you to create engaging and captivating user experiences.

1. $fx

$fx is a compact and lightweight JavaScript animation library which extends native JavaScript DOM methods with its own animation methods and functions. Its small file size (weighing in at only 3.7 KB), hassle-free implementation, and low learning curve makes $fx a powerful option for adding eye-popping animation effects to your web projects. Check out the Examples section on the Manuals page to see the library in action.

2. jsAnim

Created by web developer Kevin Dolan, jsAnim is a JavaScript animation framework for creating high-impact and slick animation sequences for web interfaces. Crafted with standards and best practices in mind, jsAnim allows you to create stunning animation effects without sacrificing web accessibility of your web projects.

3. scripty2

scripty2 is a flexible and lightweight JavaScript animation framework for developing delicious visual effects. The project is still young (alpha), but you can already see its impressive capabilities in the scripty2 demo page which shows examples that rival Flash-based objects in smooth, seamless, and complex animations.

4. GX

GX, developed by Italian web developer Riccardo Degni, is a compact (10KB uncompressed animation effects library that puts strict web standards and best practices at the forefront of its development philosophy. Built on top of jQuery, but heavily influenced by MooTools development patterns, you can customize your GX download to include only the parts you need, making your scripts optimized for file size. Check out the GX Demos to see its capabilities.

5. Glimmer

Glimmer is a framework for easily creating interactive elements on your web pages. Glimmer comes with wizards GUIs, reducing your coding requirements and guaranteeing standardization across your projects. Check out the Image-Sequencer demo to see Glimmer's animation capabilities. It's written on top of the popular jQuery library.
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