
10 thư viện JavaScript hỗ trợ hoạt hóa tốt nhất Các hiệu ứng hoạt hóa, chuyển động dưa trên nền JavaScript, trong các ứng dụng web sẽ trở nên đẹp đẽ, mượt và bắt mắt hơn nếu chúng được quản lý và vận hành bởi các thư viện (framework) JavaScript đầy uy lực. Bài viết này giới thiệu cho bạn danh sách mười thư viện JavaScript được tác giả cho là tốt nhất để hỗ trợ bạn xây dựng các hiệu ứng hoạt hóa.

Thảm khảo thêm: 10 JavaScript framework hàng đầu theo Google, Yahoo, Bing

Nhãn: 10, thư viện JavaScript, hoạt hóa, chuyển động, ứng dụng web, bắt mắt

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6. Animator.js

Animator.js is a class-based way for implementing JavaScript-based animation effects. Its design and development principles follow OOAD, which promotes maintainable and high-lifetime development of applications. Thus, it syntax is prototypal and object-oriented, reminiscent of MooTools and Prototype.js syntax.

7. Scriptio

Scriptio is an open source framework for animation and presentational elements to enhance and enrich the learner's web experience. Scriptio is easy to learn and its terse syntax makes it great for fast prototyping. View the Scriptio Examples page where you will find eight cool demos that exemplify this framework's abilities.

8. Processing.js

Processing.js is a fully featured framework for scripting images, animation, and interaction developed by jQuery library creator, John Resig. Processing.js is a JavaScript port of the open source Processing project. You should check out the Exhibits page to see full-production implementations of Processing.js.

9. Run

For developers looking for a simple means of animating content, Run, a universal JavaScript animation framework, is the definitive way to go. Run emphasizes on ease-of-use as shown by its intuitive syntax and copious amounts of documentation. Run has also been tested on a wide array of web browsers, ensuring utmost cross-browser compatibility. Head over to Run's Example page to see the project in action.

10. Burst Engine

Burst Engine is an open source vector animation framework for HTML 5's Canvas element. Burst provides smooth, slick, and complex animations that will surely leave a memorable impression upon viewers. To see Burst in action, check out the 3D Engine demo (and prepare to get very impressed).
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